Europaudvalget 2004-05 (2. samling), Forsvarsudvalget 2004-05 (2. samling), Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2004-05 (2. samling), Udenrigsudvalget 2004-05 (2. samling)
Det Europæiske Råd 16-17/6 2005 Bilag 2, FOU Alm.del Bilag 64, UPN Alm.del Bilag 49, URU Alm.del Bilag 139
merne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
6. juni 2005
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges formandskabets udkast til konklusi-
oner vedrørende Det Europæiske Råds møde i Bruxelles den 16.-17. juni 2005, 9490/05.
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Brussels, 31 May 2005 (03.06)
(OR. fr)
from :
to :
Subject :
Permanent Representatives Committee
European Council (16 and 17 June 2005)
Draft conclusions
The Presidency hereby submits to Coreper a first draft of the conclusions to be adopted by the Euro-
pean Council at its meeting on 16 and 17 June 2005. Some parts of the text are likely to be amended in
the light of forthcoming meetings of the JHA and Ecofin Councils. Moreover, it will only be possible
to draft certain points of the conclusions in the light of discussions by the GAERC and recent deve-
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The meeting of the European Council was preceded by an exposé by the President of the Euro-
pean Parliament, Mr Josep Borrell, followed by an exchange of views.
[PM: state of ratifications of the draft Constitutional Treaty]
The Council addressed the following issues:
Financial perspective
Economic, social and environmental issues (Lisbon Strategy; sustainable development)
Area of freedom, security and justice (the Hague Programme; terrorism)
External relations
Other business
PM: In accordance with the conclusions of the December 2004 European Council, the aim is to reach political agreement
on the whole dossier. Discussions at the European Council will be on the basis of a new negotiating box, revised following
the conclave held on 12 June 2005.
Relaunching the Lisbon Strategy: a partnership for growth and jobs
In March 2005, the European Council judged that it was indispensable to relaunch the Lisbon
Strategy without delay and to refocus priorities on growth and employment. To achieve this objec-
tive, it also concluded that all appropriate national and Community resources must be mobilised to a
greater degree in the Strategy's three dimensions (economic, social and environmental).
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In this context, the Council approves the Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs 2005-2008,
which consist of the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines and the Employment Guidelines. It wel-
comes this first result of the new approach defined at its meeting in March 2005, which makes it
possible, on the basis of the proceedings of all the Council's configurations concerned with imple-
mentation, to coordinate macro-economic policies, micro-economic policies and employment poli-
cies around 24 integrated guidelines (see Annex I) in a dynamic and consistent fashion.
The Integrated Guidelines must now be reflected in consistent and ambitious national re-
form programmes to be established by the Member States by the autumn of 2005. These pro-
grammes are an indispensable instrument for reform, which is proving ever more necessary to cre-
ate growth and jobs.
Sustainable development
When it relaunched the Lisbon Strategy in March 2005, the European Council reaffirmed that
the Strategy was to be seen in the wider context of the sustainable development requirement that
present needs should be met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.
The European Council reiterates its attachment to sustainable development as a key principle
governing all the Union's policies and activities. In this context, and on the basis of the Commis-
sion proposal, the European Council approves the "Declaration on the guiding principles for sus-
tainable development" (see Annex II). It welcomes this new impetus and recalls that the key objec-
tives and guiding principles set out in the declaration will serve as a basis for the renewed sustaina-
ble development strategy, to be adopted if possible before the end of 2005.
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The Hague Programme
The European Council is pleased to note the adoption by the Council and Commission of the
Action Plan implementing the Hague Programme on strengthening freedom, security and justice.
The Plan translates the objectives of the Hague Programme into specific measures. Given the grow-
ing importance of the external dimension of the area of freedom, security and justice, it will be sup-
plemented at the end of the year by the strategy to be adopted by the Council on a proposal from the
SG/HR and the Commission.
It is of prime importance that Member States should implement the various measures adopted to
carry out the Action Plan effectively and within the deadlines. The European Council therefore
welcomes the examination by the Council of the measures taken by Member States to transpose and
implement the Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant, and hopes that this sort of
evaluation will be repeated and taken further.
