SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMOnIMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OSCE ELECTION OBSERVATION ACTIVITIESBy Ms.Lubov SLISKA (Russian Federation)Deputy Head of the Russian DelegationThe OSCE Parliamentary Assembly1.Reaffirming the provisions of the Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE (1990), including commitments by Participating States for the conduct of democratic elections, 2.Noting that relevant provisions of the Lisbon Summit Declaration (1996) and the Istanbul SummitDeclaration (1999) have supplemented those commitments,3.Reaffirming the determination to implement these commitments,4.Acknowledging the importance of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly election monitoring, 5.Recognizing the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the ODIHRs expertise in assisting Participating States in the implementation of election-related commitments and standards,6.Welcoming the continuing efficient co-operation between the ODIHR and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in election monitoring,7.Recalling Decision No. 7 adopted at the Tenth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Porto in 2002 and Decision No. 5/03 approved by the Eleventh Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council in Maastricht in 2003,8.Noting that democratic elections can be conducted under a variety of different electoral systems and laws,9.Recognizing the need for confidence by the electorate towards the entire election process, for transparency of election procedures, and for accountability on the part of authorities conducting elections, 10.Welcoming the document International Standards and Commitments on the Right to Democratic Elections: A Practical Guide to Democratic Elections Best Practices, the document Existing Commitments for Democratic Elections in OSCE ParticipatingStates: A Progress Report, and the discussion paper Election Principles and Existing OSCE Commitments for Democratic Elections prepared by the ODIHR,
11.Taking into account the recommendations made at the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting on Electoral Standards and Commitments (Vienna 15-16 July 2004) and the recommendations of the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting on Challenges of Election Technologies and Procedures (Vienna 21-22 April 2005).12.Taking into account the initiative of the Participating States to conduct comprehensive analysis of electoral practice of different states, with regard to implementation of the existing OSCE election related commitments and other international standards,13.Recognizing the importance of the improving of the OSCE activities in election monitoring ,14.Pointing out that OSCE election-observation missions conclusions as for election processes in the Participating States should be based on an objective, unbiased assessment taking into consideration concrete and explicit principles and methodology,15.Recognizing the need for thorough consideration of OSCE election-observation missions methodology, taking into account in particular the guiding UN principles in the sphere as well as the experience of other international organizations and institutions, conducting electoral monitoring in the OSCE Participating States,The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly16.Urges the OSCE Participating States to fully implement the provisions of the Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE (1990), including the commitments for the conduct of democratic elections, 17.Suggests the OSCE Participating States to undertake efforts in order to elaborate additional election related commitments supplementing and enriching existing ones,18.Calls upon the Participating States to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the existing OSCE election related commitments and electoral practice of the Participating States paying special attention to implementation of the existing OSCE election related commitments and other international standards,19.Recommends the ODIHR and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in close cooperation with other international organizations and institutions, conducting electoral monitoring in the OSCE Participating States, consider ways to improve the effectiveness of its assistance to participating States upon their request,20.Recommends the ODIHR and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in close cooperation with other international organizations and institutions, conducting electoral monitoring in the OSCE Participating States, to review the methodology of the election observation, on the basis of the principles of unbiased assessment, being the OSCE only intermediary in the electoral processes in the Participating States,21.Calls upon the OSCE Participating States, the CiO, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the ODIHR to improve the OSCE election observation missions
staffing, aiming at achieving more geographical and gender balance, ensuring transparency in appointment of Heads of the election observation missions, considering inter alia the best practices of other international organizations and institutions conducting electoral monitoring, 22.Recommends the OSCE Participating States and the CiO to establish a corresponding Working Group to address all issues related to improving OSCE election monitoring activities.
AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMONIMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OSCE ELECTION OBSERVATION ACTIVITIES[Set out text of Amendment here:]Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignatureCo-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignature