Nyt fra E u r o p a r å d e t Opdatering januar og kalender februar Pressemeddelelse DK 3/06,1. febru  ar 2006 Brighter Prospects for the European Court of Human Rights Strasbourg, 23.01.2006 - President of the European Court of Human Rights Luzius Wildhaber said today that he was feeling more optimistic about the Court’s future, given an increase in annual productivity and recent support from Europe’s governments. Speaking at his annual press conference in the Human Rights Building in Strasbourg, Mr Wildhaber told journalists that the number of judgments delivered by the Court in 2005 had risen by 54% (from 718 in 2004 to 1105 in 2005) and that the number of cases terminated by a judicial decision had gone up by 36% (from 20,350 to 27,612). For certain months in the year output had even exceeded the number of incoming cases. Additional support from national governments – another cause for optimism – had led to an increase in the Court’s budget, allowing it to recruit around 45 new members of staff. The situation compares favourably to previous years when the President has expressed serious concerns about the Court’s capacity to deal with its ever-growing workload. He said today: “We have been through a difficult and uncertain period, but, at last, the prospects are starting to look brighter for the Court. This year we have been able to increase substantially our productivity. We have also received useful ideas for making further administrative reforms in the report reviewing the Court’s working methods from Lord Woolf, former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. Finally we are satisfied that the composition of the Wise Persons Group1 is a guarantee of a serious and independent study which will lead to concrete proposals. The challenge for us and the Wise Persons Group is to preserve the historic achievements of the Convention machinery and at the same time ensure that the system operates effectively in the Europe of the 21st century. At the beginning of 2006 we are looking to the future, with renewed confidence that this unique system will, with the support of the Council of Europe member governments, confront successfully the challenges facing it.” The Court has also issued its annual table of violations by country for 2005 at today’s press conference (link to table), which reveals that Turkey had the highest number of judgments finding at least one violation recorded against it (270), Ukraine had 119, Greece 100, Russia 81, Italy 67, France 51 and Poland 44. A further 12 countries had between 10 and 30 judgments against them finding at least one violation and 27 had fewer than 10. Council of Europe Anti-Torture Committee publishes report on Iceland Strasbourg, 26.01.2006 - The Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) has published today the report on its visit to Iceland in June 2004, together with the Icelandic Government's response. These documents have been made public at the request of the Icelandic authorities. In the report, the CPT reviewed measures taken by the Icelandic authorities in response to the Committee’s recommendations made after its 1993 and 1998 visits, in particular as regards the safeguards offered to persons detained by the police, the situation in penitentiary establishments, and the treatment of persons subject to civil involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation and treatment. For the first time, the CPT examined the modalities of the execution of decisions to deport foreign nationals by air. The CPT's visit report and the Icelandic Government's response are available on the Committee's website: http://www.cpt.coe.int
2 Vinter-sessionen i Europarådets parlamentariske forsamling, 23. -27. januar 2006: Informations-memorandum om hemmelige fæ  ngsler og fangetransporter i Europa Strasbourg, 24.01.2006 - Den schweiziske parlamentariker, Dick Marty, fremlagde tirsdag et nyt informations-memorandum om hemmelige CIA fæ  ngsler og fangetransporter i Europa. Ved begyndelsen af en aktualitetsdebat i Europarå dets parlamentariske forsamling understregede Dick Marty, at der endnu ikke er beviser i juridisk forstand, men at der nu foreligger en lang ræ  kke indikatorer fra forskellige kilder. Senest modtog han i gå r information fra Eurocontrol og EU’s satellit center, der i de kommende uger vil blive sammenlignet med de allerede indsamlede oplysninger. Desuden skal regeringerne i Europarå dets 46 medlemsstater senest den 21. februar aflevere svar i henhold til Den Europæ  iske Menneskerettigheds- konventions artikel 52 til Europarå dets generalsekretæ  r, Terry Davis, om deres kendskab til CIA’s hemmelige aktiviteter. På  et efterfø lgende pressemø æ  rksomhed om sagen også har fø veldokumenteret sag fremholdt han en kidnapning i 2003 i Milano af en egyptisk statsborger, som efterfø æ  iske lande til Egypten til forhø å et udleveret alle dokumenter i sagen mod de involverede 25 amerikanske agenter. På  grundlag heraf kunne han kun se to mulige forklaringer: Enten blev Italiens nationale suveræ  nitet kræ  nket af USA, eller også  var den italienske regering vidende om den ulovlige kidnapning og efterfø lgende udlevering. Tilsammen giver de hidtil indsamlede oplysninger et billede, der er bekymrende, på pegede den schweiziske politiker, som på en  senere session i å r ventes at fremlæ  gge en endelig rapport for Europarå dets parlamentarikere. Totalitæ  re kommunistiske regimer fordø mmes Strasbourg, 25.01.2006 - Europarå dets parlamentariske forsamling vedtog onsdag Göra n Lindblads rapport og resolution om ”Behov for