The European Council welcomes the emphasis given by the Action Plan to operational coopera-
tion between the various actors involved in the Union's internal security. In this respect, it notes the
more operational character of recent work by the Police Chiefs Task Force, Europol and Eurojust
and welcomes the start of activities by the Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation
at the External Borders. The European Council invites the Council to step up coordination both
amongst these various actors and between them and the competent authorities of the Member
The European Council agrees to take stock of the implementation of the Hague Action Plan
during the second half of 2006, with a view in particular to its updating following the entry into
force of the Constitutional Treaty.
The European Council welcomes the adoption by the Council of the EU Drugs Action Plan
(2005-2008) in the framework of the EU Drug Strategy (2005-2012).
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Fight against terrorism
The European Council took note of the Council's report on the implementation of the Action
Plan to combat terrorism. It commends the progress made on the legislative front in the area of the
exchange of judicial and police information and the fight against the financing of terrorism. It also
notes the guidelines defined by the Council for drawing up a strategy on radicalisation and terrorist
recruitment, the finalisation of the peer review of domestic anti-terrorism arrangements and the de-
velopment of analytical capacity within the Council Secretariat.
The European Council stresses the importance which it attaches to progress being made in
all areas of the Action Plan to combat terrorism, particularly as regards compliance with
the deadlines for the entry into force of the measures considered to be a priority for the effective-
ness of the fight against terrorism.
The European Council wishes the following points to be addressed as a priority during the sec-
ond half of 2005:
the negotiation of legislative proposals to strengthen police and judicial cooperation,
in particular the draft Framework Decisions on the exchange of information between
police authorities, on the evidence warrant, and on the retention of data on telecommu-
nications traffic;
the drafting of the strategy and action plan on radicalisation and terrorist recruitment;
the implementation of the strategy on the financing of terrorism;
the strengthening of civil protection capabilities, particularly as regards the medical
resources available to deal with a biological terrorist attack;
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the finalisation of assistance programmes to certain priority third countries to
strengthen their anti-terrorist mechanisms;
customs cooperation measures to improve the security of the supply chain.
The European Council will evaluate the progress made at its meeting in December 2005 and
revise the Action Plan to combat terrorism.
Bulgaria and Romania
The European Council welcomes the signing of the Accession Treaty on 25 April 2005 in Lux-
embourg, which marks a further important step towards the accession of Bulgaria and Romania to
the European Union.
Bulgaria and Romania are urged to press ahead with their preparatory efforts towards full im-
plementation of the
particularly in the key sectors identified in December 2004, so that the
Union can welcome these two countries as new Member States on 1 January 2007. The Union will
continue to monitor this process closely, in particular on the basis of the comprehensive monitoring
reports to be presented by the Commission, and will pay particular attention to ensuring that the
commitments made during negotiations are fully honoured within the time limits laid down.
As acceding countries, Bulgaria and Romania are now participating in the proceedings of the
Council and of its bodies as active observers. This will smooth the passage from a European Union
of 25 to a European Union of 27.
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The European Council recalls its conclusions of 16 and 17 December 2004 concerning the open-
ing of accession negotiations with Turkey on 3 October 2005.
The European Council also recalls Turkey's commitment to sign the Protocol regarding the ad-
aptation of the Ankara Agreement, taking account of the accession of the ten new Member States,
prior to the actual start of accession negotiations. It welcomes the agreement between the Commis-
sion and Turkey on this Protocol, and looks forward to its early signing.
PM: the Presidency may submit a text following the GAERC, in the light of latest developments.
Preparation for the September 2005 United Nations Summit
The European Council reaffirms its strong support for effective multilateralism and for the pro-
cess of reform currently under way in the United Nations. It emphasises that the report which the
Secretary-General presented on 21 March 2005 and [the
outcome paper presented by the President
of the General Assembly on 3 June 2005]
should form the basis for the negotiation of a final docu-
ment for the high-level plenary meeting in September.
The European Council considers it essential to achieve a balanced and ambitious out-
come enabling the UN to be reformed so that it can respond more effectively to the mul-
ti-dimensional threats and challenges identified in the Secretary-General's report.
