EN 2 EN TIME TO MOVE UP A GEAR: THE NEW PARTNERSHIP FOR GROWTH AND JOBS Last  year  saw  a  decisive  shift  in  the  European  Union,  with  a  new  momentum  agreed  for growth and jobs. In 2005, the logic that our common challenges need common responses was recognised as never before. The renewed Lisbon strategy showed how a European growth and jobs strategy could be, and must be, more than the sum of its parts. The meeting of European leaders at Hampton Court made clear that Europe is indispensable in the search for solutions to  global  problems.  There  was  full  support  for  the  European  Commission’s  analysis  of  the challenges  ahead,  and  for  an  ambitious  framework  for  tackling  them.  All  agreed  that  the potential of the enlarged Europe could not be taken for granted –  action is needed to exploit that potential to the full and to secure sustainable development into the future. This emerging consensus has again been shown in the national reform programmes prepared by  every  Member  State.  They  add  up  to  a  promising  start  for  the  new  approach.  Now  the momentum needs to be stepped up and the national programmes put into action. What are the most urgent steps needed? We need more research and development, with more efficiency and better  coordination. We need to work together on a European scale to ensure that research is translated into innovative products and services, which feeds into growth and jobs.   For   our   companies,   particularly   small   and   medium-sized   companies,   to   compete successfully on an increasingly competitive global market, they must be able to draw strength from a European-wide home  market. A market free of barriers and red tape, where rules are predictable and where dynamic companies can prosper. We  need  more  people  in  work  to  finance  pensions  and  health  care  as  populations  get  older. We need a lifecycle approach to work. Young people need help starting their working lives. Parents  need  affordable  childcare  and  a  decent  work-life  balance.  And  we  cannot  afford  to have people drop out of the labour market when they are in their fifties. We have been reminded in recent times, in various ways, of the importance of energy to our economies.  We  cannot  afford  to  waste  it.  We  need  to  get  more  of  it  from  renewable,  non- polluting sources. And we need security of supply at affordable prices. Competition can help here too. But Europe also needs to speak with one voice in ensuring supply from beyond its borders. So we know what we are aiming for, and we know how to get there. But now for the difficult part: turning goodintentions into action. Reform needs to be the guiding principle for national as  well  as  European  economic  policy.   It  is  vital  that  Member  State  and  EU  measures complement  each  other  to  create  a  powerful  growth  and  jobs  engine.  This  is  our  common responsibility, and the job is not finished until every worker, every business, every consumer can enjoy the benefits of reform. The first year of the strategy has offered real hope that progress towards economic reform is under way, that Europe is on the move. If we can redouble our energies and make reform our top  priority,  the  renewed  Lisbon  strategy  will  be  seen  as  a  genuine  turning  point  towards growth and jobs in Europe. It is up to us all to make that happen. It is time to move up a gear. J-M BARROSO
EN 5 EN TABLE OF CONTENTS Time to move up a gear: the new partnership for growth and jobs............................................ 2 Part I –  Time to move up a gear ........................................................... 66 1. Europe on the move: working together for more growth and jobs ............................ 66 2. Making it happen: the policy response   ................................ ....... 88 b2.1. The Community Lisbon programme    ................................ .......... 88 b2.2. The national reform programmes    ................................ ............... 99 bb 2.2.1. Evaluation of the different policy areas ................................ 1010 bb 2.2.2. Overall conclusions ................................ 1313 3. Moving up a gear: four actions for more growth and jobs..................................... 1414 b3.1. Investing more in knowledge and innovation ........................................................ 1515 b3.2. Unlocking the business potential, particularly of SMEs........................................ 1717 b3.3. Responding to globalisation and ageing ................................ 1818 b3.4. Moving towards an efficient and integrated EU energy policy ............................. 2021 4. Follow-up after the 2006 Spring European Council .............................................. 2323 b4.1. Implementation and monitoring of national reform programmes:......................... 2323 b4.2. Delivery of Community action   ................................ ............... 2424 b4.3. Mobilising all players behind a common agenda................................................... 2424 Appendix –  List of illustrative examples of Member States’ policies and measures in support of the growth and job objectives, particularly in the four priority areas identified in section 3 ................................ .. 2525
EN 6 EN Part I –  Time to move up a gear 1. EUROPE ON THE MOVE: WORKING TOGETHER FOR MORE GROWTH AND JOBS We   live   in   a   fast-changing   and   interdependent   world.   This   provides   us   with   many opportunities  but  we  also  face  many  challenges  if  we  are  to  secure  a  prosperous  and  fair society. Above all, if we are to address the core task of creating more growth and jobs, public policy  at  every  level  needs  to  factor  in  modern  realities  like  globalisation  and  the  ageing  of our population. This is the only way to successfully modernise our economies and safeguard and promote Europe’s values at home and abroad. And delivering results can restore a sense of confidence in our ability to meet citizens’ expectations. At the Spring European Council in March 2005, EU leaders put growth and jobs at the top of Europe’s political priorities.  The renewed Lisbon Strategy meant a fresh commitment by all to  mobilise  behind  a  positive  reform  agenda.  At  its  origin  was  a  recognition  that  success depends on a comprehensive approach, bringing the maximum of levers to bear and touching every corner of every Member State in Europe. This  commitment  was  given  further  weight  by  agreement  on  the  integrated  guidelines  for growth and jobs1, which provide a clear roadmap for the design of national reforms, and by the informal meeting at Hampton Court in October. At Hampton Court, EU leaders analysed how European values can underpin modernisation in our economies and societies and help us to  tackle  key  challenges  in  a  distinctively  European  way.  And  at  the  end  of  last  year,  the agreement in the European Council on the financial perspectives meant another step forward: once  finalised  with  the  European  Parliament,  this  will  open  the  way  to  new  investment  to modernise the European economy. So  there  is  a  common  vision  and  a  strong  consensus  about  what  needs  to  be  done  - supported   at   the   highest   level.   Europe   needs   to   bring   the   full   range   of   policies   and instruments  into  play:  it  cannot  afford  to  pick  and  choose  only  the  politically  convenient options. Sound macro-economic policies are an essential requirement for realising its growth potential. Europe  also  needs a  climate  which  lets  Europeans’  creativity  flow  by  offering  a more  attractive  place  to  invest,  innovate  and  work.  Freeing  business  from  unnecessary  red tape  and  outdated  bureaucratic  controls  encourages  new  businesses,  sparks  expansion  in existing  businesses,  and  creates  new  jobs.  Greater  and  more  efficient  private  and  public investment is the catalyst for the knowledge economy, galvanising the fruits of research and the  high  skills  which  promote  social  inclusion  and  higher  earning  power  over  a  longer, healthier  working  life.  Promoting  eco-innovation  and  spreading  environmental  technologies brings  sustainability  as  well  as  growth.  Modernising  our  labour  markets  and  our  social protection   systems   mean   more   people   in   work,   greater   adaptability   to   change,   higher productivity  and  a  more  sustainable  and  fairer  economic  growth.  And  further  opening  up world  trade  by  reaching  a  successful  WTO  agreement  by  the  end  of  2006  will  create  new opportunities  and  boost  competitiveness  both  inside  and  outside  the  Union.  All  these  goals must be achieved respecting the imperatives of sustainable development. 1 OJ L 205 (06.08.2005)
