15951/05 1 DQPG EN/FR COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 21 December 2005 15951/05 POLGEN 50 NOTE from : Presidency to : Delegations Subject : Austrian Presidency –  provisional agendas for Council meetings prepared by Coreper (Part 2) In accordance with Article 2, paragraph 6, of the Council's rules of procedure, the Presidency attaches for information the indicative provisional agendas for Council meetings prepared by the Permanent Representatives Committee (Part 2) for the period up to 30 June 2006. ________________________
15951/05 2 DQPG EN/FR Austrian Presidency Draft Work Programme for Council meetings prepared by COREPER (Part 2) MAY JUNE 30/31.01.06 27/28.02.06 20/21.03.06 10/11.04.06 15/16.05.06 13/14.06.06 24.01.06 14.02.06 14.03.06 05.05.06 07.06.06 20/21.02.06 27/28.04.06 01/02.06.06
15951/05 3 DQPG EN/FR Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the EP 2. Operational programme of the Council for 2006 / Commission Work Programme (public debate) 3. (poss.) Financial Perspective: IIA 4. Lisbon Strategy: Commission Annual Progress Report = Oral presentation by the Commission Session on External Relations 1. Western Balkans 2. Belarus 3. (poss.) Iran 4. (poss.) MEPP 5. (poss.) Iraq 6. (poss.) Syria 7. (poss.) WTO/DDA
15951/05 4 DQPG EN/FR Possible "A" items Report on proceedings in the Council's other configurations Transparency: list of open debates on acts adopted in accordance with the codecision procedure (Article 8(1)(a) of the rules of procedure) Extension and amendment of the mandate for the EUSR for Central Asia, for Moldova (poss. follow-up to the EUSR Border Team), for Southern Caucasus (new appointment), for Afghanistan, for fYROM, for BiH (new appointment), poss. for the Great Lakes , for the Middle East Visa ban Moldova (review of Common Position 2005/147/CFSP) (poss.) Zimbabwe: Common Position (poss.) Adoption of Joint Action in support of BTWC (poss.) DPRK Preparation of the 11th meeting of the EU-Bulgaria Association Council Presidency programme for Implementation of Common Strategy for the Mediterranean – respectively of the Work Programme and Code of Conduct for the Fight against Terrorism adopted at the EUROMED Summit in Barcelona Nov. 2005 In the margins of the Council Troika with Serbia and Montenegro Association Council with Bulg aria
15951/05 5 DQPG EN/FR Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the EP 2. Preparation of the European Council on 23-24 March 2006: annotated draft agenda 3. (poss.) Financial Perspective: IIA 4. (poss.) Structural Funds: political agreement on draft regulations 5. (poss.) External Action Instruments Session on External Relations 1. Western Balkans 2. Iran 3. (poss.) MEPP 4. (poss.) Iraq 5. (poss.) Uganda
15951/05 6 DQPG EN/FR Possible "A" items Report on proceedings in the Council's other configurations (poss.) Adoption of Joint Action in support of CTBTO (poss.) Relations with Uzbekistan Establishment of the position of the EU for the 7th Cooperation Council with Uzbekistan on 28 February 2006 Relations with South Caucasus Adoption of ENP Action Plans for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (poss.) Termination and possible Follow-up of the Aceh Monitoring Mission ICTY visa ban (poss.) EU position in UN Commission on Human Rights (62nd Session) Communication on EU relations with Latin America (poss.) PPC Russia (Justice, Freedom and Security) EU position for the Co-operation Council with Armenia EU position for the Co-operation Council with Azerbaijan EU position for the Co-operation Council with Georgia In the margins of the Council (poss.) Cooperation Council with Uzbekistan (poss.) EU/Armenia Co-operation Council (poss.) EU/Azerbaijan Co-operation Council (poss.) EU/Georgia Co-operation Council
15951/05 7 DQPG EN/FR Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the EP 2. Preparation of the European Council on 23-24 March 2006: draft conclusions 3. (poss.) Financial Perspective: IIA Session on External Relations 1. Western Balkans 2. (poss.) MEPP 3. (poss.) Ukraine 4. (poss.) Iran, Iraq 5. (poss.) WTO/DDA