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Against this background, the European Council emphasises its commitment to pursuing a sub-
stantial dialogue with all UN member countries with a view to preparing for the Summit.
The European Council wishes to express its gratitude to the Secretary-General for the exhaus-
tive and coherent nature of his report and for the strategies proposed in the areas of development,
security, human rights, the rule of law and democracy. It shares the Secretary-General's views on
his integrated concept of collective security and supports the idea that development, security and
human rights are interdependent and mutually reinforcing.
Development plays a crucial role in the preparation of the Summit. In this respect, the European
Council welcomes the agreement reached by the Council concerning Official Development Assis-
tance (ODA). In the context of reaching the commitment to attain the internationally agreed ODA
target of 0,7% ODA/GNI, the European Council notes with satisfaction that its Member States are
on track to achieve the 0,39% target of GNI in 2006 for ODA volumes contained in the Barcelona
commitments. While reaffirming its determination to fulfil these commitments, the Council decid-
ed on a new collective European Union target of 0,56% ODA/GNI by 2010. This would result in
additional annual EUR 20 billion in ODA by that time.
In this context, the European Council can reiterate that Member States which have not yet
reached a level of 0,51% ODA/GNI undertake to attain that level, within their respective budget
allocation processes, by 2010, while those that are already above that level undertake to continue
their efforts. Member States which joined the EU after 2002, and have not reached a level of 0,17%
ODA/GNI, will endeavour to increase their ODA to attain that level, within their respective budget
allocation processes, by 2010, while those that are already above that level undertake to continue
their efforts; Member States undertake to achieve the 0,7% ODA/GNI target by 2015, whilst those
which have achieved that target commit themselves to remain above that target; Member States
which joined the EU after 2002 will endeavour to increase their ODA/GNI to 0,33% by 2015.
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The European Council confirms that the European Union will continue to take account of de-
velopment cooperation objectives in all policies that it implements which are likely to affect devel-
oping countries, in the context of the Global Partnership for Development under Millennium Devel-
opment Goal (MDG) No 8.
The EU considers the development of Africa a priority and will step up its efforts to assist Afri-
can countries to reach the Millennium Development Goals. In this context, the European Council
reaffirms the European Union's intention to increase its financial assistance for subsaharan Africa
by collectively allocating at least 50% of the agreed increase in ODA resources to the African con-
tinent. Aid for countries which are emerging from conflict and fragile States will also be improved.
The European Council regards the Peace Building Commission, the fight against terrorism, the
adoption of principles governing the use of force, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
and the strengthening of the United Nations' peacekeeping capabilities as its priorities in the area of
security in the preparation of the Summit.
With regard more specifically to non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the Europe-
an Council deplores the failure of the NPT revision conference and reiterates the importance which
it attaches to the consolidation of that instrument. It hopes that the issue will be addressed at the
September Summit.
The European Council welcomes the prominent place given to human rights, the rule of law and
democracy in the reform proposals. In this connection, the European Council reaffirms the im-
portance which it attributes to the concept of responsibility to protect. It supports the Secretary-
General's proposals to establish a Human Rights Council meeting throughout the year and reflecting
the central place held by human rights in the UN system as well as the call for the strengthening of
the High Commissioner's Office, inter alia through its interaction with the Security Council.
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In the area of institutional reforms, the European Council recognises the need to reform the
main UN bodies, among them the General Assembly, ECOSOC and the Security Council, with a
view to enhancing the representativeness, transparency and efficiency of the system. It also sup-
ports reform efforts in the areas of the budget and administrative management, to enable the UN
better to fulfil its mandate.
Sustainable development, including environmental questions and concerns, must be integrated
to a greater extent in national and international development programmes and strategies. In this
context, the European Council supports the Secretary-General's urgent appeal for a more integrated
international environmental governance structure, based on existing institutions. In this perspective,
and given the environmental challenges associated with development, the EU proposes that the
high-level meeting in September 2005 initiate a process, as part of UN reform, which will lead to
negotiations on the establishment of a UN agency for the environment, based on UNEP, with a re-
vised and strengthened mandate, supported by stable, adequate and predictable financial contribu-
tions and operating on an equal footing with other UN specialised agencies.
