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Opdatering november og kalender december
Pressemeddelelse DK 14/05,29 .novembe r 2005
115th Session of the Committee of Ministers (Strasbourg, 16-17 November 2005)
- Conclusions of the Chair
Under the chairmanship of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Portugal, Mr Diogo Freitas do Amaral, the
115th Committee of Ministers session, six months on from Warsaw, had follow-up to the Third Council of
Europe Summit as its central theme.
In considering the question on the basis of a report prepared by their Deputies, the Ministers concentrated on
the following four political priorities:
consolidating the Council of Europe human-rights protection system
reinforcing Council of Europe action on behalf of democracy
uilding a more humane Europe
intensifying co-operation between the Council of Europe, the European Union and the OSCE.
The question of relations between the Council of Europe and the European Union was prominent in the
discussions. The exchange of views with the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Mr Jean Claude Juncker, at the
informal ministerial meeting that same evening, advanced the process launched at the Warsaw summit of
achieving closer co-operation and more intensive political dialogue between the Council of Europe and the
European Union. The Ministers noted that the opening of the negotiations for the future memorandum of
understanding between the two organisations might take place before the end of the year, on the basis of the
guidelines agreed in Warsaw. They noted that the European Union would shortly be submitted proposals in
this connection.
Just before the Session, in the afternoon of 16 November, a ceremony was held to launch the joint Council of
Europe and European Union campaign commemorating the 50th anniversary of the European flag. It was
attended, on the European Union side, by the President of the European Commission, Mr Barroso, and the
President of the European Parliament, Mr Borell, and on the Council of Europe side by the Secretary General,
Mr Davis, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly, Mr van der Linden, and the Chairman of the
Ministers Deputies, Ambassador Duarte. The aim of this campaign is to draw public attention to the
progress made in building a united, peaceful and prosperous Europe, symbolised by the flag which was
designed in 1955 by the Council of Europe (and adopted in 1986 by the European Union).
Another question of major importance was the future of the system of human-rights protection in Europe as
guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights. In addition to the work by the Group of Wise
Persons responsible for considering the long-term future of the Convention, a crucial issue in this connection
is speedy, effective implementation of the reforms approved in May 2004, in particular bringing Protocol
No.14 to the Convention into force in the next six months. On the occasion of the 115th Session, 3 additional
member states ratified the Protocol, bringing the total number of ratifications to 20. 25 member states have
signed the Protocol but not yet ratified it. A report on implementation of all the decisions taken at the 114th
session, including measures to be taken at national level, will be drawn up for the 116th Committee of
Ministers session.
The 116th Committee of Ministers session will be held in Strasbourg on 18 and 19 May 2006.