EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 12. januar 2006 Til delegationens medlemmer og stedfortrædere Kronologisk oversigt pr. 12. januar 2006 over bilag omdelt til Europarådsdelegationen Bilagsnr.    Titel 1 Praktiske råd og vink 2 Billedoversigt over medlemmer og stedfortrædere 3 Brev fra Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights vedrørende valg af kandidat til CPT 4 Pressemeddelelse vedrørende valg af ny, svensk menneskerettighedskommisær 5 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-fifth sitting, Monday 3 October 2005 at 3.p.m. 6 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-sixth sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 10 a.m. 7 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-seventh sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 3 p.m. 8 ADDENDUM Education and religion 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-seventh sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 3 p.m. 9 ADDENDUM Women and religion in Europe 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-sitxth sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 10 a.m. 10 ADDENDUM 2 Functioning of democratic institutions in Moldova 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-seventh sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 3 p.m. 11 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-eight sitting, Wednesday 5 October 2005 at 10 p.m. 12 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-ninth sitting, Wednesday 5 October 2005 at 3 p.m. 13 ADDENDUM 1 OECD and the world Economy, Forced marriages and child marriages, 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-ninth sitting, Wednesday 5 October 2005 at 3 p.m. 14 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Thirtieth sitting, Thursday 6 October 2005 at 10 a.m. 15 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Thirtyfirst, Thursday 6 October 2005 at 3 p.m. 16 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Monday 3 October 2005, 3 p.m.
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 12. januar 2006 Bilagsnr.    Titel 17 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Tuesday 4 October 2005, 10 a.m. 18 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Tuesday 4 October 2005, 3 p.m. 19 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Wednesday 5 October 2005, 10 a.m. 20 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Wednesday 5 October 2005, 3 p.m. 21 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Thursday 6 October 2005, 10 a.m. 22 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Thursday 6 October 2005, 3 p.m. 23 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Friday 6 October 2005, 10 a.m. 24 Europe and bird flu - preventive measures in the health field, Doc. 10707, 4 October 2005 25 Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes, Doc. 10682, 1 October 2005 26 ADDENDUM, Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes, Doc. 10682, 4 October 2005 27 The Council of Europe and the European Neighbourhood Policy of the European Union, Doc. 10696, 3 October 2005 28 The OECD and the world economy, Doc. 10645, 4 October 2005 29 Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and of the Standing Committee, (24 June - 3 October 2005), Doc. 10687, 3 October 2005 30 Progress Report of the Bureau of the Assembly and of the Standing Committee (24 June - 3 October 2005), (Doc. 10687) 31 Organisation of the work of the Assembly and its committees 32 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part) Report, Thirty-second sitting, Friday 7 October 2005 at 33 ADDENDUM 1, 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part) Report, Thirty-second sitting, Friday 7 October 2005 at 34 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part) Texts adopted by the Assembly, Friday 7 October 2005 at 35 Budgetary powers of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Doc. 10720, 17 October 2005 36 Nyt fra Europarådet, 31/10 2005 37 European waterways: focus on the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal project, Doc. 10730 38 The private management of cultural property, Doc. 10731, (24 October 2005)
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 12. januar 2006 Bilagsnr.    Titel 39 Brev fra den danske delegationsformand til formanden for Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights 40 Transparency of the work of the Ministers, Doc. 10736 (4 November 2005) 41 Need for international condemnation of the Franco regime, Doc. 10737 (4 November 2005) 42 50th anniversary of the Europe Prize - Stocktaking and prospects, Doc. 10739, 9 November 2005 43 Mechanism to ensure women's participation in decisionmaking, Doc. 10743, 14 November 2005 44 Policy of return for failed asylum seekers in the Netherlands, Doc. 10741, 15 November 2005 45 Supplementary report, Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes, Doc. 10734, 22 November 2005 46 Pressemeddelelse med nyt fra Europarådet, 14/05, 29. november 2005 og kalender for december 47 Agenda for 1. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 24.  - 28. januar 2006 Doc. 10750, 28 November 2005 48 Udkast til dagsorden for 1. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 23.  - 27. januar 2006 49 Ad hoc Committee to observe the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan (6 November 2005) 50 Revised version. Texts adopted by the Assembly, 25 November 2005 51 Møde den 8. februar 2006 med Institut for Menneskerettigheder om Status rapport 2005 52 Implications for Europe of the economic resurgence of China, Doc. 10756 (7 December 2005) 53 Relocation of economic activities abroad and European economic development, Doc. 10757, 7 December 2005 54 Integration of immigrant women in Europe, Doc. 10758, 7 December 2005 55 The concept of "nation", Doc. 10762, 13 December 2005 56 New trends and challenges for Euro-Mediterranean migration policies, Doc. 10763, 13 December 2005 57 Gender budgeting, Doc. 10764, 15 December 2005 58 Need for international condemnation of crimes of totalitarian communist regimes, Doc. 10765, 16 December 2005 59 Human rights violations in the Chechen Republic: the Committee of Minister's
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 12. januar 2006 Bilagsnr.    Titel responsibility vis-à- vis the Assembly's concerns, Doc. 10774, 21 December 2005 60 Nyt fra Europarådet, 1/06 4. januar 2006. Opdatering og kalender 61 Combating the resurrection of nazi ideology, Doc. 10766, 19 December 2005 62 Education for balanced development in school, Doc. 10767, 20 December 2005 63 Pressemeddelelse vedrørende den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol. 64 Dagsorden for delegationsmøde torsdag den 19. januar 2006 65 Revideret udkast til dagsorden for 1. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 23. -27. januar 2006 66 Europe's contribution to improving water management, Doc. 10772, 21 December 2006 67 Parliamentary dimension of the United Nations, Doc. 10771, 21 December 2005 68 Draft Protocol on the avoidance of statelessness in relation to state succession, Doc. 10770, 21 December 2005 - see Doc. 10646 69 Praktiske oplysninger i forbindelse med Europarådets 1. session 70 Ad hoc Committee to observe the referendum on the constitutional reforms in Armenia (27 november 2005), Doc. 10778, 22 December 2005 71 Implementation of Resolution 1415 (2005) on the honouring of obligations and commitmens by Georgia, Doc. 10779, 5 January 2006 72 Kronologisk oversigt pr. 12. januar 2006 over bilag omdelt til Europarå dsdelegationen