10650/05 1 DQPG EN merne af Folketingets Europaudvalg stedfortrædere Journalnummer Kontor 400.C.2-0 EUK 30. juni  2005 Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges de foreløbige dagsordener for råds- møder, der forberedes af De faste repræsentanters Komité (del 1) under det britiske formand- skab, 10650/05.
10650/05 2 DQPG EN COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Brussels, 29 June 2005 10650/05 POLGEN 29 NOTE from : Presidency to : Delegations Subject : United Kingdom Presidency –  provisional agendas for Council meetings prepared by Coreper (Part 1) In accordance with Article 2, paragraph 6, of the Council's rules of procedure, the Presidency attaches for  information  the  indicative  provisional  agendas  for  Council  meetings  prepared  by  the  Permanent Representatives Committee (Part 1) for the period up to 31 December 2005. ________________________
10650/05 3 DQPG United Kingdom Presidency Draft Work Programme for Council meetings prepared by COREPER (part 1) DATE COUNCIL JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL POLICY, HEALTH AND CONSUMER AFFAIRS 08-09.12.05 COMPETITIVENESS (INTERNAL MARKET, INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH) 11.10.05 28-29.11.05 TRANSPORT, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ENERGY 06.10.05 01.12.05 05.12.05 AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES 18-19.07.05 19-20.09.05 24-25.10.05 22-24.11.05 19-21.12.05 ENVIRONMENT 17.10.05 02.12.05 EDUCATION, YOUTH AND CULTURE 14-15.11.05
Pages EMPLOYMENT,  SOCIAL  POLICY,  HEALTH  AND  CONSUMER  AF- FAIRS ................................................................................................................................ COMPETITIVENESS   (INTERNAL   MARKET,   INDUSTRY   AND   RE- SEARCH)................................................................................................................................ TRANSPORT, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ENERGY................................ AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES ............................................................................................... ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................................ EDUCATION, YOUTH AND CULTURE....................................................................................
10650/05 5 EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL POLICY, HEALTH AND CON- SUMER AFFAIRS COUNCIL 8–9 DECEMBER 2005 EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL POLICY ITEMS (poss.) Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity –  PROGRESS Interinstitutional File: 2004/0158 (COD) Political agreement (poss.) Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a European Institute for Gender Equality Interinstitutional File: 2005/0017 (COD) Political agreement Directive on portability of supplementary pensions Exchange of views Amended proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2003/88/EC concerning certain as- pects of the organisation of working time Interinstitutional File: 2004/0209 (COD) (poss.) Political agreement Proposal for a Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons and their families moving within the Community (Miscellaneous amend- ments 2005) General approach Proposal for a Decision on the European Year of Equal Opportunities for all in 2007 Interinstitutional File: 2005/0107 (COD) General approach (poss.) Proposal for a Directive amending and simplifying procedures in existing health and safety Directives Exchange of views or general approach Demography and Human Capital Policy debate Employment Committee Opinion on Human Capital Green Paper on Demography
10650/05 6 EU Sustainable development strategy Conclusions Corporate Social Responsibility Exchange of views on Commission communication Annual follow-up to the Beijing Platform Council conclusions Annual Commission report on Immigration and Integration Employment Committee Opinion (poss.) Commission communication on the sustainabili ty of the Euro- pean Social Model Social Protection Committee Opinion PUBLIC HEALTH ITEMS Nutrition and obesity (Public) Debate on progress/outcomes of European Platform for Ac- tion Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Programme of Community action in the field of Public Health and Consumer Protection Interinstitutional File: 2003/0262 (COD) Exchange of views/Progress report FOOD SAFETY ITEMS Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 95/2/EC on food additives other than colours and sweeteners and Directive 94/35/EC on sweeteners for use in foodstuffs Interinstitutional File: 2003/0262 (COD) Political agreement PHARMACEUTICALS ITEMS Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Coun- cil on medicinal products for paediatric use Interinstitutional File: 2004/0217 (COD) Political agreement
