EDUSKUNTA - PARLIAMENT OF FINLAND The Grand Committee INFORMATION NOTE 16 February 2005 Postal address: FIN-00102 Eduskunta - Parliament of Finland FINLAND Visiting address: Mannerheimintie 30 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: Telephone: +358 9 432 2064, GSM +358 50-3819494 Fax: +358 9 432 2069 Parliamentary seminar on the EU's Northern Dimension, Oulu, 7 April 2005 The Eduskunta's Grand Committee has decided to organise, in conjunction with the Russian Federal Council and the City of Oulu's 400th Annerversary organisers, the parliamentary seminar "The Northern Dimension – Mutual Opportunities". The seminar will be held in Oulu, Finland on 7 April 2005. During the forthcoming United Kingdom Presidency, the European Union will begin ministerial-level discussions on what is to succeed the second action plan of the European Union's Northern Dimension. Since the Cologne European Council in June 1999, the Northern Dimension has been the European Union's response to the inter-dependence of the Union, the Baltic Sea Region and Russia. The Northern Dimension has provided a framework for the EU's activities in relation to Northwestern Russia, coordinating inputs from different instruments (Tacis, Interreg, Phare) and for various regional and local initiatives. The new Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument, proposed as part of the 2007 - 2013 financial perspectives, should be seen as an opportunity to strengthen and develop the Northern Dimension. Of particular importance is the partnership element, i.e. integrating Russia into the planning and implementation of this initiative that is fundamental to the stability of northern Europe. Russia's economic potential is an important element also in view of attaining the goals set at the Lisbon European Council. It would be useful for parliaments to participate at an early stage in the formulation of the Northern Dimension after 2007. A strong parliamentary commitment would help increase the momentum of this important initiative. The seminar is open to members of the Parliaments of the European Union's member states and of Russia, Iceland and Norway, the European Parliament and the parliamentary organisations active in the northern and Baltic Sea regions. The seminar should be of particular interest to the European and Foreign Affairs committees of national parliaments. We have been assured of a significant participation from the Russian Federal Council and State Duma. You will find the seminar's programme and practical information overleaf. Registrations are requested by 6 March 2005, on the enclosed form, addressed to [email protected] or by fax +358 9 432 2069.
2/3 Pohjoinen ulottuvuus – yhteinen mahdollisuus The Northern Dimension – Mutual Opportunities                                       Oulu,Finland  , 7 April 2007 Draft programme Wednesday, 6.4.2005 afternoon Arrival of delegations at Oulu airport. Met by Finnish parliament staff. Transfer to Hotel Eden 18.45 Bus transfer to Governor's mansion. 19.00 Buffet offered by Ms Paula LEHTOMÄKI, Minister for European Affairs Informal get-together for participants at Pehkolanlampi log house. Thursday, 7.4.2005 08.30, 08.45 Bus transfer to Oulu University Campus. 09.00 First session: The Northern Dimension – Mutual Opportunities Keynote speakers: Mr Olli REHN, Member of the European Commission; (t.b.c.), Russian Federal Council. 11.30 Sandwich lunch 12.00 Second session: Creating the logistics of an economic area from the Atlantic to the Pacific Keynote speakers: Ms Leena LUHTANEN, Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland; Mr Leonid D. REJMAN,Minister of Information Technologies and Communisations of the Russian Federation (t.b.c.) 13.30 Conclusions and vin d'honneur, Mr. Jari VILÉN, MP, Chairman of the Grand Committee, Parliament of Finland 14.00 - Transfer to Oulu airport
3/3 Pohjoinen ulottuvuus – yhteinen mahdollisuus The Northern Dimension – Mutual Opportunities 7.4.2005, Oulu GENERAL INFORMATION REGISTRATION Participants are requested to register for the seminar by 6 March 2005 using the enclosed registration form. The form should be returned by e-mail or fax to Ms Marjo Lassila, [email protected] , fax +358 9 432 2069. ACCOMMODATION Block bookings have been made with the Hotel Eden. Bookings should be made directly to the hotel by e-mail or fax, using the enclosed form. Hotel Eden e-mail: [email protected] or fax +358 (0)8 554 4103 SEMINAR VENUE Oulu University Campus Address: Pentti Kaiterankatu 1, 90014 Oulu TRANSPORTATION Bus  transportation  will  be  provided  from  the  airport  to  the  hotels  and between hotels and conference venue and the evening venues. BADGES Registration  will  take  place  on  Wednesday  6   February  from  4  p.m. Replacement  badges  can  be  obtained  from  the  Information  Desk  at  the Hotel Eden. For security reasons participants are requested to wear their identification badges during the seminar and when entering the social events. MP red Delegation Staff blue Organiser yellow LANGUAGE The languages of the Seminar will be English,Russian and Finnish  .