ACFC/OP/II(2004)005 E
Strasbourg, 9 December 2004
Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention
for the Protection of National Minorities
Second Opinion on Denmark
Adopted on 9 December 2004
The German minority in Denmark enjoys a commendable level of protection in terms of the
system of German minority schools and day care facilities and the consultative structure
established for the German minority through the Secretariat of the German Minority in
Copenhagen and the Liaison Committee concerning the German minority.
There are, however, current concerns, which need to be addressed by the authorities, about
proposed administrative reforms and the impact that these could have on the political
representation of persons belonging to the German minority at municipal and regional levels as
well as at the level of the Region South-Jutland Schleswig.
There have been significant improvements to the anti-discrimination legal framework in
Denmark, notably through the adoption of the Act on Ethnic Equal Treatment. Intolerance,
however, remains an issue which needs to be addressed further, inter alia, in the political arena
as well as in certain media. Legislation such as the reform of the Aliens Act, and policy, such as
the Governments policy towards integration, may contribute to a climate of intolerance
towards different ethnic and religious groups and should be reviewed as necessary, taking into
account, at the same time, the need to tackle discrimination
The Government is encouraged, following discussions with those concerned, to re-consider its
position concerning the personal scope of application of the Framework Convention.