EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC AND MONETARY AFFAIRS "How to raise growth in the Euro area?" A debate with National Parliaments Brussels, 20-21 February 2006 DRAFT PROGRAMME (updated 17.01.2006, 10:00) Monday, 20 February 2006: 20:00-22:00 *19:00 Reception desk opens: entry of ASP building (Venue: Members restaurant, ASP building Groundfloor; simultaneous interpretation available in EN/FR) PART I: "The monetary pillar and its contribution to price stability and growth" 19:30 Serving of cocktail 20:00 Welcome by Mr Josep Borrell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament (tbc) Dinner-Debate with Mr Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank (confirmed) Tuesday, 21 February 2006: 9:00-13:00 *8:00 Reception desk opens: entry of PHS building (Venue: Room PHS-3C050; simultaneous interpretation available in all EU official languages) PART II: "The fiscal and economic policy pillar: fostering growth through structural reforms, increased invest- ments, further policy coordination and budgetary discipline" 9:00 Welcome by Mr Josep Borrell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament (tbc) 9:10 Introduction by Mrs. Pervenche Berès, Chairwoman of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs 9:20 Presentation by Mr Joaquín Almunia, Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Euro- pean Commission (confirmed) 9:40-11:30
- 2 - Open debate1 between National Parliamentarians and European Parliament Members Presentation by Mr Jeremy Rifkin,president of the Foundation on Economic   Trends (tbc) Presentation by Mr Jean-Philippe Cotis, chief economist of the OECD (confirmed) Presentation by Mr Jean Pisani-Ferry, director of the Bruegel economic thinktank (con- firmed) DRAFT PROGRAMME (updated 17.01.2006, 10:00) PART III: "Towards further political integration?: the lack of growth, a challenge for the institutional structure of the euro area" 11:30 Presentation by Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, Chairman of the Eurogroup, Prime Minister and Minis- ter of Finance of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (tbc) 11:45 Open2 debate between National Parliamentarians and European Parliament Members 12:40 Conclusions and summary of proceedings by Mrs. Pervenche Berès 13:00 Closing of meeting __________________________ On the sidelines: Full briefing provided in each official EU language with national contributions and summary Coffee will be served during the meeting Press stand: possibility of addressing the press after meeting A press release drafted by Mrs Berès will be sent to the media after the meeting All information available at: IMPORTANT!  The  Committee  on  Economic  and  Monetary  Affairs  hosts  its  quarterly  monetary  dia- logue with the ECB President Mr. Trichet on 20 February from 17:00-19:00 (room PHS C3050), just be- 1 During the discussion, to allow a maximum number of parliamentarians to contribute, speaking time will be limited to 3 minutes per contribution. Members requesting the floor are kindly asked to inform the chair by raising a blue card placed on each desk. 2During the discussion, to allow a maximum number of parliamentarians to contribute, speaking time will be limited to 3 minutes per contribution. Members requesting the floor are kindly asked to inform the chair by raising a blue card placed on each desk.
- 3 - fore the  start  of the  dinner.  Those  National  Parliamentarians  arriving  early  and  wishing  to follow  the audition are welcome to do so. Please notify the secretariat beforehand: [email protected] Practical information: Registration must be made by email through the secretariat of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs: [email protected], or [email protected] Access badges will be prepared on the basis of the list of registered participants and distributed at the entrance of the Altiero Spinelli building on Monday 20 February from 19:00-20:00 and at the entrance of the Paul-Henri Spaak building from 8:00-9:00 on Tuesday 21 February . Participants  are  requested  to  reconfirm  their  participation  at  the  Dinner-Debate  by  email  at least three days before the Meeting.