Western Balkans
The European Council reaffirms its commitment to full implementation of the Thessaloniki
agenda, which emphasises that the future of the Western Balkans lies in the European Union. It
reiterates that each country's progress towards European integration depends on its efforts to com-
ply with the Copenhagen criteria and the conditionality of the stabilisation and association process,
including full cooperation with the ICTY.
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The European Council commends the substantial efforts made by Serbia and Montenegro, and
reaffirms that the European Union wishes to enter into negotiations as soon as possible with a view
to concluding a stabilisation and association agreement. It reiterates its determination to act like-
wise with Bosnia and Herzegovina as soon as the conditions for so doing are fulfilled.
The European Council expects that cooperation with the ICTY by all countries in the region will
continue and be strengthened until all those charged with crimes who continue to elude international
justice have been brought before the Tribunal.
The European Council has adopted a declaration on Kosovo which is set out in Annex III.
European Neighbourhood Policy
European Council welcomes the conclusion of a first wave of action plans, within the
framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy, with Israel, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, the
Palestinian Authority, Tunisia and Ukraine, and welcomes the decision to establish similar action
plans with the three Republics in the Southern Caucasus, which were included in the European
Neighbourhood Policy in June 2004.
The European Council reiterates the EU's commitment to strengthening its relations with Bielo-
russia, inter alia by drawing up an action plan, once the authorities of that country have clearly
demonstrated their intention to respect democratic values and human rights.
The European Council invites the Commission and the High Representative to report regularly
on progress made.
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Strategic Partnership with the Mediterranean region and the Middle East
European Council approved the report by the Presidency, the Secretary-General/High Rep-
resentative and the Commission on the implementation of the Strategic Partnership between the EU
and the Mediterranean region and the Middle East. It will continue to monitor implementation of
the objectives of the Strategic Partnership in accordance with the principles of action of joint own-
ership and partnership. The common political will to promote relations and cooperation in all areas,
extending beyond commercial and economic issues, was reaffirmed in particular at the 15th GCC-
EU Joint Council and Ministerial Meeting on 5 April 2005 in Manama.
Barcelona Process
The European Council welcomes the holding, in Luxembourg, of the Seventh Eu-
ro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference, which enabled a comprehensive review of the Partnership
since its initiation in 1995 to be carried out and the bases for the future of the Process to be defined.
It also noted with satisfaction the progress made in the implementation of the social, cultural and
human partnership of the Barcelona Process, in particular through the inauguration, in Alexandria,
of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, and the es-
tablishment in Luxembourg of the Euro-Mediterranean Non-Governmental Platform. Lastly, the
European Council welcomes the holding of the first plenary session of the Euro-Mediterranean Par-
liamentary Assembly in Cairo, which reflects the attachment to democratic values and the principle
of joint ownership intrinsic to the Barcelona Processus.
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The European Council reaffirms the objective of a safe, stable, unified, prosperous and demo-
cratic Iraq that upholds human rights, fully exercises its sovereignty and cooperates constructively
with its neighbours and with the international community. It encourages the Iraqi authorities to
pursue the full involvement of all sections of Iraqi society in the constitutional process and in pro-
moting genuine national dialogue.
The European Council reiterates its commitment to supporting the Iraqi authorities and people,
in particular by providing support for the strengthening of the criminal justice system and the rule of
law through the EUJUST LEX mission, by contributing to the political, economic and social recon-
struction of Iraq and by continuing efforts to deepen relations between the EU and Iraq with the aim
of establishing a regular political dialogue. The European Council welcomes the adoption of the
operation plan for the Integrated Rule of Law Mission for Iraq (EUJUST LEX) by the Council on
13 June 2005, enabling this EU training mission for Iraq to be officially launched.
It expresses the wish that the International Conference on Iraq, jointly organised by the Europe-
an Union and the United States, to be held on 22 June 2005 in Brussels, will provide an opportunity
to demonstrate the international community's support for the priorities identified by the Iraqi author-
ities for the transition period and to put in place a new coordination framework for aid efforts. In
this connection, the European Council emphasises the importance of the Iraqi Government playing
a leading role and the United Nations acting to provide advice and support.
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The European Council welcomes the resumption of negotiations for a trade and cooperation
agreement and for a political document with Iran following the conclusion of the Paris Agreement
in November 2004. It confirms that the European Union is ready to continue looking into ways of
further developing political and economic cooperation with Iran, further to the measures taken by
that country to respond to other EU concerns in connection with the fight against terrorism, human
rights and Iran's approach to the Middle East peace process.
The European Council would point out that the total suspension of all enrichment-related and all
reprocessing activities had to be maintained if the overall process was to continue. It expresses its
support for the continuation of efforts to reach an agreement on long-term arrangements, and wel-
comes Iran's confirmation on 25 May in Geneva of the continuing suspension of enrichment activi-
Middle East Peace Process
The European Council adopted a declaration on the Middle East Peace Process, which is set out
in Annex IV.
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Transatlantic Relations
The European Council welcomes the positive development of Transatlantic Relations during the
first half of 2005. It notes with satisfaction the visit by US President George W. Bush to the Euro-
pean institutions in Brussels on 22 February 2005, and in particular the meeting of the Heads of
State or of Government with the President. The annual summit between the Union and the United
States on 20 June 2005 in Washington will be a further opportunity to note progress made in rela-
tions with this irreplaceable strategic partner of the Union, and in particular to deepen Transatlantic
economic ties. It welcomes the launching of a strategic dialogue between the Union and the United
States on East Asia. [It expresses its belief that 10 years after the New Transatlantic Agenda was
adopted the time has come to consider reviewing the structures of the Transatlantic dialogue and
recasting the text on which the structures are based to adapt it to new European and Transatlantic
realities, notably to the more strategic content of the relationship.] It also looks forward to the
forthcoming EU-Canada Summit on 19 June 2005 in Niagara-on-the-Lake when it will be possible
to take note of the consolidation of the EU-Canada relationship since the Partnership Agreement
was adopted at the last Summit in March 2004.
The European Council expresses satisfaction at the outcome of the 15th EU-Russia Summit,
which was held on 10 May 2005, and more particularly at the adoption of the road maps for the
creation of four economic spaces, which it was decided to set up at the St Petersburg Summit in
May 2003 (common economic space, common space of freedom, security and justice, space of co-
operation in the field of external security, and a space of research and education, including cultural
aspects). This balanced set of road maps defines common objectives for EU-Russia relations, as
well as the actions necessary to attain these objectives, and determines the medium-term pro-
gramme for cooperation between the EU and Russia.
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The consultations on human rights, launched in March 2005, are also giving fresh impetus
to EU-Russia relations in terms of quality.
The European Council welcomes the signing of the border agreement between Russia and Esto-
nia and hopes that a similar agreement can soon be signed with Latvia.
The Council reiterates its resolve to expand its partnership with Japan both in response to major
international issues and on a strictly bilateral level. It is determined to strengthen the strategic dia-
logue on East Asia's security environment, the need for which was emphasised at the 14th EU-
Japan Summit in Luxembourg on 2 May 2005. The European Council welcomes the considerable
progress made with the implementation of the action plan, adopted in 2001, which reflects the
deepening relations between the enlarged Union and Japan. The need for closer cooperation on
environmental, energy and science and technology issues was recalled. The European Council is
pleased to note the success of the EU-Japan Year of People to People Exchanges.
The European Council reiterates its determination to develop the strategic partnership with Chi-
na by intensifying the dialogue in all areas, whether of an economic or political nature.
It underlines in particular the importance it attaches to the human rights dialogue, the 19th round of
which took place on 24 and 25 February in Luxembourg.
[PM: Future adoption of the code of conduct and the "toolbox"]
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Relations with Asia
The European Council reaffirms the importance it attaches to the development of relations with
Asia in the light of the increasing role that the region is called upon to play in the resolution of fun-
damental issues arising in the international community. In this context, it welcomes the outcome of
the EU-ASEAN and ASEM ministerials which took place during the first half of the year.
The European Council encourages further work on formulating the action plan with India,
which is due to be approved at the sixth summit to be held in the second half of 2005 in New Delhi.
Relations with Africa
The European Council welcomes the boosting of peace-keeping and security maintenance capa-
bilities in Africa and the fact that the relevant structures have been made operational. The EU con-
tributed to security sector reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo by launching the EU
police mission in April 2005 in Kinshasa (EUPOL Kinshasa), the aim of which is to ensure that the
future Congolese integrated police will act in accordance with best international police practice.
The EU also contributed to transition and stabilisation in the DRC by launching a mission to pro-
vide advice and assistance for security sector reform (EUSEC RD Congo) on 8 June 2005. Such
missions are tangible examples of the action plan in practice providing support through the ESDP
for peace and security in Africa.
The European Council is anxious to point out in particular that the European Union, and its
Member States, will pursue their aid efforts, notably in Sudan, in the Great Lakes region, in West
Africa and in Somalia. It expresses its full support for the continental initiatives such as NEPAD or
regional initiatives such as the process following on from the International Conference on the Great
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The EU will pursue its commitment to restoring peace and development in Sudan, in particular
through its support for AMIS. For example, at the AMIS donor conference on 26 May 2005 in Ad-
dis Ababa the EU tabled a comprehensive and substantial offer involving support for planning, lo-
gistics, equipment, strategic and tactical airlift, development of AU's observation capabilities and
training, in keeping with the requests made by the African Union and in coordination with the other
international community players, in particular the United Nations, NATO, the United States and
Canada. The European Council continues to be deeply concerned at the further atrocities commit-
ted against the civil population in Darfur. It urges all the Sudanese parties to cooperate fully with
the United Nations and the International Criminal Court in implementing fully and completely the
Global Peace Agreement and in launching an inclusive democratisation process.
In view of the close link between peace and security, on the one hand, and the development
of the African countries, on the other, the European Council reaffirms the EU's determination
to continue supporting the development of the African continent in compliance with the principles
of equality and African ownership. In this context, the high-level plenary meeting will be crucial.
The European Council also commends the priority treatment given to Africa in the G8 proceedings
and has taken note of the contribution by the "Commission for Africa".
In this context the European Council recalls the importance it attaches to relations between
the European Union and Africa and welcomes the Commission's intention to submit a fresh com-
munication on the subject. It invites the Council to study the communication in the light of the UN
Summit, in preparation for the European Council in December 2005.
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Relations with Latin America
The European Council notes with satisfaction the outcome of the 12th ministerial meeting be-
tween the Union and the Rio Group, and of the ministerial meetings with the various subregional
organisations of Central and South America, which took place on 26 and 27 May 2005 in Luxem-
The European Council approved the Presidency report on the ESDP, which comprises the man-
date for the incoming Presidency.
As regards military capabilities, conceptual work on battlegroups has continued with success.
At the battlegroup coordination conference on 11 May it was established that Member States' com-
mitments will enable the desired goal for the initial operating capability period 2005 and 2006 to be
achieved. The European Council notes with satisfaction the progress made with a view to securing
the necessary contributions for the full operating capability period in 2007, 2008.
The European Council welcomes the measures taken to enable the decision-making and plan-
ning process to be speeded up for EU rapid response operations.
The development of European civilian capabilities to achieve the Civilian Headline Goal 2008
has been actively pursued in accordance with the deadlines set by the December 2004 European
Council. It has thus been possible to prepare the strategic planning assumptions and illustrative
scenarios concerning stabilisation and reconstruction, conflict prevention, targeted strengthening of
institutions and civilian support for humanitarian operations. Work on the rapid deployment of ci-
vilian crisis management capabilities has also continued.
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The European Council notes that the development of ESDP instruments is part of a consistent
approach. The civil-military cell, the establishment of which was adopted at the European Council
in December 2003, has begun its proceedings on the basis of an ambitious programme of activities.
The European Defence Agency is now fully engaged in implementing its first annual work pro-
gramme. Flagship projects have been put forward in the areas of military capabilities, armaments,
industry and the market, and research and technology, the four pillars of the EDA's work.
The European Council notes with satisfaction that the concept of EU training in the field of the
ESDP has begun to be implemented with success. The conditions necessary for establishing the
European Security and Defence College and for defining its operating procedures have been met.
The European Council reaffirms its interest in strengthening its partnerships and cooperation
with third States and international bodies. The EU and NATO have pursued their cooperation with-
in a strategic partnership on crisis management, more particularly in the implementation of opera-
tion ALTHEA, led by the EU in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Cooperation with the United Nations on crisis management has resulted in particular in close
collaboration between EUPOL Kinshasa and MONUC.
The European Council also notes with satisfaction the progress made in strengthening the part-
nership on EU-led crisis management with Ukraine and Canada, in the context of the common
space of external security with Russia and in the context of Euromed with the Mediterranean part-
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Fight against HIV/AIDS and other transmissible diseases
The European Council notes with deep concern the increase in the incidence of HIV/AIDS in
the Member States, in neighbouring countries and world-wide, and underlines the need for a coor-
dinated and integrated Community approach in order to combat this scourge.
The European Council recalls the importance of active cooperation between Member States and
the Commission in order to improve the public's general knowledge and to raise its awareness as
regards preventing HIV contamination, promote safer and more responsible sexual behaviour and
practices, ensure universal access to treatment and maintain a climate of non-discrimination in soci-
ety. The Member States and the Commission are invited to continue their exchange at Community
level of best practices and experiences, and to promote investment in appropriate research and de-
velopment activities.
In the area of combating HIV/AIDS and other transmissible diseases, in particular in the context
of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) No 6, the European Council commends the Council's
approval of the European Programme for Action to Confront HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis
through External Action. This programme is the basis for renewed, concerted and energetic action
by the EU in all partner countries and at world level through common actions designed in particular
to promote an integrated approach in the fight against the three diseases, to strengthen cooperation
in the implementation of the Cairo action programme/ICPD + 10, to enhance the capabilities of the
partner countries, increase the resources and means available, and support research into and devel-
opment of new instruments for preventing and treating the three diseases.
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The European Council calls on the Member States and the Commission to promote and continue
dialogue and cooperation with countries at national, regional and world level, and with international
organisations such as UNAIDS, in the framework of health policy and development policy, in order
to achieve further progress in the fight against the propagation of HIV/AIDS.
European external action service
The European Council took note of the joint report by the GS/HR and the Commission. It calls
on them, together with the Member States, to continue the preparatory work and to keep the Euro-
pean Parliament informed.
"Green diplomacy" initiative
The European Council also took note of the report on the results obtained by the "Green diplo-
macy" initiative which it launched in June 2003. In this connection, it welcomes the ongoing ef-
forts to achieve better integration of environmental and sustainable development matters in external
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Guarantee the economic stability for sustainable growth
Safeguard economic and fiscal sustainability as the basis for more jobs
Promote an efficient allocation of resources, which is geared to growth and jobs
Ensure that the development of salaries contributes to macroeconomic stability and
Strengthen the consistency of macroeconomic, structural and employment policies
Contribute to the dynamism and smooth operation of EMU
Increase and improve investments in research and development, in particular in the private sector
Facilitate all forms of innovation
Facilitate the spread and effective use of ICTs and build a fully inclusive information society
Strengthen the competitive advantages of its industrial base
11. Encourage the sustainable use of resources and strengthen the synergies between environmental
protection and growth
Extend and deepen the internal market
13. Ensure open and competitive markets inside and outside Europe, reap the rewards of globalisati-
14. Create a more competitive business environment and encourage private initiative by improving
Promote a more entrepreneurial culture and create a supportive environment for SMEs
16. Expand, improve and connect European infrastructures and complete priority cross-border pro-
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Implement employment policies aiming at achieving full employment, improving quality and
productivity at work, and strengthening social and territorial cohesion
Promote a lifecycle approach to work
Ensure inclusive labour markets, enhance work attractiveness, and make work pay for job-
seekers, including disadvantaged people and the inactive
Improve matching of labour market needs
Promote flexibility combined with employment security and reduce labour market segmentation,
having due regard to the role of social partners
Ensure employment-friendly labour costs developments and wage-setting mechanisms
Expand and improve investment in human capital
Adapt education and training systems in response to new skill requirements
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