1. juli 2005 18:17 Dear Mr. Gade I write to invite you to a Briefing session for Parliamentarians that the European Programme of the Society for international Development (SID) is organising in Brussels on 1 September 2005 Following the conclusions  of SID/ EDC2010 International Conference ''Europe and the South:  A New  Era. European Development Cooperation: towards policy renewal and a new commitment’’, (for the report please see www.euforic.org/sid-europe/) SID continues trying to  ensure true policy renewal and new commitment of  Europe  (both  as  a  Union  and  as  individual  Member  States)  to  the  South,  which  puts  Europe  at  the forefront of the international development cooperation. In this context SID is organising a compact two and a half hours briefing session that will attempt to provide you with: 1) High quality analysis of the new European Development Policy Statement (DPS) that may be of relevance  for your work. Analysis that is based on independent research as well as the opinion from the high calibre policy makers on the EU level. 2) Probably the last opportunity for the parliamentarians, policy makers and representatives of Development administration to mandate the European development policy and to send a strong message to the UN Millennium Development Goals Summit in New York that Europe is committed to lead the way in  striving to achieve  the MDGs as a part of overarching goal of poverty eradication. (despite the recent agreement on the decisive role that Europe should play in achieving the MDGs, there are still some strong impediments to its implementation. 3) Give you an opportunity to ask questions and further expand your understanding of the development policy as well as to express your opinion on and debate with the high quality speakers the European development policy and the role of Europe in the achieving the overarching goal of poverty eradication. 4) A short (max 4 pages) briefing paper, that according to our expectations relevant to your work. This will be prepared by the leading research institutes (ODI, ECDPM. ICEI) that did the Assessment of the old  Development Policy Statement from November 2000, which can be downloaded from the Commission’s website. 5) Meet other colleagues, policy makers and the development administrators from both MS and on European level. I hope that as the President of Foreign Affairs (Development) Committee you may find that this session could be helpful for your and your Committee’s decisions making regarding the development cooperation and policy and therefore an investment worth making. If you are not able to attend the session I would kindly ask you to delegate a most relevant member of your Committee to come instead. As a colleague parliamentarian I am aware that your parliament would soon go into recess and that you will not be officially back to your office until a few day before the briefing session. For that reason I would appeal to you to send your reply to SID by the middle of July clearly stating whether you intend to participate in the Briefing session. Please send your replies to the European project coordinator Ms. Gordana Stankovic [email protected] or contact her on tel: +31 70 338 3285. With kind regards, Senator Jos J.A.M. van Gennip President SID Netherlands Chapter and European Programme Vice-President SID International