SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMon theFIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTIONBy Mr. Roy Cullen, M.P. (Canada)OSCE Parliamentary Assembly 1.Reiterating that corruption represents one of the major impediments to the prosperity and sustainable development of the participating States, that it undermines their stability and security and threatens the OSCEs shared values,2.Reiterating that corruption represents one of the major impediments to the ability of parliaments to represent the citizens of participating States,3.Reiterating that no country is free from corruption,4.Recognizing that the problem of corruption in societies making a transition from authoritarian regimes is bigger and more difficult as the demands for establishing the rule of law dictate numerous tasks that have to be achieved whilst funds and means are still insufficient,5.Determined to further intensify efforts in the implementation of existing OSCE commitments on combating corruption, as reflected in the Charter for European Security adopted at the 1999 OSCE Istanbul Summit and the OSCE Strategy Document for the Economic and Environmental Dimension adopted in Maastricht in 2003,6.Reaffirming its commitment to make the elimination of all forms of corruption a priority,7.Recalling that the fight against corruption requires the adoption by the parliaments of participating States of a comprehensive and long-term anti-corruption strategy,including anti-corruption laws,8.Noting that the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) is a single purpose and results focused network of parliamentarians working through regional and country chapters to reduce corruption by strengthening the effectiveness of parliamentarians in playing their legislative, oversight and public engagement roles,9.Acknowledging the important work on this issue done by other international organizations, in particular by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Council of Europe (CoE), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption,
10.Recognizing that the United Nations Convention against Corruption, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 31 October 2003 in New York, marks a major step forward in international co-operation against corruption and provides the opportunity for a global response to the problem,11.Reaffirming that the main role of Parliaments in the fight against corruption is the adoption of anti-corruption laws and the empowering of anti-corruption enforcement,12.Noting with satisfaction the steps taken by participating legislatures to adopt a comprehensive strategy to combat corruption,13.Supporting the efforts of OSCEs offices in assisting participating States authorities in implementing anti-corruption strategies, notably in Belgrade (Serbia), Yerevan (Armenia), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), following the experience gained through the OSCEs Anti-Corruption Campaign in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2000.The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:14.Urges parliamentarians of the OSCE participating States to strengthen their efforts to combat corruption and the conditions that foster it, 15.Urges the parliaments of OSCE participating States, which have not yet done so, toratify the United Nations Convention against Corruption as soon as possible, in order to ensure its rapid entry into force, and implement it fully,16.Calls upon parliamentarians of participating States to promote a positive framework for good governance and public integrity,17.Urges parliaments of participating States to make better use of existing international instruments and assist each other in their fight against corruption,18.Recommends that parliaments of participating States promote the best practices against corruption identified by the OSCEs Office of the Co-ordinator for Economic and Environmental Activities,19.Urges parliaments of participating States to adopt clear and balanced legislative procedures for waiving parliamentary immunities, and to support the establishment of efficient mechanisms for monitoring declarations of income and assets by parliamentarians, ministers, and public servants,20.Recommends that the General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology, and Environment collaborate with other parliamentary associations and the Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption in developing a programme of peer support, education and anti-corruption initiatives, including the preparation of adocument describing the role of parliamentarians in the fight against corruption.
AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMONFIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION[Set out text of Amendment here:]Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignatureCo-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignature