International Secretariat –  Secrétariat international Place du Petit Sablon 3, 1000 Bruxelles - Belgique Tél: (32) 2 513 28 65 - Fax: (32) 2 514 18 47 - e-mail: [email protected] - website: http:// To Secretaries of NATO PA delegations 21 October 2005 Dear Colleague Please find attached some revised pages of the NATO PA Delegation Directory 2005. The changes are: MEMBER DELEGATIONS Bulgaria  –  Mr Nikolai KAMOV replaces Mr Stanimir Ilchev as Head of the Delegation and Mr  Yani  YANEV replaces Mr Tchetin Kazak as Alternate Member of the Standing Committee. Iceland – new Head of Delegation and Member of the Standing Committee, Mr Ossur SKARPHEDINSSON. United Kingdom – new Head of the Delegation and Member of the Standing Committee, the Rt Hon Bruce GEORGE. New Secretary of Delegation, Miss Olivia Davidson (alias Libby), replacing Tracey Garratty. COMMITTEES – various positions are still vacant. Best regards, Debbie van der Merwe .: +32-2-513.28.65 (switchboard) Fax +32-2-514.18.47 E-mail: [email protected]