EN 7 EN The first step to translate this ambition into action has been to set up the tools to deliver the job.This needs a partnership approach, with the right me  asures taken at the right level. Member  States  have  drawn  up  country-by - country  national  reform  programmes  on  the common basis of the integrated guidelines. These are the key tool to drive implementation of the Lisbon Strategy: they offer a checklist of national commitments and benchmarks to monitor progress in the months and years ahead. The  Council,  the  European  Parliament  and  the  Commission  are  working  together  on  the actions  needed  at  Community  level  to  make  the  growth  and  jobs  agenda  work:  The Community   Lisbon   programme2,   which   was   welcomed   by   the   European   Council   in December  2005,  has  started  to  deliver  on  a  substantial  number  of  important  proposals  to complement initiatives taken by Member States. In  many  areas,  the  centre  of  gravity  for  action  lies  at  Member  State  level  (or  regional  or local)  –  such  as  for  employment  and  labour  market  policies     where  the  role  of  the  social partners is also  crucial.  But the  fact that  actions  are  applied locally, regionally or nationally does not mean that they do not have Europe-wide consequences: with the inter-dependence of the single market, even the best performing economies suffer from the shortcomings of others. At the same time, the common challenges faced  mean that responses  can be shared.  All too rarely do governments look to their partners for ideas and solutions. Every country can point to examples of good ideas and good experience. The national reform programmes provide a store of knowledge and experience to be shared and spread: exploiting this treasure trove of best practice to the full is the best way to draw value added from the  Lisbon Strategy. As a first step, this Report proposes a set of key steps as a common programme for national action. In addition, there are also goals which cannot be delivered by Member States acting alone but where  results  require  action  at  Community  level.  The  success  of  many  national  initiatives will   depend   on   supporting   national   efforts   through   Community   action   and   Community investment  making  Europe  the  right  place  to  live  and  work.  The  European  Commission  is committed to driving this agenda forward. This partnership must now be taken into a new phase. The tools are in place. The policy consensus is there. If the Lisbon Strategy is to make the difference, the focus must now shift to implementation. ******* This Communication  to the Spring European Council sets out where we stand on the road to creating a new dynamism for growth and jobs in Europe: Part I evaluates the process of drawing up the reform programmes and highlights a limited number  of  key  initiatives  for  agreement  at  the  European  Council.  An  illustrative  list  of examples  of  national  initiatives  and  measures  is  attached  which  shows  how  a  fruitful exchange of national experiences can bring real mutual benefit. 2 COM (2005) 535 final
EN 8 EN Part  II  is  a  detailed  assessment  of  the  national  reform  programmes,  pointing  out  their strengths as well as areas where they need review and updating by Member States. It also contains an assessment of the euro area. A  more  detailed  analysis  of  the  macro-,  micro-economic  and  employment  aspects  of  the national  reform  programmes  can  be  found  in  annex  I.  As  far  as  the  employment  part  is concerned, this also serves as the basis for the Joint Employment Report. 2. MAKING IT HAPPEN: THE POLICY RESPONSE The two main instruments to implement the new Lisbon strategy are the Community Lisbon programme,  setting  out  what  should  be  best  done  at  Community  level,  and  the  25  national reform  programmes:  each  Member  State’s  policy  response  to  the  key  challenges  they  have identified. These instruments must work in tandem to have the best effect. 2.1. The Community Lisbon programme In   the   six   months   since   its   adoption,   significant   progress   has   been   made   on   the Community  Lisbon  programme.  The  Commission  has  already  adopted  two  thirds  of  the actions  foreseen.  However,  legislative  proposals  will  only  produce  practical  effects  once adopted by Council and Parliament. In addition, many of the financing actions depend on the finalisation and implementation of the financial perspectives 2007-2013. The  Community  Lisbon  programme  includes  a  number  of  important  initiatives  to  tackle  the decisive  cross-border  impact  of  research  and  innovation  and  the  fragmentation  of  European research    efforts:    namely    the    7th    framework    programme    for    research,    technological development    and    demonstration    and    the    competitiveness    and    innovation    framework programme. The Commission has also set out concrete initiatives to improve the research and innovation  environment  in  Europe  in  its Communication  “More  research  and  innovation  for Europe:  a  common  approach3”.   The  7th  framework  programme  introduces  a  new  model  of research support –   joint technology initiatives –  in the form of public-private partnerships to back promising new research and to give European industry a head start in areas ranging from hydrogen  and  fuel  cells,  aeronautics  and  air  transport,  to  innovative  medicines,  and  nano- electronics.  Galileo,  the  satellite  navigation  initiative  and  the  development  of  integrated  rail and air traffic management systems are other key examples of cutting-edge industrial projects which have a strong European dimension. Reforming the Community’s state-aid policy framework for R&D, as planned, will facilitate public - private    partnerships    and    should   leverage    more    private    R&D    investment.    The programme  also  includes  actions  aimed  at  stimulating  eco-innovation  and  the  take-up  of environmental  technologies.  The  framework  may  be  extended  to  cover  new  provisions  to support  innovation,  especially  for  small  and  medium-sized  enterprises.  In  addition,  state support  to  young  and  innovative  companies  should  be  facilitated,  not  only  through  direct financial  support  but  also  through  easier  access  to  risk  capital  funding.  As  an  additional important  step  in  the  delivery  of  the  Community  Lisbon  programme,  the  Commission  has launched  a  new,  more  integrated  industrial  policy  to  improve  the  framework  conditions  for manufacturing  industries.  These  industries  employ  more  than  34  million  people,  accounting for more than 80% of EU private sector R&D expenditure. 3 COM (2005) 488 final
EN 9 EN A  number  of  actions  in  the  Community  Lisbon  programme  aim  at  making  Europe  a  more attractive place to invest and work. These include initiatives to make the internal market for services  a  reality,  steps  to  drive  forward  regulatory  reform,  improve  the  tax  and  customs environment  for  economic  activity,  and  promoting  market  access  and  more  competitive markets,  particularly  in  energy  and  financial  services  where  the  Commission  has  launched inquiries . Legislation  has  been  proposed  to  create  a  “ single  payment  area”  in  the   EU,  to  make  cross- border payments as easy and affordable as domestic payments. This alone could save the EU economy  between  â‚¬50  and  â‚¬100  bn  per  year.  Other  notable  initiatives  include  improving access to venture capital, particularly for SMEs. New Community funding, for example in the form   of   guarantees   and   risk   capital   investments,   will   become   available   through   the competitiveness  and  innovation  programme.  This  programme  will  also  help  bring  to  market innovative  solutions  to  improve  energy  supply  (in  particular  for  renewables)  as  well  as demand (through  energy efficiency measures).  In addition, the Commission has put forward ambitious  measures  to  help  the  creation  of  more  and  better  jobs  through  the  removal  of obstacles to mobility, a common approach to economic migration and efforts to deal with the social consequences of economic restructuring. Community institutions and Member States have a shared responsibility for the quality of the regulatory environment. The Commission has stepped up its efforts to improve the quality of Community legislation. The impact of these actions will of course be much greater if they are matched  by  a  determined  effort  by  Member  States  to  improve  the  quality  of  their  national rules and reduce the administrative costs they impose on citizens and businesses. 2.2. The national reform programmes Nearly one year into the new Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobs, the partnership is off to a promising start. Responsibilities for action are clearly defined. All Member States have drawn up a national reform programme on the basis of  a single set of integrated policy  guidelines. These national reform programmes are the main tools to implement the new Lisbon Strategy, to translate the integrated policy guidelines into reform owned by Member States and which Member States are responsible for delivering. The fact that all Member States have done so, often under tight deadlines, has been an important first test. In line with the new partnership approach, and to facilitate co-operation and public visibility, all Member States have appointed national Lisbon co-ordinators. Meanwhile, many Member States  have  used  the  opportunity  of  drafting   national  reform  programmes  to  streamline internal    co-ordination    between    different    government    departments. For    its    part,    the Commission  has  maintained  close  contacts  with  the  national  authorities  responsible  for  the preparation of the national reform programmes, helping where it can to make national policy development work well. The Commission has carefully assessed each national reform programme, taking into account work  carried  out  by  the  Economic  Policy  and  the  Employment  Committees4.  A  detailed 4 Economic Policy Committee: Report on the Lisbon National Reform Programmes 2005, ECFIN/EPC(2005)REP/55392, available under: http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/epc/documents/2005/nationalreports/nrp_report_en.pdf. The Employment Committee’s so-called Cambridge review country examinations of the employment sections of the national reform programmes are available at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/employment_strategy/emco_en.htm.
