Folketinget — Finansudvalget, Det Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg og Skatteudvalget
Christiansborg, den 16. marts 2006
udvalgenes medlemmer og stedfortrædere.
Besøg fra vietnamesisk delegation af parlamentarikere
En delegation fra det vietnamesiske parlament besøger Danmark fra den 25.-30. marts 2006.
I den forbindelse har de anmodet om et møde med medlemmer af Finansudvalget, Det Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg og Skatteudvalget.
Det er aftalt, at der afholdes et fælles møde
onsdag den 29. marts 2006, kl. 11.00-12.00,
i Finansudvalgets mødelokale (2-011)
med efterfølgende frokost i Snapstinget kl. 12.00-13.30.
Tilmelding til møde og/eller frokost kan ske via den vedlagte tilmeldingsblanket, pr. e-mail ([email protected] eller [email protected]) eller telefon (tlf. 5562 eller 5564). Frist for tilbagemelding er fredag den 24. marts 2006.
Mødet forventes at foregå på engelsk, evt. assisteret af en tolk fra ambassaden. Som bilag vedlægges delegationsliste og program for delegationens besøg i Danmark.
Delegationen er særligt interesserede i emner vedrørende finansloven og de offentlige finanser, forholdet mellem statsbudgettet og de kommunale budgetter, samt relationerne mellem Folketinget og de ministerier, som primært er involveret i statens finanser.
Med venlig hilsen
Søren Koushede,
(Draft programme)
      Visit of the Vietnamese parliamentary delegation to Denmark
(25-30 March 2006)
List of Delegation
1- Mr Tao Huu Phung- Deputy Chairperson of CEBA, Head of the Delegation
2- Mr Cao Tan Khong- Chairperson of Ben Tre People's Committee- Deputy from
   Ben Tre Province - Member of the Delegation
3- Mr Nguyen Manh Cuong- Deputy Head of NA Deputy Group from Hanoi –
   Member of the Delegation,
4- Mr Nguyen Huu Dong- Deputy Head of NA Deputy Group from Nam Dinh
   Province - Member of the Delegation,
5- Mr Pham Ngoc Thien- Deputy Chairperson of Deputy's activities Board,
   Deputy form Bac Lieu Province - Member of the Delegation,
6- Mr Nguyen Minh Tan- Officer from Economic and Budgetary Department,
7- Mr Nguyen Minh Son- Officer from Economic and Budgetary Department,     Â
    8- Mr. Hoang Thanh Hai- Interpreter.
Saturday 25 March         Arrival from Stochom
Sunday 26 March            Sightseeing in Copenhagen
17.30                                 Dinner hosted by H.E. Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Xuan Hong
                                          Address: ?
Monday 27 March
09.30-10.0                   Courtesy call to the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the      Â
                                         Folketing, Mr. Steen Gade (confirmed)
                                         Address: ?
                                         ( Contact person: Sirenetta Pizzichelli Sparsø-  Phone:  33 37 3607)
10.30 -13.00                    Working sessions and lunch hosted by the Ministry of Finance Â
                                         (confirmed with detailed programe)
                                          +10.30 - 11.00: Deputy Secretary Mogens Pedersen on the organisation of the     Â
                                              Danish administration;
                                             +11.00 - 12.00 Head of Section Mads Dinesen Jensen on the macroeconomic  Â
                                             perspective of Denmark;
                                            +12.00 - 13.00 Head of Section Thomas Broeng Jørgensen on the model of    Â
                                              governance in the Danish administration.
                                          Address: ?
14.15-16.30 Working session with the National Audit Office (confirmed with detailed contents)
                +the Danish Audit Law and practical functions;duties and  Â
 powers of the National Audit Office and its organization,    Â
                    +the National (State) Audit's duties in inspection of tax.
 16.15                              Back to Hotel
Evening                          Free
Tuesday 28 March
9.30-12.0 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Working session with the Central Customs and Tax Administration
                                        (confirmed, but not yet with detailed contents)
                Address: Ministry of Taxation
                              Central Customs and Tax Administration
                              Østbanegade 123 Copenhagen Ø.
12.00-14.00Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Lunch time
14.30-17.00                   Visit to the Copenhagen City Council (pending)
17.30Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Back to Hotel
Evening                          Free
Wednesday 29 March
11.00-12 .00                   Joint meeting with the Committee of Finance, Committee of the
                                      Political- Econoimic Committee and Taxation Committee of the Folketing    Â
                                      (confirmed, but not yet with  detailed contents)
12.00-13.30 Lunch hosted by the Joint Meeting Chairman (confirmed)
                                       Address: ?
14.00-17.0 0                 Visitting a local Council (pending)
Thursday 30 March     Departure from Copenhagen
Tilmelding til møde med delegation fra det vietnamesiske parlament onsdag den 29. marts 2006 fra kl. 11.00 – 12.00, samt frokost fra kl. 12.00 – 13.30
i møde:
                                                     (sæt kryds)
Deltager i frokost:
Deltager i møde og frokost:
                                                     (sæt kryds)
Returneres til Finansudvalgets sekretariat senest den 24. marts 2006.