15951/05 8 DQPG EN/FR Possible "A" items Report on proceedings in the Council's other configurations Report of the European Council to the European Parliament on progress achieved by the Union in 2005 (poss.) Structural Funds: adoption of Council common positions on draft Regulations EUSEC Congo EUPOL Kinshasa Relations with Romania Establishment of the position of the EU for the Association Council Relations with Algeria Establishment of the position of the EU for the Association Council In the margins of the Council Association Council with Romania Association Council with Algeria Troika Meeting OSCE EU Troika with Albania
15951/05 9 DQPG EN/FR Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the EP 2. Enlargement (poss.) Preparation of the next Accession Conferences with Turkey and Croatia 3. (poss.) Fundamental Rights Agency 4. (poss.) Access to the labour markets according to the treaty of accession 2003: Examination of the report by the Commission on the application of national measures by Member States Session on External Relations 1. Africa 2. Development issues (poss.) EU Strategy for the Caribbean and/or Pacific Regions (poss.) Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) Instruments of development cooperation Energy and development cooperation Follow-up to Monterrey and World Summit (EU annual monitoring report) EU-Aid - Effectiveness (Common CSP Framework) Follow-up UN-Reform 3. Western Balkans 4. (poss.) MEPP 5. (poss.) Iran, Iraq 6. Review of the EU Strategy for Sustainable Development Orientation debate 7. (poss.) Ukraine 8. Sudan 9. UN Summit follow-up
15951/05 10 DQPG EN/FR Possible "A" items Report on proceedings in the Council's other configurations Croatia Adoption of EU position in view of the SA Council with Croatia Preparation of the IV EU-LAC Summit (Vienna, 12 May 2006) and related summits (13 May 2006) Relations with Moldova Establishment of the position of the EU for the 8th Cooperation Council on 11 April 2006 (poss.) Extension EUJUST LEX Burma/Myanmar: (Review Common Position) Information on the preparation of the EU Japan Summit on 24 April Relations with Lebanon Establishment of the position of the EU for the Association Council In the margins of the Council Cooperation Council with Moldova EU-Croatia, Stabilisation and Association Council Association Council with Lebanon
15951/05 11 DQPG EN/FR Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the EP 2. Preparation of the European Council on 15-16 June 2006: annotated draft agenda 3. Enlargement (poss.) Preparation of the next Accession Conferences with Turkey and Croatia Session on External Relations 1. Western Balkans 2. Military Capabilities Single Progress Report Progress Report on Force Catalogue 3. European Defence Agency Report on the Agency's activities during 2005 and 2006 4. (poss.) State of play Civilian Headline Goal 2008 5. Iran 6. (poss.) MEPP 7. (poss.) Belarus 8. Relations with the Russian Federation Information on the preparation of the 17th EU/Russia Summit (Sotchi, 25 May 2006) 9. (poss.) DRC 10. (poss.) EU Africa strategy 11. (poss.) WTO/DDA
15951/05 12 DQPG EN/FR Possible "A" items Preparation of the 45th meeting of the EC-Turkey Association Council Relations with Ukraine Establishment of the position of the EU for the 10th Cooperation Council on 16 May 2006 (poss.) Structural Funds: adoption of Regulations DRC: Review Common Position Annual Report European Parliament ESDP and terrorism Stocktaking of the conceptual framework on the ESDP dimension of the fight against terrorism including the report on interoperability between military and civilian capabilities (civil protection) European Defence Agency Single Progress Report Battle Groups Global Approach Deployability: Progress Report Maritime Dimension Headline Goal: Report EU Information Gathering Instrument and Operational Analysis Tool GCC: Establishment of the position of the EU Adoption of Joint Action in support of IAEA (follow-up to existing JA) EC-ACP Council: adoption of annotated agenda (poss.) JA (SALW Ukraine) Implementation of the EU Joint Action 2002/589/CFSP on the EU's contribution to combating the destabilising accumulation and spread of small arms and light weapons (poss.) Implementation of the UN Programme of Action on SALW (poss.) ESDP conclusions (poss.) Review of common position: Arms embargo against Sudan (poss.) Review of common position: Conflict prevention management and resolution in Africa
