“ ARMENIA-AZERBAIJAN, NAGORNO-KARABAKH CONFLICT” SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly 1. Expressing its deep regret that the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which has led  to  the  occupation  of  20%  of  the  territories  of  Azerbaijan,  including  the  Nagorno- Karabakh region and seven adjacent districts by the Armenian armed forces and flow of about one million refugees and internally displaced people has not been settled so far, 2. Underlining the common objectives of the United Nations (as enshrined in Article 1 of the   Charter)   and   the   OSCE   (Helsinki   Final   Act),   in   particular   the   objectives   of maintaining  international  peace  and  security  and  developing  friendly  relations  among peoples and nations based on respect for the norms and principles of international law, the cornerstone of which is the respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, 3. Recalling  the  resolutions  822  (1993),  853  (1993),  874  (1993)  and  884  (1993)  of  the United Nations Security Council demanding unconditional withdrawal of the occupying forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, 4. Supporting the principles for peaceful settlement of the Nagorno - Karabakh conflict set forth in the  Statement of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office adopted in Lisbon Summit in December 1996, 5. Recalling  the  Edinburgh  Declaration  of  the  OSCE  Parliamentary  Assembly,  which calls  upon the states to cooperate without any double standards with an observance of international law, principles of the UN Charter, to fulfill decisions  and resolutions of the  international  organizations,  including  the  resolutions  of  the  UN  Security  Council condemning inter-ethnic conflicts and occupation of a territory of one state by another and emergence of “lawless areas”  , that are used as safe heavens for human trafficking, 6. Recalling   the   Resolution   1416   (2005)   and   Recommendation   1690   (2005)   of   the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on “T he conflict over the Nagorno- Karabakh  region  dealt  with  by  the  OSCE  Minsk  Conference” ,  which  states  that  “ the considerable parts of the territory of Azerbaijan are still occupied by Armenian forces, and separatist forces are still in control of the Nagorno-Karabakh region”  and urges the parties concerned to comply with  the resolutions 822 (1993), 853 (1993), 874 (1993) and 884 (1993) of the United Nations Security Council, in particular by refraining from any armed hostilities and by withdrawing military forces from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan, 7. Concerned  over  the  facts  of  frequent  violation  of  the  cease-fire  regime  established between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1994 especially at the beginning of the year 2005, which led to the casualties among the civilians and military personnel, 8. Deeply concerned over  the facts of settlement of the civilian population by Armenia in the  occupied  territories  of  Azerbaijan,  which  were  confirmed  by  the  OSCE  Fact-
Finding  Mission  and  reminds  that  this  policy  contradicts  the  Geneva  Conventions  for the  Protection  of  Victims  of  War  (Geneva  Conventions  relative  to  the  Protection  of Civilian Persons in Time of War, article 49) stipulating that “the occupying power shall not deport or transfer part of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies”, 9. Expressing its deep concern on the ongoing humanitarian crisis of refugees and IDPs; The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly 10. Urges Armenia and Azerbaijan to comply with the resolutions 822 (1993), 853 (1993), 874  (1993)  and  884  (1993)  of  the  United  Nations  Security  Council,  as  well  as  other decisions of the international organizations with regard to the conflict, in particular by refraining  from  any  armed  hostilities  and  by  withdrawing  military  forces  from  all occupied territories of Azerbaijan, 11. Calls on the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs to speed up their efforts for the conclusion of a political agreement on the cessation of  the armed conflict, the implementation of which  will  eliminate  major  consequences  of  the  conflict  for  all  parties  and  establish conditions  for  safe  return  of  refugees  and  internally  displaced  persons  to  their  native lands, 12. Calls on the member-states of the OSCE Minsk Conference to step up their efforts to achieve the peaceful resolution of the conflict, and invites their national delegations to the Assembly to report annually to the Assembly on the action of their Governments in this respect, 13. Calls  upon  all  OSCE  member  states  to  contribute  efficiently  to  the  soonest  peaceful settlement of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, 14. Calls on Armenia and Azerbaijan to make use of the OSCE Minsk Process and to put forward  to  each  other,  via  the   Minsk   Group,  their  constructive  proposals  for  the peaceful settlement of the conflict in accordance with the universally recognized norms and principles of international law, 15. Fully supports the activity of the Special Representative of the OSCE PA Chairman on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and invites him to submit to the Assembly an objective and comprehensive report on the conflict as soon as possible, 16. Urges Armenia to stop the continuation of the settlement of civilian population in the occupied  territories  of  Azerbaijan,  which  can  impede  the  peaceful  solution  of  the conflict, 17. Urges  the  international  community  not  to  remain  indifferent  to  the  deplorable  living conditions of the refugees and IDPs and continue rendering humanitarian assistance to them, 18. Appeals  to  the  international  organizations,  parliaments  and  governments  of  the  world countries  to  enhance  their  efforts  in  order  to  facilitate  the  conclusion  of  a  just  peace
agreement  between  Armenia  and  Azerbaijan  based  on  the  norms  and  principles  of international law. 19. Resolves  to  continue  monitoring  on  a  regular  basis  the  peaceful  resolution  of  this conflict and decides to revert to considering this issue at its 2006 Annual Session.
AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM On ARMENIA-AZERBAIJAN, NAGORNO-KARABAKH CONFLICT [Set out text of Amendment here:] Principal Sponsor: Mr/Mrs Family Name in Capital Letters Country Signature Co-sponsored by: Mr/Mrs Family Name in Capital Letters Country Signature