092 SC 06 E
Original: English
NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Georgia’s relationship with nato
Submitted by the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Mr Pierre Lellouche (France)
at the meeting of the Standing Committee during the Spring Session
to be held in Paris
on Monday 29 May 2006
The Assembly,
1.       Noting the very significant strides that Georgia has made since the Rose Revolution of 2003 in implementing the political, economic and security sector reforms necessary for closer integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions;
2.       Recognizing that the prospect of NATO membership continues to be an important incentive for doing so;
3.       Emphasizing that the Alliance is open to those countries that share its values and meet its standards, and that enlargement of the Alliance has been and remains an important contribution to European security and stability;
4.        Recognizing that reform of economic, political and security institutions in Georgia is a long-term process and that the determination shown by the leadership to pursue those reforms is an important indicator of its progression toward membership in Euro-Atlantic institutions;
5.        Emphasizing Georgia's wish to join NATO and to engage in a Membership Action Plan as soon as possible;
6.       Welcoming the willingness of Georgia to deploy its forces alongside those of NATO members in difficult and potentially dangerous situations;
7.       Concerned that the unresolved conflicts in the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia continue to provide a source of tension in the region and convinced that the prospect of Georgia’s further integration into Euro-Atlantic structures could hasten their resolution;
8.       Noting that, given its role in the current negotiation frameworks, Russia should play a more constructive role in the resolution of those conflicts;
9.       Further Noting that the withdrawal of Russian bases and troops from Georgia is, however, a welcome step, and reiterating the willingness of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly to play a role in contributing to its international monitoring;
10.     URGES member governments and parliaments of the North Atlantic Alliance :
a.        to decide positively following Georgia's satisfactory fulfillment of the goals it set forth for itself in   the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) to begin an Intensified Dialogue with Georgia as            soon as possible and preferably no later than July 2006;
b. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â to provide all necessary technical assistance to Georgia to speed its integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions;
c. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â to find mutually acceptable solutions to the unresolved conflicts that plague the region.