EN 10 EN assessment of each national programme, pointing out particular strengths as well as a number of  issues  which  can  be  further  developed  and  strengthened,  can  be  found  in  Part  II.  The Commission encourages Member States to take up the points highlighted in its conclusions. It will give particular attention to these aspects in its follow up discussions with Member States and its monitoring of the implementation of the national reform programmes throughout 2006. In  the  interest  of  consolidation  and  stability  of  the  process,  the  Commission  proposes  to maintain the integrated guidelines on the basis of which the national programmes have been drawn  up.  In  addition,  the  Commission  has  decided  not  to  propose  formal,  country-specific recommendations in response to the national reform programmes. This is the first year of the partnership: national reform programmes need some time to be  fully integrated into national policies and structures. The Commission attaches high priority to forging a strong relationship of  trust  and  co-operation  with  Member  States,  based  on  ownership  of  the  programmes  by Member   States   themselves.   However,   the   Commission   will   not   refrain   from   using   the instruments  at  its  disposal,  including  proposing  country-specific  recommendations,  when  it considers that this contributes to the smooth implementation of the Lisbon Strategy. In  spite  of  the  tight  time  schedule,  most  Member  States  have  made  a  real  effort  to  involve national parliaments, stakeholders, and representatives from regional and local authorities in the formulation of their national programme. As the Lisbon strategy is a medium to long-term agenda  requiring  implementation  on  the  ground,  the  sustained  involvement  of  parliaments, local  governments,  social  partners  and  civil  society  is  essential.  In  fact,  public  acceptance depends on citizens and businesses recognising that reform is needed  and will help improve their  lives;  an  ownership  that  can  only  come  from  having  a  role  in  shaping  reform,  either directly or through representative organisations. A lot remains to be done to convince people that reforms will contribute to greater, shared prosperity and to involve them in the process. This will require a major effort from both Member States and the EU institutions. 2.2.1. Evaluation of the different policy areas The integrated guidelines set out three main policy areas for action: the macro-economic, the micro-economic,   and   the   employment   dimensions.   Conclusions   can   be   drawn   from   the national reform programmes in these three areas. The macro-economic dimension Budgetary discipline stands out as the most important macroeconomic challenge identified by  Member  States.  It  is  typically  formulated  in  terms  of  public  finance  sustainability  - pension,  health  and  labour  market  reforms  as  well  as  short-term  budgetary  consolidation are tools to ensure the long-term sustainability of public finances in an ageing society. The related  challenge  of  improving  the  quality  of  public  finances  tends  to  be  addressed  by measures  aimed  at  increasing  the  efficiency  of  the  public  administration.  Some  new Member  States  have  identified  the  introduction  of  the  euro  as  a  key  policy  challenge requiring   budgetary  consolidation  and  the  convergence  of  inflation  rates  to  euro  area levels. Other factors mentioned by some Member States include the external account and price stability. To balance public finances, Member States tend to prefer spending cuts to increased taxes, though the source of the cuts is often unclear. However, the specific measures to achieve short-term   budgetary   consolidation   are   not   spelled   out   in   enough   detail   in   several countries, particularly within the euro area. Most Member States clearly have the intention
EN 11 EN to   improve   the   quality   of   public   finances   by   setting   aside   public   resources   for strengthening  infrastructure,  human  capital  and  R&D  investment.  However,  few  national reform programmes are explicit about the budgetary implications of proposed measures. Member States participating in the euro have presented rather comprehensive and mostly forward  looking  national  programmes  to  ensure  the  sustainability  of  public  finances,  to boost  labour  productivity  through  R&D,  innovation  and  attractive  business  environment, and to increase employment and participation rates. Measures are mainly aimed to raising the effective pension retirement age, increasing labour supply and cutting red tape. These programmes  are  broadly  supported  by  the  Commission. However,  measures  should  also aim to improve budgetary positions faster, to support labour market adjustments, to create more competitive and integrated markets for services, and to complete a better functioning internal market. Over  the  coming  decades,  ageing  populations  in  Europe  will  put  increasing  pressure  on public  finances.  Member  States  recognise  that  modernising  public  and  private  retirement and pension systems is an essential prerequisite for ensuring public finance sustainability, while  responding  to  social  concerns  and  economic  changes.  However,  in  most  countries, the measures already taken or envisaged appear to be piecemeal or insufficient. It  is  important  that  the  overall  reform  strategy  is  coherent,  with  reforms  in  one  area supporting  those  in  another.  In  this  respect,  some  Member  States  make  a  link  between sustainable public finance and reduced unemployment (lower unemployment benefit costs; higher  tax  revenues  resulting  from  a  better  use  of  labour).  Such  an  integrated  approach strengthens the coherence between the different parts of the national reform programmes. The micro-economic dimension The  need  to  build  a  knowledge  economy  and  to  improve  Europe’s  attractiveness  as  a location  to  do  business  and  invest  is  generally  well  reflected  in  the  national  reform programmes.  Research  and  innovation  policies  are  key  priorities  for  all  Member  States. Many  Member  States  highlight  actions  to  strengthen  the  industrial  base,  in  particular through the promotion of clusters. These clusters combine universities, research institutes, small and large  enterprises which through their close co-operation  and interaction have a positive impact on innovation and knowledge transfer. This, in turn, generates considerable benefits  for  the  economy  as  a  whole.  Member  States  recognise  that  facilitating  access  to finance is an important issue, even though they take different approaches to achieve this. Most  Member  States  also  highlight  the  business  environment  and  entrepreneurship,  the sustainable   use   of   resources   (including   renewables   and   energy   efficiency),   transport connections and logistics among the main issues to be tackled. If  R&D  spending  targets  are  met  in  the  eighteen  countries  that  have  set  them  (in  some cases, partially), R&D expenditure is estimated to go up to aroun d 2. 6% by 2010 . Spending as a share of GDP has been more or less stagnant since 2001 at around 1.9% for the EU. In the medium to long term a further strengthening of national R&D and innovation systems will be necessary in most Member States. In addition, whilst all Member States appreciate the   importance   of   the   spread   and   effective   use   of   information   and   communication technologies  and  environmental  technologies,  the  link  between  the  identified  challenges and the measures proposed to address them is not always clear. The  national  reform  programmes  contain  many  examples  of  interesting  policy  initiatives across a range of policy areas. For example, most Member States are looking to exploit the
