Doc. 10939
30 May 2006
Agenda for the third part of the 2006 Ordinary Session
of the Parliamentary Assembly (26-30 June 2006)
adopted by the Bureau of the Assembly on 29 May 2006
–  Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes
–  Changes in the membership of committees
–  Progress report of the Bureau and the Standing Committee
–  Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights
–  Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Assembly
–  Statements by guest speakers
Political Affairs
–  Implementation of the decisions of the Third Summit of the Council of Europe
    Rapporteur: Mr Konstantin Kosachev (Russian Federation, EDG)
    To be adopted on 2 June 2006
–  The external relations of the Council of Europe
    Rapporteur: Mr Adrian Severin (Romania, SOC)
    To be adopted on 2 June 2006
Legal Affairs and Human Rights
–  Position of the Parliamentary Assembly as regards the Council of Europe member
    and observer states which have not abolished the death penalty
    Rapporteur: Mrs Renate Wohlwend (Liechtenstein, EPP/CD)
    Adopted on 13 April 2006, Doc. 10911
–  Alleged secret detentions in Council of Europe member states
    Rapporteur: Mr Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE)
    To be adopted on 7 June 2006
    Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee (for opinion): Mr Peter Schieder (Austria, SOC)
–  Ratification of the Framework Convention for the protection of national minorities by the Council of Europe member states
    Rapporteur: Mr Boriss CileviÄs (Latvia, SOC)
    Adopted on 18 May 2006
Economic Affairs and Development
–  The contribution of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
    to economic development in central and eastern Europe
    Rapporteur: Mr Bernard Schreiner (France, EPP/CD)
    Adopted on 23 May 2006
Migration, Refugees and Population
–  Human rights of irregular migrants
    Rapporteur: Mr Ed van Thijn (Netherlands, SOC)
    Adopted on 11 April 2006, Doc. 10924
–  Migration, refugees and population in the context of the Third Summit of Heads of State
    and Government of member states of the Council of Europe (Warsaw, 16-17 May 2005)
    Rapporteur: Mr Michael Hagberg (Sweden, SOC)
    Adopted on 21 March 2006, Doc. 10868
Culture, Science and Education
–  Academic freedom and university autonomy
    Rapporteur: Mr Josef Jařab (Czech Republic, ALDE)
    Adopted on 17 May 2006
–  Follow-up to the 3rd Summit: priorities for cultural co-operation
    Rapporteur: Mr LluÃs Maria de Puig (Spain, SOC)
    To be adopted on 22 June 2006
–  Freedom of expression and respect for religious beliefs
    Rapporteur: Mrs Sinikka Hurskainen (Finland, SOC)
    To be adopted on 22 June 2006
Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs
–  Forest fires: the consequences for the environment and the effect of spatial planning policies
    Rapporteur: Mr Iñaki Txueka (Spain, ALDE)
    To be adopted on 9 June 2006
Equal Opportunities for Women and Men
–  Parliaments united in combating domestic violence against women
    Rapporteur: Mrs Minodora Cliveti (Romania, SOC)
    Adopted on 15 May 2006, Doc. 10934
Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States
–  Implementation of Resolution 1480 (2006) on the challenge of credentials of the parliamentary delegation
    of Azerbaijan
    Co-Rapporteurs: Mr Andreas Gross (Switzerland, SOC) and Mr Andres Herkel (Estonia, EPP/CD)
    To be adopted on 6 June 2006
–  Progress of the Assembly’s monitoring procedure (May 2005-June 2006): progress report
    Rapporteur: Mr György Frunda (Romania, EPP/CD)
    To be adopted on 6 June 2006