090 SC 06 E

Standing Committee


NATO Parliamentary Assembly




































International Secretariat                                                                                                  May 2006

The draft amendments to the Rules of Procedure that are proposed below result from decisions taken by the Standing Committee at its meeting in Gdynia, in March 2006. Should the Standing Committee approve them, in accordance with the provisions of Article 51, they will be presented to the Plenary Assembly for final adoption on Tuesday 30 May.



I.            Concerning Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Groups


Amendment No. 1


Leave out paragraph 1 of Article 35 and insert the following new paragraph:


1.           Subject to the provisions set out in paragraphs 2 and 3, each Committee is entitled to propose the creation of Sub-Committees, as well as the definition of their mandates. It may also propose the creation of Working Groups, that is, Sub-Committees which work by correspondence and do not travel.



Amendment No. 2


Leave out paragraphs 6,7 and 8 of Article 35 and insert the following new paragraph:


6.           The work schedules of Sub-Committees and Working Groups including, in the former case, travel arrangements and visits, shall be established by their respective Chairmen in consultation with the Rapporteur and with the Chairman of the main Committee, before each annual session. They shall then be submitted to the Standing Committee for approval.



Amendment No. 3


Leave out sub-paragraphs 1. i) and g) of Article 13 and insert the following new sub-paragraphs after sub-paragraph 1. f):


1.           g)           to coordinate and approve the schedule of all the Assembly activities including seminars and meetings of Committees, Sub-Committees, and Working Groups;


              h)           to coordinate and approve the subjects that the Committees, Sub‑Committees and Working Groups propose to consider;



Amendment No. 4


After Article 6, insert the following new article:


Article A


1.           During the intervals between Standing Committee meetings, the Bureau shall be responsible for approving any changes to the Assembly’s schedule of activities.


2.           During the intervals between Standing Committee meetings, the Bureau shall be responsible for approving any changes to the subjects to be considered by Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Groups.

II.           Concerning travel expenses




To take into account the fact that, for many years, travel expenses for the President and the Treasurer have been covered by their national parliament:




Amendment No. 5


Leave out paragraph 12 of Article 35 and insert the following new paragraph:


12.         The Assembly Secretariat is not financially responsible for any travel expenses except those of the Secretary General or the members of the International Secretariat.






III.          Concerning registers of attendance




-             Following the decision to suppress registers of attendance for plenary sittings:



Amendment No. 6


Delete Article 28.




-             Following the decision to have only one register of attendance for the two days of meeting for each committee:



Amendment No. 7


Leave out paragraph 3 of Article 34 and insert the following new paragraph:


3.           During the meetings of a Committee, delegates, associate delegates and Mediterranean associate delegates shall sign the register of attendance.


