SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMonMONEY LAUNDERINGBy Mr. Roy Cullen, M.P. (Canada)OSCE Parliamentary Assembly 1.Recognizing that the fight against money laundering is an essential part of the overall struggle to combat the financing of terrorist activity, illegal narcotics trafficking, the activities of organized crime, corruptionand tax evasion,2.Supporting the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Global Programme against Money Laundering, and the joint OSCE-UNODC Workshops on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism held in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Astana (Kazakhstan), Dushanbe (Tajikistan), Yerevan (Armenia), Baku (Azerbaijan), and Tbilisi (Georgia),3.Noting that money launderers exploit differences among national anti-money laundering systems and move their funds to jurisdictions with ineffective laws,4.Supporting the anti-money laundering framework developed by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) on Money Launderings 40 Recommendations,5.Noting with satisfaction the existence of legislative tools such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Model Money-Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Bill 2003, 1999 UN Civil Law Model Law on Laundering, Confiscation and International Cooperation in relation to the Proceeds of Crime, and the Commonwealth Model Law for the Prohibition of Money Launderingof 1996,6.Noting that the Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) has identified anti-money laundering as a priority and established a team of parliamentarians to work with FATF, UNODC and others to engage parliamentarians in establishing effective anti-money laundering practices in each country and in supporting the needed international cooperation.7.Recognizing that the need is greatest in ensuring the appropriate enforcement of anti-corruption laws by competent structures closely monitored by independent bodies that report to the representative parliaments,
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:8.Urges parliaments of participating States, which have not yet done so, to adopt anti-money laundering laws along the framework developed in the FATF 40 Recommendations, and consistent with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Model Money-Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and Terrorist Financing Bill 2003,9.Calls upon parliaments of participating States that have adopted anti-money laundering legislation to expeditiously implement it, arrange for its enforcement to be monitored by parliamentary bodies, and publicly reported,10.Encourages parliamentarians to participate in the efforts made by parliamentary associations and international organizations such as the Global Organization of Parliamentarians against Corruption in the fight against money laundering,11.Recommends that the General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology, and Environment collaborate with FATF and GOPAC in identifying parliaments of participating States that have not adopted adequate anti-money laundering laws, or do not have the appropriate tools to monitor the efficient implementation of anti-money laundering laws, and report annually to the Parliamentary Assembly.
AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMONMONEY LAUNDERING[Set out text of Amendment here:]Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignatureCo-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignature