The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) has the pleasure of announcing a seminar on
Strengthening the integration of environment as a cross-cutting issue in
Danish bilateral assistance
Friday, 30 September 2005, 10.00-13.30
Danish Institute for International Studies
Main Auditorium
Strandgade 71, ground floor, 1401 Copenhagen K
Environment has been a cross-cutting issue in Danish development assistance since the
late 1980s. This focus on environment as a cross-cutting issue is reiterated in the Danidas
latest environmental strategy (2004) and in the present Danish governments priorities for
the Danish environmental efforts in development cooperation (2004). The Danish
environmental commitment should be seen in the context of the Millennium Development
Goals and the environment related international conventions ratified by Denmark as well
as by many of its partner countries.
In October 2004, Danida asked the Department of Development Research at the Danish
Institute for International Studies (DIIS) to undertake a review of the post-1999
experiences with integrating environment in Danish bilateral assistance and to suggest
ways to further strengthen these efforts.
The review is based upon an analysis of the way in which environment has been integrated
as a cross-cutting issue in the identification, preparation and approval of a sample of 20
cases of sector programme support. These 20 cases of sector programme sector support
have been selected from four sectors agriculture, water, transport and decentralization,
in 10 different countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The review has been conducted
by Henrik Egelyng, Kim Raben, Helle Munk Ravnborg (coordinator), DIIS, and David
Andrew Wardell, RDC ApS.
In conclusion of this review, Department of Development Research, DIIS, wishes to invite
you for a seminar at which the review and its recommendations will be presented and
discussed. The seminar will be held September 30, 2005, 10 am 1.30 pm.
Practical Information
The review report entitled The long road from policy to practice and some possible
shortcuts A review of post-1999 experiences with integrating environment as a cross-
cutting issue in Danish development assistance will be made available at the
prior to the seminar (in the DIIS Report series) and printed copies will be available at the
The seminar is open to all. However, registration is necessary. If you wish to participate,
please let us know by sending an email to Ellen-Marie Bentsen, DIIS, [email protected] or by
calling at tel. 32 69 86 09 no later than September 27, 2005.