international ford ø forbrydelser begå et af totalitæ  re kommunistiske regimer” .Derimod fik en foresl  å et rekommandation til Ministerkomiteen ikke det fornø På  et efterfø lgende pressemø ø understregede, at det er meget vigtigt for dem, der led under de totalitæ  re kommunistiske regimer, at en international organisation nu for fø rste gang har fordø mt de massive menneskerettighedskræ  nkelser, som fandt sted i det 20. å rhundrede i de kommunistiske lande. Göra n Lindblad forventede desuden, at resolutionen vil blive flittigt debatteret i de berø central- og ø æ  iske lande og også  i lande, som fortsat har et kommunistisk styre som fx. Kina. Göra n Lindblad var dog skuffet over, at forslagene i rekommandationsforslaget ikke blev vedtaget, herunder et forslag om at nedsæ  tte en Europaråd skomité af uafhæ  ngige eksperter, der skulle dokumentere menneskerettighedskræ  nkelserne i de enkelte kommunistiske lande. Mange af forsamlingens medlemmer vil imidlertid tage aktion i deres egne parlamenter, og debatten vil også  fortsæ  tte i Europarå det, forudså  han. Enighed om 15 principper for behandlingen af afviste asylansø gere Strasbourg, 26.01.2006 - Europarå dets parlamentariske forsamling vedtog torsdag en resolution om Nederlandenes politik med hensyn til hjemsendelse af afviste asylansø . 15 principper opstilles, som ikke kun Nederlandene men alle medlemsstater bø ø lge. Ordfør eren for den liberale gruppe, Morten Ø  stergaard, fremhæ  vede i sit indlæ  g fø lgende fem punkter:
3 - Der skal tages hensyn til bø rns sæ  rlige interesser fø ger er taget for familien som helhed og ikke kun efter beslutningen er taget for hovedpersonen i familien. Morten Ø  stergaard henviste til FN’s bø rnekonvention, som udtrykkelig siger, at bø rn ikke bø foræ  ldres handlinger og juridiske forhold. Vi må  sikre os, at bø å  lov til at afslutte skoleå ret inden udvisningen finder sted, mente han; - Hjemsendelsen af afviste asylansø æ  ttes, nå r hjemsendelsen skal ske til lande eller regioner med konflikter eller hvor den humanitæ  re situation er då rlig. Dette synes må ske selvindlysende, sagde Morten Ø  stergaard, og tilfø jede, at realiteten ikke desto mindre er, at nogle lande påtæ   nker eller allerede sender asylansø æ  rgede Irak; - Tilbageholdelse kun må  anvendes som en sidste mulighed og i givet fald skal begræ  nses til en maksimal periode. Det er et tegn på  den europæ  iske humanitets krise, at vi behø æ  fte, at asylansø ø rn ikke må  indespæ  rres, og at asylansø å  indespæ  rres i å revis, understregede Morten Østergaard  ; - Afviste asylansø skal gives en rimelig mulighed for at vise, at de har prø vet at samarbejde om deres hjemsendelse, og at en eventuel tvivl kommer dem til gode. Morten Ø  stergaard kunne her henvise til, at nogle lande kræ  ver hå ndfaste beviser for, at tilbagevenden ikke er mulig. Og så danne beviser er yderst svæ  re at fremskaffe; - Nå r afviste asylansø ø æ  rlig hensyn til læ  ngden af den periode, personen har boet der, samt hvor velintegreret den pågæ   ldende er. Morten Ø  stergaard nævnte   her sagen i Danmark om den vietnamesiske pige Linh, hvis hø je grad af integration og tilknytning til samfund og familie burde have bragt hende sikkerhed i stedet for uvished. Human rights violations in the Chechen Republic: the Assembly calls on the CM 'to confront its responsibilities' Strasbourg, 25.01.2006 - While regretting that serious human rights violations still occur  on a massive scale in the Chechen Republic, the Assembly today urged the Committee of Ministers (CM) “to confront its responsibilities  in  the  face  of  one  of  the  most  serious  human  rights  issues  in  any  of  the  Council  of Europe’s  member  states”.  According  to  the  parliamentarians,  the  lack  of  effective  reaction  by  the Council’s executive body has the capacity to seriously threaten the credibility of the whole Organisation. Presidential election in Belarus: Lukashenko must ensure a free and fair electoral campaign Strasbourg,  26.01.2006  -  In  the  run-up  to  the  presidential  election  in  Belarus  on  March  2006,  the Parliamentary  Assembly  of  the  Council  of  Europe  (PACE)  today  called  on  the  Lukashenko  regime  to refrain from “obstructing the free and fair running of the electoral campaign”, and take “positive action to ensure that pluralist information can be provided”. At the end of an urgent debate, the Assembly deplored that freedom of expression is blatantly flouted, and noted that in the last two years “the situation has not improved but worsened”. It called on member states  to  give  “immediate  financial  and  if  necessary  logistical  support  to  independent  broadcasting  to Belarus from abroad”. The  Assembly  regretted  that  to  date  there  could  be  no  change  in  its  policy  towards  the  Belarusian regime. In order to renew dialogue, the parliamentarians said they expected “clear and conclusive signs” such as the possibility for all candidates to have the same freedom to campaign. The adopted text welcomes the recent election of the single candidate of the Unified Democratic Forces, Alexander Milinkevich, who took part in the debate. The members encouraged these forces to maintain their  unity,  irrespective  of  ideological  differences,  in  the  aftermath  of  the  election,  irrespective  of  its results. The  parliamentarians  asked  for  the  immediate  release  of  political  prisoners,  the  repeal  of  the  anti- revolution law, and the conduct of an independent investigation into the fate of disappeared persons.  
