Parliamentary Assembly Assemblée parlementaire ________________________ F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex, tel: +33 3 88 41 20 00, fax: +33 3 88 41 27 76,,  e-mail: [email protected] Doc. 10750 28 November 2005 Bureau of the Assembly Agenda for the first part of the 2006 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly (23-27 January 2006) adopted by the Bureau of the Assembly on 25 November 2005 General –    Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes –    Election of the President of the Assembly –    Election of the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly –    Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights (possibly) –    Appointment of members of committees –    Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee –    Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Assembly –    Statements by guest speakers –    Communication from the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Political Affairs –    Need for international condemnation of the crimes of communism Rapporteur: Mr Göran Lindblad  (Sweden, EPP/CD) To be adopted on 14 December 2005 –    Condemnation of the admiration and justification of nazism Rapporteur: Mr Mikhail Margelov (Russia, EDG) To be adopted on 14 December 2005 –    Parliamentary dimension of the United Nations Rapporteur: Mrs Tana de Zulueta (Italy, SOC) To be adopted on 14 December 2005 Legal Affairs and Human Rights –    The concept of "nation" Rapporteur: Mr György Frunda (Romania, EPP/CD) Adopted on 7 November 2005 –    Draft Protocol on the avoidance of statelessness in relation to state succession Rapporteur: Mr Jaume Bartumeu Cassany (Andorra, SOC) To be adopted on 13 December 2005 –    Human rights violations in the Chechen Republic: the Committee of Ministers' responsibility vis-à-vis the Assembly's concerns Rapporteur: Mr Rudolf Bindig (Germany, SOC) To be adopted on 13 December 2005 –    Human rights of members of the armed forces Rapporteur: Mr Alexander Arabadjiev (Bulgaria, SOC) To be adopted on 13 December 2005
Doc. 10750 2 Economic Affairs and Development –    Relocation of economic activities abroad and European economic development Rapporteur: Mr Neven Mimica (Croatia, SOC) Adopted on 18 November 2005 –    Implications for Europe of the economic resurgence of China Rapporteur: Mr Paul Wille (Belgium, ALDE) Adopted on 18 November 2005 Social, Health and Family Affairs –    For recognition and supervision of surrogacy as an alternative to sterility Rapporteur: Mr Michael Hancock (United Kingdom, ADLE) To be adopted on 16 December 2005 Rapporteur of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (for opinion): Mrs Anna Curdová ( Czech Republic, SOC) Migration, Refugees and Population –    The follow-up to Recommendation 1570 (2002) on the situation of refugees and displaced persons in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Rapporteur: Mr Boriss Cilevi s (Latvia, SOC) To be adopted on 8 December 2005 –    Policy of return for failed asylum seekers in the Netherlands Rapporteur: Mrs Rosmarie Zapfl-Helbling (Switzerland, EPP/CD) Adopted on 3 October 2005, Doc. 10741 –    New trends and challenges for Euro-Mediterranean migration policies Rapporteur: Mr Franco Danieli (Italy, ALDE) Adopted on 4 November 2005 Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs –    Europe's contribution to improving water management Rapporteur: Mrs Elsa Papadimitriou (Greece, EPP/CD) To be adopted on 16 December 2005 Equal Opportunities for Women and Men –    Integration of migrant women in Europe Rapporteur: Mrs Gülsün Bíl   gehan (Turkey, SOC) To be adopted on 2 December 2005 Rapporteur of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population (for opinion): Mrs Terezija Stoisits (Austria, SOC) –    Gender budgeting Rapporteur: Mrs Anna urdová (Czech Republic, SOC) To be adopted on 2 December 2005 Honouring of obligations and commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe –    Implementation of Resolution 1415 (2005) on the honouring of obligations and commitments by Georgia Co-Rapporteurs: Mr Mátyás Eörsi(Hungary, ALDE) and Mr Evgeni Kirilov (Bulgaria, SOC) To be adopted on 15 December 2005