SID European programme Invites you to A Briefing Session “Will Europe make a difference? Future of the European Development Policy” (to be preceded by “Meet the Press Luncheon”) Dateee & Venue:  September 1 st2005,13.30 16.00 International Press Cent re,Brussels 12.00 – -Press Service Europe (IPS EUROPE) Purpose: To  provide  high  quality  information  and  a  platform  for  informed  debate  on  the  new  EU Development  Policy  Statement  (DPS) ,    proposal  of  which  is  due  to  be  released by  the Commission on 12th July,  and on the future of European development cooperation and policy in the context of international efforts for eradication of poverty. Target group: Parliamentarians  from  both  the  25  EU    Member  States and  the  European  Parliament, representatives of development administration, policy makers and researchers. Background: Following  the  conclusions  of  SID/  EDC2010  International  Conference  ''Europe  and  the South: A New Era. European Development Cooperation: towards policy renewal and a new commitment’’,  SID  continues  trying  to   ensure  true  policy  renewal  and  new  commitment  of Europe (both as a Union and as individual Member States) to the South, , which puts Europe at  the  forefront  of  the  international  development  cooperation.  In  this  context  we  are organising the briefing session for parliamentarians on the new Development Policy Statement (DPS).  Our goal is to ensure that parliamentarians high quality information based on research and are inclu ded in the debate on the EU development policy, especially the EC proposal of the new  DPS,  which  should  become  a  guiding  document  for  formulation  of  a  truly  European policy and cooperation in the years to come on both multilateral and bilateral level. Raison d'être behind choosing the 1st September for this Briefing session is that is right before the New York Summit, hence it will also provide the last opportunity for the parliamentarians, policy makers and representatives of Development administration t o discuss the future of European policy and to send a strong message to New York that Europe is ready to lead the way in  striving to achieve  the MDGs as a part of overarching goal of poverty eradication. This should also be clearly reflected in the new D PS and fully endorsed by the individual member states as a guiding document for formulation of a truly European policy and cooperation on both multilateral and bilateral level. We would like to ensure that the two major criticism of the old DPS from Novem ber 2000, namely no reference to MDGs and not a stronger consultation process with the EU parliamentarians and policy makers in Member States are corrected and reflected in the new DPS.
Structure of The briefing session will be split in two parts each lead by a panel of prominent speakers and the session chaired byJosvan Gennip, Pr esident of SID NL and European P rogramme. Panel I – will seek to provide participants with analysis of the new DPS and the high quality information, panel is to be followed by Q&A. It will consist of 3 speakers: - James  Mackie,  Head  of  European  programme  at  ECDPM,  Maastricht,  will  provide  a short background of the old DPS (he lead a team of researches in Assessment of the old EC Development Policy), critical analy sis o f the new DPS - An MEP from the EP Development Committee giving the assessment from the EP view, and - A  representative  of  the  European  Commission  Directorate  General  for  Development, which is a driving force behind the new DPS. Panel II – is to concentrate on political implication and implementation of the new DPS. The short speeches will be followed by a discussion - Commissioner Michel (TBC) - Secretary or Under -secretary of State for Int. Development from UK, which is holding the EU Presidency (TBC) . -      Simon  Maxwell,  Director  of  Overseas  Development  Institute,  London  – discussion on the political implication and implementation of the new DPS, (TBC) Both panels are expected to deal extensively with the mandate and the commitment of the EU (as a whole, the Commission and the Member States) towards the UN Summit, taking place only  two  weeks  after  the  briefing  session,  and  the  consequences  for  the  coherent  European external policies. Logistics: The   Session   is   organised   by   Society   for   International   Development   – Programme  ( -europe )  in  partnership  with     European  Association  of Development Research and Training Institutes – -wide EDC 2010 programme ( Costs of travel up to a maximum of €300 can be reimburse by SID EP to those  participants who have difficulty funding the trip from their budget. Since the Briefing session is taki ng place right at the beginning of the new Parliamentary session we would appreciate if you can send us a reply prior to the recess of your own Parliament stating whether you intend to participate in the Briefing Session . Please contact: [email protected] or Tel: +31 70 338 3285