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Pressemeddelelse til redaktionen  

Dato: 21. marts 2006. Antal sider (inkl. denne): 3


Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly to observe Ukraine elections

Strasbourg, 21.03.2006 – A thirty-seven-member, cross-party delegation from the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE), headed by Renate Wohlwend (Liechtenstein, EPP/CD), will observe the 26 March parliamentary elections in Ukraine.

The delegation, which will work alongside observers from the OSCE and NATO Parliamentary Assemblies and the European Parliament, will arrive in Kyiv on 23 March. They are due to meet party representatives, election officials and representatives of civil society and the media as well as observing polling on the day of the vote.

The delegation will be accompanied by a member of the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe’s group of independent legal experts, which has adopted opinions on Ukraine’s laws on elections of people’s deputies and the State register of voters.

A delegation from the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities will be observing the local and regional elections, which take place on the same day as the parliamentary elections.

A four-member PACE pre-election delegation which visited the country from 28 February to 2 March 2006 welcomed in a statement the “vastly improved atmosphere” in which the electoral campaign was taking place, but said some areas of concern remained.

The delegation is composed as follows:

Socialist Group (SOC)

Abdülkadir ATEŞ Turkey

Jaime BLANCO Spain

Anna ČURDOVÁ Czech Republic

Andreas GROSS Switzerland

Jean-Pol HENRY Belgium

Sinikka HURSKAINEN Finland

Tadeusz IWIŃSKI Poland

Tony LLOYD United Kingdom

Rainder STEENBLOCK Germany

Frans TIMMERMANS Netherlands

Biruté VĖSAITĖ Lithuania


Group of the European People’s Party (EPP/CD)

Pedro AGRAMUNT Spain

Jean-Guy BRANGER France

Erol Aslan CEBECI Turkey

Ã…se Gunhild Woie DUESUND Norway

Urszula GACEK Poland

Andres HERKEL Estonia

Oskars KASTÄ’NS Latvia

Ibrahim ÖZAL Turkey

Kimmo SASI Finland

Renate WOHLWEND* Liechtenstein

Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE)

Gurgen ARSENYAN Armenia

Stef GORIS                 Belgium

Mike HANCOCK United Kingdom

Johannes RANDEGGER Switzerland

François ROCHEBLOINE France

Hanne SEVERINSEN* Denmark

Gabor SZALAY Hungary

Jelleke VEENENDAAL Netherlands

European Democrat Group (EDG)

Toomas ALATALU Estonia

Mevlüt ÇAVUŞOĞLU* Turkey

Nigel EVANS United Kingdom


Ganira PASHAYEVA Azerbaijan

Yuri SOLONIN Russia

Emanuelis ZINGERIS Lithuania

Group of the Unified European Left (UEL)


Venice Commission

Angel SANCHEZ NAVARRO, Expert Spain


* These members were part of the pre-election delegation.

Parliamentary Assembly Communication Unit

Tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 31 93

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Angus Macdonald, PACE Communication Unit,

mobile + 33 (0)6 30 49 68 20, Strasbourg +33 (0)3 88 41 34 39.