Supplementary item on Maritime Security and PiracyPrincipal Sponsor Ineke Dezentjé Hamming (The Netherlands)1.Whereas, maritime shipping is a cornerstone of the worlds free trade. In certain areas shipping is facing the mortal dangers of piracy and terrorism.Piracy is on the rise in the Strait of Malacca as well as in other areas in South East Asia, Africa, South America and the Mediterranean Sea.2.Whereas, attacks in the Strait alone have risen from less than 50 a year in the 1990s to around 150 at the onset of the 21st century. Each year approximately 50,000 ships sail through the Strait of Malacca. They carry around 30% of the worlds trade goods and most of the oil for the economies of the Asian countries such as Japan and China. The growth of the economies in this region will result in a further rise of this number.3.Whereas, the terrorist threat has also risen, as shown by the attacks on the US warship Cole and the French oil tanker Limburg. According to the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore (4-6 June 2004), the Strait of Malacca standsout as a potential target. 4.Whereas, this should not be ignored. The safety of the international trade-routes has a direct effect on the well-being of all OSCE member-states. This safety can be classified as a collective interest of all states and all people. Therefore, a collective responsibility exists for the safety of international trade-routes and international waterssuch as the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Malacca. The OSCE member-states should take the lead in the struggle for safe trade routes.And furthermore,5.Considering the importance of international trade for economic growth and good, stable and peaceful international relations,6.Considering the necessity of safe sea lines and trade-routes for over 50% of international trade,7.Concerned about the growing problem of piracy on key trade-routes such as the Straitof Malacca, the area around Indonesia and the Philippines, as well as along the coastsof Africa,8.Concerned about the relation between piracy and international terrorism,9.Noting the terrorist threat facing trading routes,10.Concerned that the international waters are turning into a safe haven for terrorists, pirates and smugglers of weapons and human beings,11.Noting the increasing efforts made by the coastal states of the Straitof Malacca, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia to gain effective control over the Strait,
12.Considering the need for an effective exchange of intelligence information, equipment and training assistance,13.Considering the sometimes limited resources of coastal states in other areas,14.Considering the fact that safe passage through the Strait of Malacca and other areas is guaranteed under international law,The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:15.Calls upon the OSCE participating states to support the United States Regional Maritime Security Initiative,16.Calls upon the OSCE participating states to intensify patrols in international waters,17.Calls upon the OSCE participating states to exchange all intelligence information on the movement of ships,18.Calls upon the OSCE participating states to intensify the fight against piracy,19.Urges the OSCE participating States to offer technical support and military assistance to coastal states boarding international trade routes and sea lines in the fight against piracy, the terrorist threat and illegal trafficking in weapons and human beings,20.Urges the OSCE participating States to be prepared to use marine force to protect international sea lines and trade-routes,21.Requests the OSCE participating states close to international sea lines to participate in joint naval forces in order to co-operate effectively in safeguarding international sea lines.22.Calls upon regional organisations, such as the ASEAN, to co-operate in the strugglefor safe trade routes.23.Calls upon OSCE governments to take the lead in this
AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMONMARITIME SECURITY AND PIRACY[Set out text of Amendment here:]Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignatureCo-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignature