1GENERAL COMMITTEE ON POLITICAL AFFAIRS AND SECURITYDRAFT RESOLUTION The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:1.Advocating that the Caucasus and Central Asia, in their quality of OSCE states bordering the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent, become an increasing operational challenge for the OSCE due to a number of standing challenges posed by the traficking in illicit drugs as well as arms and humans beings, environmental security and illegal migration; as such, they will require more resources and operational attention in the future;2.Underlining that the Eurasian traffic in illict drugs from the Golden Crescent, adding to a similar drug traffic from North Africa to the Mediterranean, is an increasing security concern for the internal security of the OSCE area, as well as in the OSCE states relations with non-member states;The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,3.Proposes that the OSCE increases its efforts to combat drugs and other trafficking through the following possible initiatives: 3.1. look into the possibilities to offer affected non-OSCE members Afghanistan and Pakistan a Partnership Agreement that would provide a framework for information exchange and confidence building measures with the Central Asian OSCE states;3.2. initiate steps to upgrade the Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC) into a real security body for the OSCE; as such, the FSC could function as a permanent and coherent advisory and backup structure for the Permanent Council on policing issues, border monitoring issues and other first dimension areas;3.3. look into best practices and lessons learned from efforts to curb similar traffic between North Africa and the Mediterranean OSCE states;4.Recommends that the OSCE expands assistance destined at improving the capacity of border policing in the drug traffic-affected OSCE member states, in coordination with or/and as a supplement to existing and planned UN efforts;5.Advocates that the fight against terrorism and organised crime is not carried out at the expense of legitimate human rights concerns among ethnic and religious communities, particularly but not exclusively in the cases of the Chechens and Uighurs;6.Recognises the crucial role the OSCE, through its asset of field presence and the High Commissioner on National Minorities and in coordination and cooperation with initiatives by the European Union, can play in the monitoring and information gathering on the status of ethnic minorities so that national asylum administrations of the OSCE member states can outline a sound and just policy towards asylum requests by members of communities at risk; special attention should be given to women given their higher vulnerability for exploitation and violence;
2In the field of Environmental Security, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:7.Underlines the importance and transnational nature of Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management activities in the OSCE area; 8.Advocates to use and strengthen the ENVSEC Initiative as a prime framework to support initiatives aimed at closer regional cooperation in the field of Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management;In the field of Institutional Reform in the OSCE, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly:9.Advocates measures that are to enhance dialogue and closer institutional cooperation with the OSCE structures, eg.;10. Urges the executive branch of the OSCE to provide an explanation about the follow-up of the recommendations adopted by the OSCE PA, taking into account the relevant items of the Rotterdam Declaration;11. Proposes a more substantial organization of the OSCE PA winter meetings;12. Recommends the implementation of written questionsin accordance with Rule 40 in the Assemblys Rules of Procedures;13. Encourages the reform of the OSCE as regards its Efficiency and Effectiveness;14. Urges Members to Follow-up on OSCE PA Declarations in their national Parliaments; one way to ensure greater attention for this aspect is to include coverage, in the relevant chapters of the OSCE Parliamentary Assemblys website, of questions by national Members of Parliament to their Governments on OSCE affairs;15. Advocates the upgrading of the status and job security of seconded OSCE Field Staff through one-year standard contracts; 16. Encourages maximal gender balance among international as well as national staff in the OSCE field missions; 17. Encourages the debate on the question whether the name Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe still adequately reflects the Organisations operational scope and reality;
3GENERAL COMMITTEE ON POLITICAL AFFAIRS AND SECURITYPROPOSED AMENDMENT to the DRAFT RESOLUTIONOn30 YEARS SINCE HELSINKI:HALLENGES AHEAD[Set out text of Amendment here:]Principal Sponsor:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignatureCo-sponsored by:Mr/MrsFamily Name in Capital LettersCountrySignature