EN 12 EN synergies   between   economic   growth   and   environmental   protection   (by   investing   in alternative  sources  of  energy,  by  promoting  energy  efficiency,  and  by  promoting  eco- innovation  and  protecting  natural  assets).  Most  national  programmes  also  focus  on  the importance  of  modern  transport  infrastructure   and  of  information  and  communication technologies  (e.g.  broadband  availability).  These  are  examples  of  precisely  the  kind  of investments that Member States should seek to promote with the help of the resources of cohesion and rural development policies. The  functioning  of  the  internal  market  and  the  need  to  enhance  competition  and  market access in general deserved greater attention. Only a few Member States mention concrete actions,   for   example,   to   ensure   full   implementation   of   Community   directives,   where greater efforts need to be made, for example on the effective opening of energy markets, to improve  access  to  public  procurement  contracts  or  to  ensure  effective  competition  in services. Regarding SMEs, most programmes do not go far enough to foster a more positive attitude towards entrepreneurship  and to encourage more people to start their own business. There is an important role here for education, for making it easier to transfer existing businesses, and for reducing the stigma of failure. Additional measures regarding access to finance or related targeted measures to improve investment should also be considered. Better  regulation  is  crucial  to  creating  a  more  competitive  business  environment  and removing  obstacles  to  innovation  and  change.  Nearly  all  Member  States  address  parts  of this  agenda,  but  in  many   cases,  a  more  integrated   approach  is  necessary.  Action   at Community level is necessary, but will not in itself be sufficient. Much of the rule-making affecting business, for example in taxation, social security or regional planning, is done at national  (or  local)  level.  There  are  also  important  differences  in  the  way  Community directives are implemented by Member States, which may give rise to administrative costs which  the  Community  measure  itself  does  not  require.  To  see  a  real  difference  in  the business environment, a culture change in the way decisions are prepared and taken will be needed. A   comprehensive   and   co-ordinated   implementation   of   the   different   microeconomic policies  will  generate  much  greater  benefits  than  the  sum  of  the  individual  policies  put together.  For  instance,  the  gains  from  increased  investment  in  R&D  will  be  higher  when new technologies are swiftly adopted by the market, which in turn depends on the degree of competition in product and service markets. The employment dimension All   programmes   attach   high   importance   to   attracting   and   retaining   more   people   in employment.  This  is  vital  to  address  the  impact  of  ageing  on  the  labour  supply  and  the sustainability of public finances. Seventeen Member States now plan their measures with the  help  of  national  employment  rate  targets.  Particular  efforts  are  made  or  foreseen  to improve the employment situation of women. Other measures are developed to help older workers,  to  support  the  integration  of  young  and  disadvantaged  people  into  the  labour market and to modernise social protection systems. These efforts are broadly in line with commitments  taken  in  the  framework  of  the  Community  objectives  for  social  protection and social inclusion. However, the effectiveness and sustainability of these is hampered by a tendency towards piecemeal policies. The chances of ensuring effective delivery  would
EN 13 EN be  enhanced  if  they  were  based  on  lifecycle  approaches  to  facilitate  swifter  employment transitions throughout a career. The importance of further measures to improve the adaptability of workers and enterprises is largely neglected. Increasing the responsiveness of European labour markets is crucial to promoting   economic   activity   and   higher   productivity.   However,   the   current   balance between  flexibility  and  security  in  many  Member  States  has  given  rise  to  increasingly segmented labour markets. Greater attention should be given to establishing conditions of 'flexicurity'. This consists of a combination of sufficiently flexiblework contracts coupled with  effective  and  active  labour  market  policies  to  support  switches  from  one  job  to another, a reliable and responsive lifelong learning system, and adequate social protection. The  potential  for  progress  through  links  between  the  tax  and  benefits  systems  is  a  good example  where  Member  States  can  look  to  their  partners  for  inspiration.  More  attention should also be given to the active involvement of the social partners. Member  States  acknowledge  the  crucial  importance  of  developing  the  skills  needed  in knowledge-based   economies   and   the   need   to   invest   in   human   capital   through   better education   and   skills.   However,   the   policy   response   concentrates   more   on   qualitative reforms  in  education  systems,  better  access  to  and  transparency  of  qualifications,  rather than on stepping up investment and achieving a real breakthrough. 2.2.2. Overall conclusions The national programmes are a good basis for driving the reform agenda forward even though not all are of equal quality. There is a large convergence of views on the diagnosis and  on  which  key  challenges  need  to  be  addressed  as  a  matter  of  priority:  for  example, sustainability   of   public   finances,   labour   supply,   R&D    and   innovation,   the   business environment and environmental sustainability. The main conclusions that can be drawn at this early stage are: Recognising   that   Member   States   start   from   different   positions,   there   are   important differences between the programmes. For example, the approach to targets varies widely: some Member States have gone a long way towards integrating Community and national targets  and  have  set  clear,  often  quantitative,  targets  and  timetables  which  can  serve  to measure  progress.  Other  programmes,  however,  are  less  complete  at  this  stage  and  could benefit   from   studying   approaches   adopted   by   other   Member   States   facing   similar challenges.  Whilst  some  programmes  clearly  describe  the  content  and  form  of  policy measures  taken  or  proposed,  in  others  this  information  is  often  lacking.   Targets  and timetables as well as further details on the budgetary aspects of envisaged reforms are also often missing. This will make it more difficult to deliver. The  integration  between  the  three  dimensions  (macro-,  micro-  and  employment)  can  be strengthened.   The   national   reform   programmes   are   vital   tools   to   develop   a   coherent approach, but some programmes have achieved this more than others. Gains from action in one  area  often  depend  on  progress  made  in  another.  For  example,  the  returns  on  extra investment in R&D will be much greater if the necessary conditions are in place to convert it   into   growth:   conditions   such   as    competitive   markets,   an   appropriate   regulatory framework, and a highly skilled work force.
EN 14 EN Whilst  competition  and  removing  obstacles  to  market  access,  particularly  in  services,  is identified as a challenge for around half of the Member States, only a few national reform programmes  actually  tackle  this  challenge  effectively.  Competitive  markets  are  a  pre- requisite  to  achieving  the  Lisbon  objectives.  In  addition,  many  Member  States  have  set national  targets  for  R&D  investment  and  employment,  but  some  have  not,  despite  the decisions of the European Council. A large number of Member States also need to ensure that Community cohesion and rural development   spending  is  targeted  towards   supporting  the  Lisbon  Strategy  in  general. Indeed,   it   should   be   programmed   to   give   direct   backing   to   the   national   reform programmes. In addition, stronger efforts are needed to develop coordination mechanisms between  those  responsible  for  the  national  reform  programmes  and  those  preparing  the structural funds programmes for 2007-2013. These links must be established quickly as the preparation  of  these  programmes  intensifies,  beginning  with  the  adoption  of  national cohesion policy strategies (the so-called “ national strategic reference frameworks”). Last but not least, with only a few exceptions, public ownership of the Lisbon growth and jobs strategy falls short. Media coverage has also been fairly limited. We cannot  yet say, therefore,  that  broad  sections  of  the  population  have  been  made  aware,  let  alone  taken ownership, of the strategy. This points to the need for a dedicated communication strategy, making full use of economic analysis and showing how action will bring real benefits for individual citizens. Similarly, social partners, who have an important role to play both as participants  in  the  process  and  as  message  multipliers,  should  become  more  actively involved in the governance process. 3. MOVING UP A GEAR: FOUR ACTIONS FOR MORE GROWTH AND JOBS The Commission urges Member States to implement their national reform programmes in full  and  on  time.  However,  the  process  of  producing  and  evaluating  the  national  reform programmes  has  highlighted  gaps  to  be  filled  and  synergies  to  be  exploited.  In  many  cases, gaps   can   be   tackled   by   Member   States   improving   their   national   programmes,   drawing inspiration  from  their  partners’  experiences.  In  a  number  of  cases,  several  Member  States have  developed  successful  responses  to  particular  challenges  which,  if  implemented  by  all Member States, could yield major benefits for the Union as a whole. There are also challenges which cannot be addressed at Member State level alone, and where genuine success depends on co-ordinated action at both European and national level: The national reform programmes show that many Member States expect to increase their R&D spending, but that we will fall short of the overall EU target of 3% of GDP. Every Member State needs to make a contribution if this target is to be reached. Well-functioning markets,  increased  spending,  better  targeting  of  spending  and  effective  dovetailing  of national and Community budgets are all needed. Increased R&D spending will also need to go hand in hand with improving our knowledge infrastructure, promoting educational and research   excellence,   strengthening   our   innovation   systems   and   ensuring   that   internal market policies fully contribute to converting research and innovation into value. Many national reform programmes pay limited attention to improving market access and competition.  National  rules  and  practices,  as  well  as  self-regulation,  can  often  fragment the  market  and  hinder  competition.  Member  States  need  to  do  more  to  identify  ways  to remove   such   rules   and   restrictions   in   their   programmes.   The   Community   also   has
EN 15 EN important   responsibilities   for   effective   and   fair   competition   (for   example,   by   taking vigorous action against price-fixing and market sharing cartels which raise input costs for business  and  harm  the  consumer)  and  to  achieve  a  real  EU-wide  internal  market.  On  the other hand, many national programmes highlight actions to make it easier to set up and run a   business,   promote   a   more   entrepreneurial   culture   and   create   a   more   supportive environment for SMEs. Over  the  coming  decades,  Europe  will  be  confronted  with  the  implications  of  an  ageing population.  National  programmes  recognise  that  a  thorough  overhaul  of  retirement  and pension  systems  is  necessary  to  ensure  increased  employment  and  sustainable  public finances. However, in most Member States, the measures already taken or foreseen are not up to the scale of the challenge. Urgent action is needed to facilitate entry of young people into the labour market, in line with the Youth Pact, achieve a better work-life balance for families and make it more attractive for older workers to remain employed. Moreover, the adaptability  of  labour  markets  will  become  an  increasing  challenge.  Globalisation  also brings   new   challenges   for   the   EU.   It   reinforces   the   need   for   greater   labour   market adaptability but it also offers us new opportunities as a result of increased openness of third countries’ markets. Many  programmes  underline  the  importance  of  energy.  Europe  needs  a truly integrated energy  policy  which  promotes  growth,  provides  greater  security  of  supply  and  which contributes   to   greater   efficiency   and   environmental   sustainability.   Whilst   important progress  has  been  made  in  opening  domestic  markets,  there  is  as  yet  no  European-wide energy market. Energy is a global issue; only a European response will meet our needs. On  this  basis,  the  Commission  has  identified  4  priority  actions  which  require  a  strong impetus from the highest political level and which should be implemented quickly –   no later than the end of 2007. In this way, the Spring European Council in 2008 can launch the second cycle of the growth and jobs strategy on a firm foundation. The four actions follow an integrated approach –  they span different policy areas, several of which  were  discussed  at  the  Hampton  Court  meeting,   and  which  are  intimately  linked. Separately,  they  will  make  an  important  contribution  to  growth  and  jobs  and  to  making Europe  fit  for  the  future.  Acting  on  all  of  them  together,  as  part  of  the  new  partnership between the Community and Member States, will create a forceful dynamo effect, moving the European engine for growth and jobs into higher gear. 3.1. Investing more in knowledge and innovation In view of the importance of R&D for future growth and in providing solutions for many of the  problems  confronting  our  society  today,  it  is  a  cause  for  serious  concern  that  the  EU  is unlikely to meet its target of boosting research spending to 3% of GDP by 2010 (of which two thirds is by the private sector and one third by the public sector). The  Commission  is  mindful  of  the  need  for  Member  States  to  control  public  spending,  but believes  there  is  considerable  scope  for  improving  the  quality  of  public  expenditure  by shifting  resources,  notably  state  aid,  to  more  productive  use  and  by  closer  co-ordination between  Member  States  to  avoid  costly  duplication  of  efforts.  The  effectiveness  of  public sector support for R&D can also be improved, for example through a wider and better use of fiscal incentives (e.g. tax credits or vouchers), which many Member States have included in their   national   programmes.   The   European   Council’s   decision   to   earmark   Lisbon-related
EN 16 EN cohesion spending shows how priorities like research can be mainstreamed across a range of policies. The  biggest  contribution,  however,  should  come  from  the  private  sector.  To  get  industry  to invest more in R&D in  Europe, it is essential to  gear internal market policies more towards fostering  the  knowledge  economy  and  to  boosting  market  dynamism  for  research-intensive and  innovative  goods  and  services.  This  will  require  improving  market  access  conditions, facilitating   access   to   external   sources   of   financing   (venture   capital,   loans,   risk-sharing instruments) and integrating financial markets, using public procurement  more as leverage to promote   innovative   private-sector   solutions,   enhancing   the   development   of   researchers’ careers, including by removing obstacles to their mobility (across border and across sectors) and putting in place a modern and affordable industrial and intellectual property rights regime which strikes the right balance between protecting the right holder and ensuring that ideas can circulate  in  a  dynamic  information  society.  More  effective  methods  to  agree  standards  for high  technology  products,  which  are  interoperable  and  reflect  the  interests  of  European business,   are   also   needed.   Competition   policy   is   another   powerful   tool   to   enhance interoperability and stimulate innovation5. Whilst investing more in knowledge and innovation is necessary, it is not in itself sufficient to secure Europe’s economic future.  Ultimately, the contribution to growth and jobs comes from the  outcomes  of  R&D  through  innovation,  i.e.  attractive  products  and  services  that  people from  all  over  the  world  will  want  to  buy.  The  quality  of  our  innovation  systems  therefore requires   particular   attention6.   This   may   include   exploring   the   potential   of   clusters   as innovative  poles  for  growth  and  jobs,  in  particular  the  formation  and  cooperation  of  trans- national clusters within the EU. The Hampton Court meeting also called for urgent action to promote excellence in both research and education, particularly world-class universities with adequate funding streams and closer links with business. Action 1: Investing more in knowledge and innovation Member  States  should make  a  stronger  commitment  to  R&D  and  innovation.  By  the Spring European Council, Member States should all set an R&D expenditure target for 2010 so that the European Council can set a credible R&D expenditure target for the Union as a whole. This can be done within the framework of the European Council’s previous  calls  for  less   and  better  targeted  aid,  by  redirecting  public   expenditure towards R&D; for example, by doubling the share of state aid allocated to this area to 25% (from 12% at present). This could be used, for example, to step up the provision of targeted fiscal incentives to the private sector in accordance with orientations which the Commission will provide. In addition, spending a significantly greater share of EU structural  funds  on  R&D,  innovation  and  ICT  (e.g.  infrastructure  and  applications  to speed up the roll-out of broadband) can foster competitiveness, regional cohesion and benefit   SMEs   in   particular7.As   regards   private   R&D   investment,   more   attractive 5 All these aspects are highlighted in the report drawn up by a group of authoritative experts established after the Hampton Court meeting under the chairmanship of former Finnish Prime Minister Esko Aho, which argues, inter alia, for the establishment of a pact for R&D. 6 National   reform   programmes   highlight   a   variety   of   promising   initiatives.   In   addition,   the   latest Commission  innovation  scoreboard  (http://www.trendchart.org/)  highlights  that  many  Member  States face still important challenges which need to be taken into account when programmes are updated 7 5.9% of the overall envelope of the European regional development fund and the European social fund are at present spent on R&D and innovation support
EN 17 EN conditions for technology-intensive markets should be created. This includes a better use  of  public  procurement,  innovation-friendly  regulation  and  standards  based  on  an early  identification  of  needs.  Member  States  and  the  Commission  should  launch initiatives  to  create  European-wide  lead  markets  in  key  technology  sectors8,  drawing on the work of European technology platforms. The EU needs to step up its investment in higher education9 (the EU currently spends only  1.28%  of  GDP  compared  to  3.25%  in  the  USA:  the  gap  is  mainly  a  result  of greater  private  funding).  By  the  end  of  2007,  universities  should  be  allowed  and encouraged to seek complementary private sources of funding; legal and other barriers to public-private partnerships between universities and businesses should be removed; all  technical  universities  should  have  a  technology  transfer  office;  and  a  European Institute for Technology should be set up.  Proficiency in maths and science will need to  be  stepped  up  to  enhance  people’s  ability  to  innovate;  Member  States  should provide for compulsory teaching of two foreign languages in their national education systems.  The  aim  should  be  for  the  EU  to  devote  at  least  2%  of  GDP  to  higher education by 2010. 3.2. Unlocking the business potential, particularly of SMEs Compared  with  other  successful  regions  in  the  world,  Europe’s  markets,  in  particular  in services, remain badly fragmented. This carries a serious price tag in the form of lower levels of innovation and lagging productivity growth10. Far too often, poor or late implementation of Community  directives  denies  our  companies  the  benefits  of  easy  access  to  a  large  internal market. This can only weaken them in the face of international competition. If some Member States fail to act, they tilt the playing field and end up harming the interests of all. One of the most frequently used examples of where entrepreneurship in the EU is stifled, is the  difficulty  in  setting  up  a  business,  as  well  as  wide  variations  in  the  costs  of  running  a business in different parts of the EU. It takes no more than 5 days to start a business in some Member  State  compared  to  60  days  in  others.  The  administrative  cost  of  starting  a  business can be nothing in some Member States, whereas in others it can be many thousands of euros. Long  and  complicated  procedures  and  red  tape  not  only  discourage  people  from  going  into business, but also reflect a negative attitude towards entrepreneurship in general. The  Commission  has  identified  a  number  of  commitments  which  will  help  unlock  the  full potential  of  Europe’s  considerable  capabilities,  particularly  in  the  services  sector.  These measures, taken together with the swift finalisation of the directive on services and enhanced administrative co-operation between Member States, would help to create a new business and employment dynamic in the EU. 8 These  include  in  particular  e-health,  pharmaceuticals,  transport  and  logistics,  environment,  digital content and energy and security. 9 See Commission Communication “Mobilising the brainpower of Europe: enabling universities to make their full contribution to the Lisbon strategy (SEC 2005 518 of 20.04.2005) 10 See,  for  example,  the  Conference  Board’s  annual  analysis  of  global  productivity  trends:  “As  US productivity slows, emerging economies grow rapidly, but Europe falls further behind” by Van Ark et al.,  Executive  action  series,  January  2006.  The  report  highlights  that  whereas  EU-15  productivity growth slowed from 1.4% in 2004 to 0.5% in 2005, the EU’s new Member States increased the labour productivity growth rate from 4.1% in 2004 to 6.2% in 2005.
EN 18 EN Action 2: Unlocking the business potential, particularly of SMEs It should become much  easier to set up and run  a business in all Member States. By the  end  of  2007,  every  Member  State  should  have  set  up  a  one-stop  shop  to  assist would-be entrepreneurs and to enable businesses to fulfil administrative requirements all  in  one  place  –   where  possible  electronically  –  and  under  short  deadlines   .  The average time taken to set up a business should be reduced by half11, with the ultimate objective of being able to do this within one week anywhere in the EU. Start-up fees should be as low as possible, and recruitment of a first employee should not involve more than one public administration contact point. Every student should  have access to entrepreneurship training, which should become part of national school curricula in all   Member   States.   Furthermore,   Member   States   should   facilitate   cross-border activities   of   SMEs   by   implementing   the   home   state   taxation   pilot   projects.   The Council  should  swiftly  adopt  the  Commission’s  proposals  for  a  VAT  one-stop  shop and for a modernised customs environment to simplify procedures. To facilitate access to finance, particularly for SMEs, the financial instruments at Community level will be further  developed  under  the  competitiveness  and  innovation  framework  programme. Member States should make full use of possibilities offered under the structural funds, notably the future funding scheme for joint European resources for micro- to medium enterprises (JEREMIE). In order to cut red tape and simplify administrative procedures, by the end of 2007, all Member    States    should    adopt    and    implement    a    methodology    for    measuring administrative costs (for national rules and regulations). For its part, the Commission will   launch   a   major   exercise   to   measure   the   administrative   cost   arising   from Community rules (or the way in which they have been implemented) in specific policy areas as part of the ongoing work on legislative simplification, with a special emphasis on SMEs. It will identify what share of these costs flows directly from the Community rules and what share can be attributed to their implementation by Member States. The Commission  will,  on  this  basis,  come  forward  with  proposals  for  reducing  these administrative  costs  where  appropriate.  By  the  end  of  2007,  the  Commission  will remove  the  obligation  to  notify  certain  categories  of  smaller  state  aid,  which  should ease administrative burdens, particularly for SMEs. 3.3. Responding to globalisation and ageing Europe’s population is getting older. The fertility rates remain below the natural replacement rate. The life expectancy of Europeans continues to increase. Net inward migration is likely to continue.  These  demographic  changes  have  important  economic  consequences.  Less  people will be of working age in the next decades. Currently, for every elderly citizen four people are at  work,  but  by  2050  the  ratio  will  be  2  to  1.  Europe’s  workforce  will  start  to  shrink  from roughly   300   million   people   today,   to   approximately   250   million   by   2050.   A   smaller workforce  will  act  as  a  brake  on  potential  growth,  reducing  it  from  2-2.5%  today  to  just 1.25%  in  forty  years  time.  The  costs  of  an  ageing  population  (pensions,  health  care)  will swell; and the sustainability of current social welfare systems will come under severe strain. Government   budget   positions   should   be   improved   urgently   and   debt   set   on   a   steady downward trajectory. Pension and healthcare systems should ensure sustainability as well as access and adequacy. 11 The present average is 29 calendar days.
