Europarådet (ERD) Alm. del

Samling: 2005-06

Bilag 222

Brev af 5 juli 2006 om Implementation of the Assambly Resolution 1515 on "Progress of the Assembly's monitoring precedure (May 2005-June 2006)", adopted on 29 June 2006


Dokumentdato: 19-07-2006
Modtaget: 19-07-2006
Omdelt: 19-07-2006

Brev af 5 juli 2006 om Implementation of the Assambly Resolution 1515 on "Progress of the Assembly's monitoring precedure (May 2005-June 2006)", adopted on 29 June 2006

Indskannet 20/7-06, 16 sider (pdf-version)