SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM ON COMBATING ANTI-SEMITISMDraft ResolutionBy Prof. Gert Weisskirchen, GermanyThe Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE1.Recalling the resolutions on anti-Semitism by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which wereunanimously passed at the annual meetings in Berlin in 2002, in Rotterdam in 2003 and in Edinburgh in 2004;2.Referring to the commitments, made by the participating States emerging from the OSCEconferences in Vienna (June 2003), Berlin (April 2004) and Brussels (September 2004) regarding legal, political and educational efforts to fight anti-Semitism, ensuring "that Jews in the OSCE region can live their lives free of discrimination, harassment and violence;3.Welcoming the convening of the Conference on Anti-Semitism and on Other Forms ofIntolerance in Cordoba, Spain in June 2005;4.Commending the appointment and continuing role of the three Personal Representatives of theChairman-in-Office of the OSCE on Combating Anti-Semitism, on Combating Intolerance and Discrimination against Muslims, and on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Discrimination,also focusing on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians and Members of Other Religions, reflecting the distinct role of each in addressing these separate issues in the OSCE region;5.Reaffirming the view expressed in earlier resolutions that anti-Semitism constitutes a threat tofundamental human rights and to democratic values and hence to the security in the OSCE region;6.Emphasizing the importance of permanent monitoring mechanisms of incidents of anti-Semitism at a national level, as well as the need for public condemnations, energetic police workand vigorous prosecutions;The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE7.Urges OSCE participating States to adopt national uniform definitions for monitoring andcollecting information about anti-Semitism and hate crimes along the lines of the January 2005 EUMC Working Definition of Anti-Semitism and to familiarize officials, civil servants and others working in the public sphere with these definitions so that incidents can be quickly identified and recorded;8.Recommends that OSCE participating States establish national data collection and monitoringmechanisms and improve information-sharing among national government authorities, local officials, and civil society representatives, as well as exchange data and best practices with other OSCE participating States;9.Urges OSCE participating States to publicize data on anti-Semitic incidents in a timelymanner as well as report the information to the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR);10.Recommends that ODIHR publicize its data on anti-Semitic crimes and hate crimes on a
regular basis, highlight best practices, as well as initiate programs with a particular focus in the areas of police., law enforcement, and education;11.Calls upon national governments to allot adequate resources to the monitoring of anti-Semitism, including the appointment of national ombudspersons or special representatives;12.Emphasizes the need to broaden, the involvement of civil society representatives in thecollection, analysis and publication of data on anti-Semitism and related violence;13.Calls on the national delegations of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to ensure that regulardebates on the subject of anti-Semitism are conducted in their parliaments and furthermore to support public awareness campaigns on the threat to democracy posed by acts of snti-Semitic hatred, detailing best practices to combat this threat;14.Calls on the national delegations of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to submit writtenreports at the 2006 Annual Session on the activities of their parliaments with regard to combating anti-Semitism;15.Calls on the OSCE participating States to develop educational material and teacher trainingmethods to counter contemporary forms of anti-Semitism, as well as update programs on Holocaust education;16.Urges both the national parliaments and governments of OSCE participating States to reviewtheir national laws;17.Urges the OSCE participating States to improve security at Jewish sites and other locationsthat are potential targets of anti-Semitic attacks in coordination with the representatives of thesecommunities.
AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMONCOMBATING ANTI-SEMITISM[Set out text of Amendment here:]Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignatureCo-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignature