DEFENCE AND SECURITY 190 DSC 05 E Original: English NATO Parliamentary Assembly DRAFT AGENDA Landstingssalen, Folketing Center Copenhagen, Denmark Saturday 12 - Sunday 13 November 2005 Saturday 12 November 2005:  9:15-13:00 - 14:30-18.00 1. Opening remarks by the Chairman, Joel Hefley (United States) 2. Adoption of the draft Agenda [190 DSC 05 E] 3. Adoption  of  the  Summary  of  the  meeting  of  the  Defence  and  Security  Committee  held  in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Saturday 28 May 2005 [124 DSC 05 E] 4. Presentation    by    Minister    Hikmet    Çetin  ,    NATO    Senior    Civilian    Representative    in Afghanistan, on NATO in Post-Bonn Agreement Afghanistan 5. Presentation  by  Kai  Eide,  Special  Envoy  of  the  UN  Secretary  General  to  Kosovo  and Norwegian  Ambassador  to  NATO,  on  Kosovo's  future  and  the  role  of  the  international community 6. Procedure for amendments to the draft resolution on Enhanced Common Funding of NATO Operations [195 DSC 05 E] 7. Procedure   for   amendments   to   the   draft   resolution   on   Reducing   National    caveats [194 DSC 05 E] 8. Lunch 9. Consideration of the draft General Report NATO’s out of areas operations  [168 DSC 05 E] by Julio Miranda-Calha (Portugal), General Rapporteur 10. Consideration  of  the  draft  Report  of  the  Sub-Committee  on  Transatlantic  Defence  and Security Co-operation Progress on the Prague Capabilities Commitment [170 DSCTC 05 E] by John Shimkus (United States), Rapporteur 11.     Presentation  by  Robert  Bell,  Senior  Vice  President,  SAIC  on  NATO  Common  Funding: Current Issues
190 DSC 05 E 2 Sunday 13 November 2005:  9:00-13:00 - 14:30-18.00 12. Opening remarks by the Chairman, Joel Hefley (United States) 13. Presentation  by  General  Hans  Jesper  Helsø ,  Chief  of  Defence  (Denmark),  on  Present Deployments and Future Transformation of the Danish Armed Forces 14. Presentation by Dick Zandee, Head Planning & Policy Unit, European Defence Agency on The EDA Approach to Military Capability Improvements 15. Election of Committee and Sub-Committee Officers 16. Lunch 17. Consideration  of  the  draft  Report  of  the  Sub-Committee  on  Future  Security  and  Defence Capabilities  NATO’s  Ongoing  role  in  Balkan  Security [169  DSCFC  05  E]  by  Vahit  Erdem (Turkey), Sub-Committee Chairman and Acting Rapporteur 18. Consideration  of  amendments  and  vote  on  the  draft  resolution  on  Enhanced  Common Funding  of  NATO  Operations [195 DSC 05 E] by  Julio  Miranda-Calha (Portugal), General Rapporteur 19. Consideration of amendments and vote on the draft resolution on Reducing National caveats [194 DSC 05 E] by Julio Miranda-Calha (Portugal), General Rapporteur 20. Discussion of activities for 2006 21. Any other business 22. Date and place of next meeting 23. Closing remarks