4 Vladimir Konoplev, Chairman of the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, took also part in the debate.   Vedtagelser under vinter-sessionen 23/01/06 RES. 1476 | Resolution Parliamentary dimension of the United Nations   24/01/06 REC. 1731 | Recommendation Europe’s contribution to improving water management   24/01/06 REC. 1732 | Recommendation Integration of immigrant women in Europe   24/01/06 RES. 1477 | Resolution Implementation of Resolution 1415 (2005) on the honouring of obligations and commitments by Georgia   24/01/06 RES. 1478 | Resolution Integration of immigrant women in Europe   25/01/06 RES. 1479 | Resolution Human rights violations in the Chechen Republic: the Committee of Ministers’ responsibility vis- à-vis the Assembly’s concerns   25/01/06 REC. 1733 | Recommendation Human rights violations in the Chechen Republic: the Committee of Ministers’ responsibility vis- à-vis the Assembly’s concerns   25/01/06 RES. 1480 | Resolution The challenge of still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan on substantial grounds   25/01/06 RES. 1481 | Resolution Need for international condemnation of crimes of totalitarian communist regimes   26/01/06 REC. 1734 | Recommendation Situation in Belarus on the eve of the presidential election   26/01/06 RES. 1482 | Resolution Situation in Belarus on the eve of the presidential election   26/01/06 RES. 1483 | Resolution Policy of return for failed asylum seekers in the Netherlands   26/01/06 REC. 1735 | Recommendation The concept of “nation”   27/01/06 RES. 1484 | Resolution Relocation of economic activities abroad and European economic development   27/01/06 RES. 1485 | Resolution Implications for Europe of the economic resurgence of China   27/01/06 OPI. 258 | Opinion Draft Protocol on the avoidance of statelessness in relation to state succession  
5 Domme afsagt af Den Europæiske Mennes  kerettighedsdomstol i nordiske sager 11.01.2006 Sørensen and Rasmussen v. Denmark  (no. 52562/99 and 52620/99): violation of Article 11 (freedom of association) 17.01.2006 Goussev and Marenk v. Finland (no. 35083/97): violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) 17.01.2006 Soini and others v. Finland (no. 36404/97): violation of Article 10 (freedom of expression) 17.01.2006 Danell and others v. Sweden (no. 54695/00): Friendly settlement (Article 6 §1 - right to a fair hearing within a reasonable time, and Article 13 - right to an effective remedy) 17.01.2006 Elli Poluhas Dödsbo v. Sweden (no. 61564/00): No violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life) 17.01.2006 Hagert v. Finland (no. 14724/02): Violation of Article 6 §1 (length of proceedings). "Culinary Cultures of Europe" wins the award for the best culinary history book The book Culinary cultures of Europe-Identity, diversity and dialogue, published  in  November  2005  by  Council  of  Europe  Publishing,  has won  the  award  for  the  "best  culinary  history  book"  in  English.  This allows it to compete for the prize for the "best culinary history book in the world", which will be awarded in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 21 May 2006. Nearly 6,000 books from 65 countries entered the competition in 2005 for the 11th round of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. These international prizes, created in 1995 by Edouard Cointreau, are awarded every year to books that foster knowledge of, and respect for, the various food and wine cultures. Møder i  februar (hvor intet andet er nævnt  , holdes møde t i Strasbourg) 30/1-1. Konference: Disavantaged neighbourhoods - what oppportunities for children and young people? 1. Ministerkomitéen 6. Konference: to launch the Adriatic Euro-region (Venedig) 7. -8. Ministerkomitéen 15. Ministerkomitéen 21. Deadline for regeringerne til at svare Generalsekretæren på hans spørgsmål om hemmelige CIA fængsler    og - transporter (resultatet af Generalsekretærens undersøgelse ventes offentliggjort i slutningen af februar eller begyndelsen af marts) 28. 10-års dagen for Ruslands optagelse i Europarådet
6 ______________________________________________________________ ”Nyt fra Europarådet” udgives 11 gange om året af Europarådets pressekorrespondent i de nordiske lande Bremerholm 6, DK-1069 København K,  Tlf. +45 33 14 15 84, Fax +45 33 15 54 84, E-mail: [email protected], Internet: www.coe.int