Parliamentary Assembly
Assemblée parlementaire
F 67075 Strasbourg Cedex, tel: +33 3 88 41 20 00, fax: +33 3 88 41 27 76,, e-mail: [email protected]
Doc. 10750
28 November 2005
Bureau of the Assembly
Agenda for the first part of the 2006 Ordinary Session
of the Parliamentary Assembly (23-27 January 2006)
adopted by the Bureau of the Assembly on 25 November 2005
Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes
Election of the President of the Assembly
Election of the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly
Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights (possibly)
Appointment of members of committees
Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Assembly
Statements by guest speakers
Communication from the Secretary General of the Council of Europe
Political Affairs
Need for international condemnation of the crimes of communism
Rapporteur: Mr Göran Lindblad (Sweden, EPP/CD)
To be adopted on 14 December 2005
Condemnation of the admiration and justification of nazism
Rapporteur: Mr Mikhail Margelov (Russia, EDG)
To be adopted on 14 December 2005
Parliamentary dimension of the United Nations
Rapporteur: Mrs Tana de Zulueta (Italy, SOC)
To be adopted on 14 December 2005
Legal Affairs and Human Rights
The concept of "nation"
Rapporteur: Mr György Frunda (Romania, EPP/CD)
Adopted on 7 November 2005
Draft Protocol on the avoidance of statelessness in relation to state succession
Rapporteur: Mr Jaume Bartumeu Cassany (Andorra, SOC)
To be adopted on 13 December 2005
Human rights violations in the Chechen Republic: the Committee of Ministers' responsibility
vis-à-vis the Assembly's concerns
Rapporteur: Mr Rudolf Bindig (Germany, SOC)
To be adopted on 13 December 2005
Human rights of members of the armed forces
Rapporteur: Mr Alexander Arabadjiev (Bulgaria, SOC)
To be adopted on 13 December 2005