EN 19 EN Against  this  background,  we  need  more  people  to  work  and  for  people  to  work  longer.  We also  need  faster  increases  in  labour  productivity.  Higher  labour  productivity  and  increased employment  must  go  hand  in  hand.  This  will  happen  if  people  are  able  to  obtain  the  skills required  to  introduce  and  apply  new  technologies,  and  if  they  have  a  greater  opportunity  to combine  family  life,  work,  education  and  care  for  dependents,  in  a  balanced  way.  The evidence  from  Member  States  shows  that  there  is  a  double  dividend  to  gain  –  in  terms  of higher birth rates and female labour market participation – if    gender policies, proper childcare facilities,  appropriate  fiscal  incentives  and  work  organisation  are  in  place.  More  flexibility and  individual  responsibility  for  one’s  own  life  cycle  is  not  only  important  for  people  with children. Older people will also benefit from flexible working arrangements that allow them to  combine  part-time  work  with  part-time  retirement.  Older  workers  participate  too  little  in vocational  training.  If  they  upgrade  their  skills,  it  will  be  more  rewarding  to  keep  working; both  for  the  worker  and  the  company.  Likewise  far  more  can  be  done  to  facilitate  the transition of young people moving from school to work. There is a clear advantage for young people  to  obtain  work  experience  as  an  apprentice  or  trainee  during  the  school/university period.  Young  people  who  have  just  left  school  should  be  able  to  obtain  a  job  as  soon  as possible. If no immediate job is available, additional training and/or internships should be an alternative. Globalisation and demographic ageing call for an urgent improvement  in the adaptability of workers   and   enterprises,   their   capacity   to   anticipate,   trigger   and   absorb   change   and restructuring, and to thrive in highly competitive markets. In many Member States, however, dual labour markets do  not properly allow  for this. This limits innovation and technological change, constrains life-long learning and restricts individual life-style choices. More open and responsive  labour  markets  should  be  combined  with  policies  to  help  workers  to  remain employed  and to progress in work. This is the best way to  achieve labour market flexibility and  employment  security  in  a  lifecycle  perspective.  In  all  of  this,  there  should  be  a  strong emphasis on social justice, not reform for its own sake or simply to cut costs. Action 3: Responding to globalisation and ageing Member  States  should  secure  the  sustainability  of  their  public  finances  by  improving government  budget  positions  and  steadily  reducing  current  debt  ratios.  Member  States should, as part of their reforms to public pension systems, enhance financial incentives for older  worker  to  remain  active,  seek  a  closer  link  between  pension  entitlements  and  life expectancy  at  retirement,  through,  for  example,  adaptation  of  statutory  retirement  ages, whilst  curtailing  recourse  to  early  retirement  schemes.  Disability  schemes,  together  with health care and long-term care systems, should be reviewed to include incentives to make more effective use of scarce resources. Member  States,  should  aim  to  increase  entry  into  the  labour  market  for  young  people, achieve  a  better  work-life  balance  for  families,  and  make  it  more  attractive  for  older workers to stay employed for longer: by the end of 2007, every  young person who has left school and is unemployed, should be offered a job, apprenticeship, additional training or other employability measure  within  6  months.  This  period  should  be  shortened  to  no  more  than  100 days  by  2010.  Financial  or  other  incentives  should  be  offered  to  make  it  more attractive   for  companies,  particularly  SMEs,  to  give  students  and  the   young unemployed experience in the workplace;
EN 20 EN the  availability  of  quality  childcare  should  be  increased  in  line  with  Member States’ own national targets. Policies aimed at enhancing gender equality as well as  further  measures  to  promote  family  friendly  policies  should  be  implemented. The   Commission   is   currently   consulting   social   partners   on   better   ways   to reconcile family and professional life; active ageing strategies should be implemented which include financial incentives for  prolonging  working  lives;  gradual  retirement  and  use  of  part-time  work,  and improving  quality  at  work.  Targeted  incentives  should  be  put  in  place  to  ensure that the number of workers over the age of 45 participating in training rises much faster than that for the overall workforce. Member  States  should  seek  convergence  of  views  on  the  balance  between  flexibility  and employment  security  (‘flexicurity’).The  Commission  will  present  a  report  with  a  view  to facilitating agreement, by the end of 2007, on a set of common principles, comprising the following elements: modern   labour  laws  allowing  for  sufficiently  flexible  work  arrangements  and reducing labour market segmentation and undeclared work, should enable people to  optimise  their  working  patterns  throughout  their  life.  The  Commission  will consult  social  partners  and  other  stakeholders  on  this  particular  subject  in  the course of this year; reliable and responsive lifelong learning systems and active labour market policies should   help   people   to   cope   with   rapid   change,   unemployment   spells   and transitions  to  new  jobs;  financial  and  other  incentives  should  be  reviewed  to achieve  a  breakthrough.  Member  States  should  deliver  on  their  commitment  to establish  comprehensive  life-long  learning  strategies  by  the  end  of  2006.  The European   Social   Fund   and   the   new   Globalisation   Adjustment   Fund   should strongly support these enhanced efforts. The Commission will work with Member States  to  devote  a  higher  share  of  structural  fund  spending  to  education  and training; modern  social  security  systems  should  combine  the  need  to  facilitate  labour market  mobility  with  the  provision  of  adequate  income  support.  The  Council should   reach   agreement   on   the   Commission's   proposal   on   the   portability   of supplementary  pension  rights.  Member  States  should  consider  accelerating  the removal of all restrictions on the mobility of workers within the EU. To  achieve  these  objectives,  Member  States  will  work  closely  with  social  partners.  The Commission  proposes  to  hold  an  extraordinary  Social  Summit  which  should  be  devoted  to identifying concrete steps to make progress in all of the above fields 3.4. Moving towards an efficient and integrated EU energy policy Energy is vital for growth and jobs. Global demand for energy is up. At the same time supply of energy remains tight.  Market prices for oil and gas have been rising.  The main challenge facing Europe’s energy system is to ensure that energy is available at competitive prices. We need   to   safeguard   security   of   supply   and   develop   autonomous   sources   so   as   to   avoid interruptions and price shocks with damaging economic effects. A competitive and integrated Community  energy  market  will  provide  us  with  the  most  efficient  and  sustainable  base  for
EN 21 EN diversification and security of supply. Production and consumption of energy has to take full account   of   environmental   considerations.   Europe   will   become   even   more   dependent   on external  suppliers  and  will  need  to  import  most  of  its  oil  and  gas  in  the  future.  We  need  a coherent, single voice in our dialogue with major energy suppliers and in international energy discussions. There are important gains to be made from saving energy. Energy efficiency cuts costs, makes our   goods   and   services   more   competitive   and   contributes   to   a   cleaner   environment. Investments  in  energy-efficient  equipment  and  services  will  help  European  industries  to maintain  and  increase  their  global  lead.  This  drive  for  energy  efficiency  should  go  hand  in hand  with  diversification  of  energy  sources.  Europe  should  consider  all  sources  of  energy, giving  special  attention  to  renewable  energy  sources,  including  the  development  of  clean indigenous  sources.  Lower  emissions  from  our  energy  sources  will  reduce  air  pollution  and help  our  fight  against  climate  change.  Again,  Europe’s  enterprises  will  be  rewarded  by  the market for early investments in this field. Measures  to  realise  these  objectives  should  be  implemented  without  delay.  A  partnership between  the  Member  States  and  the  European  Union  is  needed  for  an  integrated  approach towards  energy.  An  integrated  European  energy  policy  can  make  a  crucial  contribution  to securing Europe’s future energy supply in a sustainable way, hence the call from the Heads of State and Government meeting at Hampton Court to move swiftly into this direction.