15951/05 13 DQPG EN/FR In the margins of the Council EU GCC Joint Council and Ministerial Meeting Association Council with Turkey Cooperation Council with Ukraine
15951/05 14 DQPG EN/FR Session on General Affairs 1. Resolutions, opinions and decisions adopted by the EP 2. Preparation of the European Council on 15-16June 2006: draft conclusions 3. Enlargement Presentation of Commission reports on Bulgaria and Romania (poss.) Preparation of the next Accession Conferences with Turkey and Croatia 4. Sustainable Development Strategy Session on External Relations 1. (poss.) Preparation of EU-US Summit 2. Western Balkans 3. (poss.) MEPP 4. (poss.) Conclusions on the first evaluation of the EU Guidelines on Protection of Human Rights Defenders 5. (poss.) Cuba – 6. (poss.) Iraq 7. (poss.) Iran
15951/05 15 DQPG EN/FR Possible "A" items Report on proceedings in the Council's other configurations External Action Instruments Six-monthly Progress Report on the implementation of the WMD Strategy ESDP Exercise Programme Relations with Egypt Establishment of the position of the EU for the Association Council EEA Establishment of the position of the EU for the EEA Council Update on Progress on strategic Partnership for the Mediterranean and Middle East Reports of ICTY to UNSC Evaluation of the OSCE priorities Althea Mission Review Evaluation of the Human Rights Dialogue with third countries ESDP Presidency Report Conflict Prevention Report EUPM Review EUPOL COPPS Review Exercise Programme (poss.) AMIS Sudan (poss.) EUSR Sudan EUPAD: termination Enlargement Protocols for SAAs Croatia and FYROM (poss.) Review of common position: Arms embargo against DR Congo (poss.) Preparation of the EU-Israel Association Council
15951/05 16 DQPG EN/FR In the margins of the Council EU-Egypt Association Council (poss.) Association Council with Israel EEA Council (poss.) Accession Conference of Croatia (poss.) Accession Conference with Turkey
15951/05 17 DQPG EN/FR 1. Presidency Work Programme = Presentation 2. Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact Stability Programmes: First series of Member States = Adoption of Council Opinions Convergence Programmes: First series of Member States = Adoption of Council Opinions 3. Preparation of the European Council on 23-24 March Annual Progress Report on Growth and Jobs = Presentation by the Commission Report on the Quality of Public Finances = Adoption of Council Conclusions 4. VAT Reduced Rates = Adoption o o o p.m:  Eurogroup
15951/05 18 DQPG EN/FR 1. Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact Stability Programmes: Second series of Member States = Adoption of Council Opinions Convergence Programmes: Second series of Member States = Adoption of Council Opinions 2. Preparation of the European Council on 23-24 March Annual Progress Report on Growth and Jobs = Orientation debate Key Issues Paper = Orientation debate Ageing Report = Adoption of Council Conclusions 3. Taxation Report on the Taxation Conference on 6/7 February in Vienna (poss.) VAT - One Stop Shop o o o p.m:  Eurogroup
15951/05 19 DQPG EN/FR 1. Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact Stability Programmes: Third series of Member States = Adoption of Council Opinions Convergence Programmes: Third series of Member States = Adoption of Council Opinions 2. Preparation of the European Council on 23-24 March Key Issues Paper = Adoption (poss.) BEPG's Update Follow-up European Growth Initiative = Adoption of Council Conclusions (poss.) Better Regulation 3. EU-Budget Discharge Procedure on the 2004 Budget o o o p.m.: Eurogroup Macroeconomic dialogue (poss.) Troika meeting with the EP on BEPG's update
15951/05 20 DQPG EN/FR 1. Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact 2. Preparation of the European Council on 15-16 June 3. (poss.) Draft General Budget 2007: Presentation by the Commission 4. Financial Services 5. EIB General External Lending Mandate = Orientation debate 6. Taxation VAT One stop shop VAT Place of supply of services Corporate tax base Code of Conduct: Report on rollback o o o p.m.: Eurogroup Dialogue with Acceding and Candidate Countries
