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To Secretaries of NATO PA delegations
21 October 2005
Dear Colleague
Please find attached some revised pages of the NATO PA Delegation Directory 2005. The changes are:
Bulgaria Mr Nikolai KAMOV replaces Mr Stanimir Ilchev as Head of the Delegation and Mr Yani YANEV
replaces Mr Tchetin Kazak as Alternate Member of the Standing Committee.
Iceland new Head of Delegation and Member of the Standing Committee, Mr Ossur SKARPHEDINSSON.
United Kingdom new Head of the Delegation and Member of the Standing Committee, the Rt Hon Bruce
GEORGE. New Secretary of Delegation, Miss Olivia Davidson (alias Libby), replacing Tracey Garratty.
COMMITTEES various positions are still vacant.
Best regards,
Debbie van der Merwe
+32-2-513.28.65 (switchboard)
E-mail: [email protected]