Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2004-05 (2. samling)
Bilag 50
Testimony of the ‘disappeared’in the ‘war on terror’
ACTION SHEET 1 –US authoritiesTHE ‘DISAPPEARED’In a recent meeting with AI representatives, Yemeni nationalsMuhammad Faraj Ahmed Bashmilah and Salah Nasser Salim ‘Alidescribed how they were “disappeared” – held by US authorities insecret, underground, incommunicado detention for over one and ahalf years. Both had previously been subjected to four days oftorture by Jordanian authorities. Both were released from UScustody in March 2005 but remain detained in Yemen withoutcharge or trial, at the request of US authorities.
FREED FROM GUANTÁNAMO BAY,STILL DETAINED IN YEMENWalid Muhammad Shahir Muhammad al-Qadasi was released fromthe US detention centre at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and returned toYemen in April 2004. More than a year later, he remains detained inYemen without charge or trial, apparently at the request of the USauthorities. Before he was transferred to Guantánamo he had beenheld in Kabul and at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, where he wassubjected to abuse and threatened with death. He was held inGuantánamo for over two years and was never charged with anyoffence or brought to trial.
AT RISK OF TORTURE ORILL-TREATMENT IN UNKNOWNLOCATIONOsama Nasr Mostafa Hassan was abducted on a street in Milanand allegedly driven to the US air base in Aviano, Italy, where hewas interrogated and drugged before being taken to the USmilitary base in Ramstein in Germany. From there he was flown toEgypt, where he was allegedly tortured, including with electricshocks. Although released in 2004 he was rearrested andremains held in an unknown place of detention, although it hasbeen suggested that he may again be detained in Egypt where hemay be at risk of torture or ill-treatment.
For more details on these cases, pleasesee AI’s reportTorture and secretdetention: Testimony of the ‘disappeared’in the ‘war on terror’.AI Index: AMR51/108/2005 more information on the campaign,including appeals, see take further action, pleasekeep reading...
Action Sheet 1 –USACall on the US authorities to:
STOPsecret and incommunicado
detention, and ‘disappearances’
Clarify the location where Muhammad Faraj AhmedBashmilah and Salah Nasser Salim ‘Ali were held andclarify the location where Osama Nasr Hassan remainsheld.Disclose the identities and clarify the fate and whereaboutsof all detainees reported to be or to have been in UScustody or under US interrogation in the custody of othercountries.Stop secret and incommunicado detention, and“disappearances” – human rights violations in themselvesand conditions in which torture thrives. Ensure that alldetainees have access to lawyers, families and the courts.Immediately end all acts of torture and other cruel,inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment by USofficials.
PROSECUTEanyone found
responsible for human rights
Investigate and prosecute alleged perpetrators of tortureor other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, whereverit has occurred.Ensure that anyone responsible for human rightsviolations is brought to justice in fair proceedings.Make it clear to all officials involved in the treatment orinterrogation of detainees and prisoners that torture andill-treatment are prohibited absolutely and will not betolerated.
RELEASE OR FAIR TRIALWithdraw all requests or demands made to the Yemenior any other government for the continued detention ofpersons released from US custody, unless it is with aview to prompt prosecution for internationallyrecognizable criminal offences and in accordance withinternational standards of fair trial;Grant UN human rights monitoring bodies, theInternational Committee of the Red Cross, AmnestyInternational and other human rights organizationsregular access to detainees and officials in GuantánamoBay as well as in Yemen, Jordan and any other location.
INVESTIGATEall allegations of
torture and other ill-treatment
Investigate all allegations or torture and otherill-treatment against Walid Muhammad ShahirMuhammad al-Qadasi and Osama Nasr Hassan.Establish an independent Commission of Enquiry toinvestigate the actions of all relevant US agencies withregards all aspects of US detention and interrogationpolicies and practices in the “war on terror”.
Write to:Condoleeza RiceSecretary of StateUS Department of State2201 C Street, N.W.Washington DC 20520Fax: + 1 202 261 8577E-mail: [email protected]Vice President Richard B. CheneyThe White HouseOffice of the Vice-President1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWWashington DC 20500Fax: + 1 202 456 2461Email: [email protected]Amnesty International, International Secretariat, Peter Benenson House,1 Easton Street, London WC1X 0DW, UK.