SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMON COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGSDraft Resolutionby Doris Barnett, GermanyThe OSCE Parliamentary Assembly1.Referring to the resolution on the subject of trafficking in human beings adopted by theOSCE Parliamentary Assembly at the Annual Session in Edinburgh in 2004 and calling tomind the adoption of the OSCE Action Plan on Trafficking in Human Beings in July 2003;2.Concerned that despite continuous political efforts over the past ten years trafficking inhuman beings, including children, continues to be a problem in the OSCE region;3.Convinced that an approach to combating trafficking in human beings is to be seen in animprovement of the living and working conditions of the potential victims;4.Concerned that the deeper causes of trafficking in human beings, which are to be foundfirst and foremost in the countries of origin, are not being given enough consideration, inparticular causes such as poverty and unemployment, weak social and economicstructures, an unstable security situation, violence against women and children, as well asdiscrimination, in particular as a result of gender, race, or ethnic background;5.Aware that the countries of destination, too, make trafficking in human beings possible through a continuing demand for sexual exploitation as well as cheap and easilyexploitable labour without social security protection;6.Welcoming the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in HumanBeings, the aim of which is to combat trafficking in human beings in all its forms, both atthe national and international levels, whether there is a connection to organized crime ornot, to focus on the protection of victims, and to ensure compliance with its provisions bythe parties to the convention through independent monitoring mechanisms,The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly7. Calls upon the OSCE participating states to take effective measures in the countries of origin to combat the causes that result in victims of trafficking in human beings, among other things byengaging in close socio-economic cooperation,providing development assistance, expanding economic cooperation,promoting the creation of jobs for women, in particular by creating favourable conditions for the start-up of small and medium-sized businesses,guaranteeing freedom of association for employers and employees as well as freedom of activity for such associations,8. Calls upon the OSCE participating states to improve school and career trainingopportunities as well as access to the labour market for those groups that are threatened bytrafficking in human beings (children, women, ethnic minorities),
9. Calls upon the OSCE participating states, as well as the countries of origin, the countries of transit, and the countries of destination of the victims of trafficking in human beings toconclude agreements on legal and police cooperation as well as on the humanitarianaspects of this problem;10. Calls upon the OSCE participating states to help create public awareness of the problem through information campaigns and draw media attention to the different forms oftrafficking in human beings, focusing on specific target groups one at a time;11. Calls upon the OSCE participating states to sign the relevant ILO core agreements, if this has not been done already, and to implement and apply them at the national level with a view to achieving a minimum standard of financial and social security for the working population;12. Proposes regular evaluation of and reporting on the progress being made in implementing the ILO minimum standards in the OSCE participating states with a view to promotinginternational cooperation in support of the realization of these minimum standards and, as such, effectively combating trafficking in human beings in a core area.13. Appeals to all OSCE participating states to sign and quickly ratify the Council of EuropeConvention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMONCOMBATING TRAFFICKING IN HUMAN BEINGS[Set out text of Amendment here:]Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignatureCo-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignature