110 SC 06 EÂ
Original: English
NATO Parliamentary Assembly
International Secretariat                                                                                                   May 2006
1. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â At its meeting in Gdynia (Poland) in March 2006, the Standing Committee discussed relations with the European Parliament and decided to create a joint group between the two organisations to discuss areas of common interest.Â
2.        This President suggested that this group could consist of one of the Assembly’s Committee chairmen and one of the European Parliament’s, plus several members from each organization. The group could meet twice a year for half a day on what each organization was doing on key security questions.
3.        The Standing Committee should now decide which of the Committee chairmen would be most appropriate; how many representatives should participate, and how should they be chosen.
4.        An obvious choice would be the Political Committee chairman with the officers of the Committee and its Sub-Committees. This would avoid the need to develop a complex and possibly contentious method of appointing members to the joint working group. One such meeting could take place at the conclusion of the February joint Committee meetings in Brussels. The participants themselves could determine the most convenient time for the second annual meeting of the group.