15951/05 21 DQPG EN/FR 1. Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact 2. Public Finance Report 2006 3. Preparation of the European Council on 15-16 June 4. Financial Services Management of Financial Crises: Report on Crises Simulation Directive on the Legal Framework for Payment Systems in the Internal Market 5. EIB General External Lending Mandate 6. EU-US Dialogue: Preparation of the EU-US Summit Economic issues 7. (poss.) Taxation o o o p.m.: Eurogroup Conciliation with the EP on Financial Regulation IB Governors' meeting
15951/05 22 DQPG EN/FR 1. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council creating a European order for payment procedure 2. (poss.) Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II) 3. (poss.) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion , on behalf of the Community, of the Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on the service of judicial and extrajudicial documents in civil or commercial matters 4. (poss.) Proposal for a Council Decision on the conclusion , on behalf of the Community, of the Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters 5. Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the signing of the Hague Convention on the law applicable to certain rights in respect of securities held with an intermediary 6. (poss.) Framework Decision on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to the enforcement of sentences 7. Framework Decision on the European Evidence Warrant 8. (poss.) Procedural rights in criminal proceedings 9. Framework Decision on the fight against organised crime 10. Council Decision authorising signature by the Presidency of the EU surrender Agreement with Norway and Iceland 11. Follow-up to the Court's judgement of 13 September 2005 (Case C-176/03 Commission v Council) 12. (poss.) Green paper on European Migration Network 13. Commission Communication on the establishment of structures involving the national asylum services of the Member States for promoting cooperation
15951/05 23 DQPG EN/FR Possible "A" items Community Code on the Rules governing the movement of persons across borders Evaluation of the European network for protection of public figures set up by Council decision 2002/956/JHA Reviewed work plan for customs cooperation Discharge Europol Director Règlement Petit traffic frontalier CEPOL: Evaluation report Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules on local border traffic at external borders of the Member States and amending the Schengen Convention and the Common Consular Instructions In the margins of the Council: Mixed Committee Council conclusion on the evaluation of the Nordic countries. The follow up by Portugal on the 2003-evaluation SIS II Visa Information System (poss.) Draft Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules on local border traffic at external borders of the Member States and amending the Schengen Convention and the Common Consular Instructions Visa reciprocity mechanism
15951/05 24 DQPG EN/FR 1. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council creating a European order for payment procedure 2. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II) 3. (poss.) Proposal for a Regulation establishing a European Small Claims Procedure 4. Framework Decision on participation in a criminal organisation 5. Framework Decision on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to the enforcement of sentences 6. Council Decision concerning arrangements for cooperation between Asset Recovery Offices of the Member States within the European Union 7. Directive and Framework Decision on counterfeiting 8. Principle of availability 9. Counter-Terrorism 10. (poss.) External relations - Discussion of the first country thematic reports 11. Regional Protection Programmes 12. (poss.) Proposal for a Council Decision on the establishment of a mutual information procedure concerning Member States' measures in the areas of asylum and immigration 13. (poss.) Proposition de DC relative à l 'organisation et au contenu des échanges d'informations extraites du casier judiciaire entre les EM 14. (poss.) Proposition de DC sur la prise en compte des condamnations 15. Information by the Commission about new Communications