Small Arms and Light WeaponsA Follow-up Action neededPA Washington, 2005 Additional point on the agenda ResolutionIntroduced by : François -Xavier de Donnea, Member of the Belgian House of Representatives1.Reaffirming the importance of the issue of the excessive and destabilizing accumulation and uncontrolled spread of Small Arms and Light Weapons2.Recalling the important steps already undertaken by the OSCE, in particular the OSCE Document on Small Arms and Light Weapons (FSC, 2000) as an excellent programme outline for the OSCE and its participating States, (hereafter : the Document) containing a set of norms, principles and measures.The general aims and objectives of the Document are worked out along three lines :-combating illicit trafficking, setting out objectives in five areas (manufacture, marking, record-keeping, common export criteria and export controls) ;-reduction of surpluses of small arms through destruction and stockpile management ;- conflict cycle(early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation) : the role of small arms.3.Welcoming the implementation of some elements of the Document :-information exchange on the import and export of SALW between OSCE participating States ;-assistance projects, on the management of stockpiles and on destruction ;-Brokering : OSCE Principles on the Control of Brokering ;-End-user Certificates : Standard Elements (and export verification).4.Underscoring the mutually reinforcing roles of the OSCE and of the UN :As regards norm setting, the OSCE can either implement UN negociated documents (ex. : marking and tracing) or act as a testing ground for future negotiations (ex. : brokering, end-user certificate).As regards implementation of the UN Plan of Action, the OSCE is helpful to the UN, since the latter lacks a regional office of its disarmament department.5.Welcoming an OSCE participation in the UN Biannual Meeting States on the UN Action Plan on SALW (BMS II) in July 2005 ;6.Taking note of the essential role of the Forum for Security Co-operation as the negotiating framework for the OSCE SALW related documents ;
7.Acknowledging that the threats to security, stability and safety related to SALW and ammunition in the OSCE region, are to be found both inside and outside the OSCE region, and both East and West of Vienna.Some OSCE participating States are dealing with the aftermath of armed conflict and the accumulation of SALW related to those conflicts. Other participating States have to deal with the security and safety challenges of huge stocks of SALW and ammunition, as a legacy of the cold war. The OSCE Document on Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (FSC, 2003) offers a framework of mutual assistance on a voluntary basis.In other participating States producers or brokers may reside.8.Underscoring the crucial role of illicit trafficking in fuelling armed conflict, also, and in recent years in particular, outside the OSCE region and in providing SALW at the hands of unwanted and dangerous persons and entities.The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:9.Urges the participating States to continue to act together to stop the illicit spread of SALW, in the spirit of cooperative security of the OSCE, and mindful of our obligations as a regional arrangement under the UN Charter;10.Calls upon the participating States to implement the OSCE Principles on the Control of Brokering ;11.Calls upon the participating States to implement the OSCE Standard Elements of End-User certificates and Verification Procedures for SALW exports ;12.Strongly suggests the participating States to set up a follow-up mechanism to help assist all participating States in the gradual and incremental implementation of both FSC decisions of 2004 ;13.Calls upon participating States to continue to examine the SALW Document in the light of further implementation and possible further development ;14.Encourages participating States to have OSCE play an active role in the 2006 UN Review Conference on the Plan of Action on SALW ;15.Urges participating States to fully comply with the existing OSCE SALW commitments ;16.Encourages participating States to further support the existing assistance mechanisms in stockpile management and surplus destruction with technical and financial means ;17.Draws the attention of participating States to the destabilizing consequences of certain exports and illicit trafficking of SALW outside the OSCE region.
AMENDMENT TO SUPPLEMENTARY ITEMONSMALL ARMS AND LIGHT WEAPONS[Set out text of Amendment here:]Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignatureCo-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignature