Chair: Ann McKechin MP
Vice Chairs: Peter Bottomley MP, Stephen OBrien MP
Mark Lazarowicz MP, Baroness Northover,
David Drew MP John Battle MP
Secretary: Andy Reed MP
Treasurer: Vernon Coaker MP
Co-ordinator: Matthew Hulbert
Tel: 020 7219 8239 e-mail: [email protected]
20th June 2005
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to you as the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Debt, Aid & Trade, (formally
the APPG for HIPC). I am very pleased to invite you to an International Parliamentarians meeting on the
2nd July, 9.30-11.00am held at the Augustines Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
The event will bring together a select number of International Parliamentarians, Ambassadors and NGOs to
hear top speakers from the North and South, including:
Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP, Secretary of State for International Development
Mr. Donald Kaberuka, Rwandan Finance Minister & former Chairman of the African HIPC Ministerial
Luisa Morgantini MEP, Chair of the International Development Committee in the European Parliament
Dr Kumi Naidoo, Secretary-General & CEO of CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
Mr Charles Abugre, Head of Global Policy and Advocacy for Christian Aid
Chaired by Rt Hon Jack McConnell MSP, First Minister of the Scottish Parliament (tbc, a member of the
Scottish Executive is confirmed either way)
The event has been coordinated in collaboration with the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly; the
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, and the International Parliamentarians Petition, who have all
agreed to rally support for the event. It also benefits from major logistical back up provided by Oxfam
International. It is also a key event in terms of hearing from African speakers and the developments that
they would like to see.
It is hoped that over 200 international parliamentarians and ambassadors can come together from around the
globe in a show of unity on the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY day in Edinburgh. The George IV Bridge is
only ten minutes away from the start line of the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY rally, which means this is a
fantastic location for parliamentarians to make their way over to the rally and to show their support for the
MPH campaign.
Given this is the only parliamentary event organised in Edinburgh, it will undoubtedly attract widespread
media coverage with an excellent photo-opportunity for local and national press, (a giant white banner has
kindly been made available). I would be absolutely delighted if you could make an appearance, not least to
help make a positive impact for international civil society through your attendance.
Please RSVP to Matthew Hulbert (Tel: 02072198239 Fax: 02072191770) or [email protected] as
Coordinator of the Group. For logistical help and transport arrangements please contact Katy McDermott of
Oxfam International on (01865 312339
[email protected]
I very much look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ann McKechin MP
Chair of the APPG for Debt, Aid & Trade
All Party Parliamentary Group on Debt, Aid & Trade