EN 22 EN Action 4: Moving towards an efficient and integrated EU energy policy Strengthening and deepening the internal energy market promotes competitiveness and security of supply. Measures that are required include: timely implementation and more effective regulation of the energy markets in order  to  achieve  full  and  effective  market  opening  by  1st  July  2007,  as  the European Council has agreed; promoting   more   competition   on   the   electricity   and   gas   markets,   taking account  of  the  Commission’s  sector   competition  enquiry,  in  particular  by taking steps to address continued dominance of national incumbent operators; insufficient   market   transparency;   inadequate   unbundling   of   network   and supply  activities;  and  barriers  to  cross-border  supply  which  prevents  a  truly integrated EU energy market; More   and   better   cooperation   and   integration   between   the   grids   and   gas pipeline   systems   of   the   Member   States,   so   that   from   the   customers’ viewpoint,  there  is  only  one  European  network.   To  this  end,  missing  or inadequate   cross-border   interconnection   links   should   be   identified   and completed. Financial assistance is available through EU financial instruments to help Member States achieve the 10% inter-connection objective. Exploiting  the  potential  of  renewable  energy  sources,  such  as  bio-fuels  and  bio- mass, and more efficient use of energy can also help to increase security of supply in Europe,   whilst   reducing   greenhouse   gas   emissions,   improving   air   quality,   and strengthening  competitiveness.  Member  States’  efforts  could  be  complemented  by  a renewables   technology   push   and   demand   pull   policy   at   European   level..   An appropriate regulatory framework should be put in place. Research and innovation for indigenous energies, including renewable energies, bio-fuels and bio-mass, clean coal and  carbon  sequestration  and  the  treatment  and  disposal  of  nuclear  waste,  should  be stimulated.  Similar  priority  needs  to  be  given  to  research  to  develop  new  energy efficient  technologies.  The  development  of  a  European  framework  of  incentives  to promote  renewables  could  significantly  boost  their  use.  The  present  patchwork  of differing  national  and  regional  systems  creates  artificial  barriers  between  national markets, holding back the potential of promising new technologies. Developing  a  more  focused,  coherent  and  integrated  approach  to  ensuring  the security   of   energy   supply   in    Europe,    including    with    respect    to    emergency mechanisms,  is  also  needed.  The  Community  and  Member  States  should  speak  with one  voice  in  international  fora  and  with  third  countries  supplying  energy  to  the Community. The Commission will set out ideas on how these priorities can best be pursued at Member State  and  Community  level  in  a  green  paper  to  be  published  in  the  first  quarter  of  this year.
EN 23 EN 4. FOLLOW-UP AFTER THE 2006 SPRING EUROPEAN COUNCIL It is important to maintain the momentum following the European Council, to bring our vision of a stronger Europe with higher growth and more jobs to life. To this end, the following steps are proposed over the coming months: 4.1. Implementation and monitoring of national reform programmes: Effective  implementation  of  the  national  reform  programmes  and  their  contribution  to growth and jobs must now become the prime focus of attention. Over the coming months, the  Commission  therefore  intends  to  work  closely  with  the  Member  States  to  help  them with  their  efforts  and  to  monitor  progress.  Consultations  with  national  (and  regional) parliaments,   local   authorities,   social   partners   and   other   stakeholders   will   need   to   be pursued, particularly where there has not been sufficient time during the preparation of the programmes  to  receive  input  and  engage  in  dialogue12.  As  Lisbon  is  a  medium-term agenda, such a dialogue and contacts will need to take place on a regular basis; Another  logical  step  will  be  for  the  Commission  and  Member  States  to  discuss  (both collectively and bilaterally) how the national reform programmes can be strengthened and developed,  with  due  respect  to  national  traditions,  to  take  more  account  not  only  of  the Community dimension, but also of the impact of policy decisions by other Member States. The  Commission  will  organise  this  process.  At  the  same  time,  the  Commission  will continue to seek improvements in the way it contributes to the success of the partnership. Member States which have not yet set targets with regard to future R&D spending and/or the employment rate should do so before the 2006 Spring European Council; Member  States  should  ensure  coherence  between  their  national  reform  programmes  and the use they will make of cohesion and rural development funding under the new financial perspectives.  Member  States  should  take  into  account  the  macro-economic  impact  of transfers  from  the  structural  funds  in  the  short  term,  particularly  where  these  amount  to several percentage points of GDP. The Commission will work closely with Member States as  they  draw  up  their  national  strategic  reference  frameworks  to  ensure  that  the  new generation of cohesion policy programmes reflects the priorities contained in the national reform programmes and the 4 priority actions highlighted under section 3. They should put in  place  appropriate  mechanisms  to  provide  the  necessary  coordination  between  both processes  at national and regional level.  In the  context of the new cohesion programmes, the new Member States are encouraged to earmark the resources of the structural funds for measures in pursuit of the Lisbon objectives, as is already agreed for EU-1513; The  national  reform  programmes  contain  a  wealth  of  interesting  policies  on  the  basis  of which  Member  States  should  exchange  experiences.  The  Commission  will  identify  some specific policy areas where the scope for mutual learning is particularly large and organise meetings  with  Member  States  representatives  to  discuss  specific  policy  ideas.  Member States  should  seek  to  apply  the  most  promising  policy  ideas  included  in  other  national reform programmes. The Commission and Member States should also ensure that EU open 12 UNICE  and  ETUC  in  a  statement  issued  on  15.03.2005  welcomed  the  launch  of  the  new  Lisbon Strategy, committing themselves actively to work in support of the growth and jobs agenda. They have just agreed a work-programme for 2005-2008 in support of the strategy. 13 For the convergence objective, the earmarked resources should represent a minimum of 60% of the total funding, whereas for the regional competitiveness objective it should be 75%.