European Commission Health & Consumer Protection Directorate-General Directorate D - Animal Health and Welfare Att.: Bernard Van Goethem |
File: 2004-20-52-00488/BH
Application for extension of the tagging period for calves of suckler cows kept for nature conservation purposes in Denmark.
Denmark has both international and national obligations to secure nature protection and landscape conservation. In these nature conservation areas bovines are kept with very little physical contact with humans in order to regulate the vegetation.
The bovines used for this purpose are suckler cows reared under extensive conditions. As the animals are not accustomed to regular contact with humans they may show aggressive behaviour, especially when the farmer/holder wants to ear-tag young calves.
Therefore, having regard to Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 July 2000 establishing a system for the identification and registration of bovine animals and regarding the labelling of beef and beef products and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 820/97, and in particular Article 4(2) thereof, Denmark applies for an extension of the maximum period for applying ear-tags to 12 months for calves of suckler cows that are not used for milk production but for nature conservation purposes in specific designated nature areas in Denmark.
In order to ensure the quality of data in the Danish Central Herd Register in reference to Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 each individual farmer/holder must apply the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, DVFA for a permission to conduct delayed ear-tagging.
To obtain this permission the following demands must be fulfilled:
Ø The area must be at least 30 hectare and managed in conformity with an approved system for nature protection or landscape conservation.
Ø The derogation for ear-tagging can only be applied to animals born in designated nature conservation areas.
Ø The area must be fenced in such a way that no animals without ear-tags can escape.
Ø The animals must primarily be kept for nature protection and landscape conservation purposes.
Ø The animals must be reared under extensive farming conditions and the calves must be suckling their mothers.
Ø The effective livestock density must not exceed 0,8 animals over 12 months of age per hectare on an annual average basis.
Ø Animals must be ear-tagged before leaving the area.
Ø The birth of each calf shall be reported to the DVFA within 7 days with an annotation that it is not ear-tagged.
Ø Farmers must collect all animals twice a year and ear-tag calves that are not already tagged i.e. all younger than 6 months of age. After the tagging it is observed where the calves suckle and the mother-calf relationship is noted under the supervision of a private veterinarian or agriculture consultant, or
Ø If calves are ear-tagged later than 6 months of age the identity of the mother must be verified on the basis of a DNA-test.
Ø All calves have to be ear-tagged before 12 months of age
Ø Areas for which permission to delayed ear-tagging has been granted must be subject to identification and registration and inspected once a year
Ø Results of the DNA-testing shall be documented to the DVFA upon request for a period of 8 years.
Ø Untagged calves will have a special annotation in the Central Husbandry Register
Ø The area will be given a special code in the Central Husbandry Register
Ø In case of an outbreak or suspicion of outbreak of a notifiable animal disease measures will be imposed as if the nature conservation area was an ordinary holding.
Ø In case of an incident of BSE, all animals within the area in question must be DNA tested, to verify the relationship between mother and its offspring.
The DVFA will once a year inform the Commission with a list of nature conservation areas, which have been granted derogation from the ear-tagging rules according to the terms described.
Denmark applies for an extension of the maximum period for applying ear-tags to 12 months for calves of suckler cows that are not used for milk production, in specific designated nature areas in Denmark.
Denmark kindly request that the Commission draws up a Commission Decision similar to the one given to the Netherlands but with regard to the special needs and conditions presented in this request.
If the Commission needs further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Preben Willeberg
Chief Veterinary Officer
E-mail [email protected]