10650/05 7 (poss.) Revision of legislation on medical devices Progress report or exchange of views Other business (a) Conference on poverty held under the Luxembourg Presidency Information from the Luxembourg delegation (b) Round table on poverty and social exclusion Information from the Presidency (c) Commission's first biennial report on disability Information from the Commission (d) Mental Health Information from the Commission (e) (poss.) HIV/AIDS Information from the Commission (f) Reports from high level groups – Council Public Health Working Party meeting at a high official level Report on progress from the Presidency – Commission High Level Group on Health Care Information from the Commission (g) Presidency  conclusions  on  health  inequalities  and/or  patient safety Information from the Presidency (h) Nutritional labelling Information from the Commission __________
10650/05 8 COMPETITIVENESS (INTERNAL MARKET, INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH) COUNCIL 11 OCTOBER 2005 HORIZONTAL QUESTIONS 1. Implementation of legislation Internal Market Scoreboard = Information from the Commission Better Regulation Progress report Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy Centres of Enterprise competition Commission Communication on entrepreneurship education and learning Commission Communication on industrial policy Commission Communication: ‘3rd report on life sciences and biotechnology: a strategy for Europe’ = Presentation by the Commission and (poss.) policy debate INDIVIDUAL POLICY FILES REACH –  Commission simplification priority Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council  concerning  the  registration,  evaluation,  authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency and amending Directive 1999/45/EC and Re- gulation (EC) (on Persistent Organic Pollutants) Interinstitutional File: 2003/0256 (COD) Proposal for a  Directive of the European Parliament and of  the Council  amending  Council  Directive 67/548/EEC  in  order  to adapt it  to Regulation  (EC) of the European  Parliament and of the Council concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals Interinstitutional File: 2003/0257 (COD) = Policy debate (poss.) Services Proposal for a  Directive of the European Parliament and of  the Council on Services in the Internal Market Interinstitutional File: 2004/0001 (COD) = Policy debate
10650/05 9
10650/05 10 RESEARCH (poss.) ITER Information from the Commission Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commu- nity for research, technological development and demonstration (2007-2013) Interinstitutional File: 2005/0043 (COD) Framework Proposal (poss.) Rules of Participation and Specific Programmes = Policy debate Other business __________
10650/05 11 COMPETITIVENESS (INTERNAL MARKET, INDUSTRY AND RESEARCH) COUNCIL 28–29 NOVEMBER 2005 HORIZONTAL QUESTIONS 2. Better Regulation Policy debate and Council conclusions INDIVIDUAL POLICY FILES REACH –  Commission simplification priority Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council  concerning  the  registration,  evaluation,  authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH), establishing a European Chemicals Agency and amending Directive 1999/45/EC and Re- gulation (EC) (on Persistent Organic Pollutants) Interinstitutional File: 2003/0256 (COD) Proposal for a  Directive of the European Parliament and of  the Council  amending  Council  Directive 67/548/EEC  in  order  to adapt it  to Regulation  (EC) of the European  Parliament and of the Council concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals Interinstitutional File: 2003/0257 (COD) = Political agreement (poss.) Commission simplification priorities Amended  proposal  for  a  Directive  of  the  European  Parliament and  of  the  Council  on  the  approval  of  motor  vehicles  and  their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (repealing and replacing Council Di- rective 70/156/EEC) Interinstitutional File: 2003/0153 (COD) Political agreement Proposal for a  Directive of the European Parliament and of  the Council laying down rules on nominal quantities for pre-packed products,    repealing    Council    Directives    75/106/EEC    and 80/232/EEC, and amending Council Directive 76/211/EEC Interinstitutional File: 2004/0248 (COD) = Political agreement Proposal for a  Directive of the European Parliament and of  the Council amending Council Directive 77/91/EEC, as regards the formation  of  public  limited  liability  companies  and  the  mainte- nance and alteration of their capital (the 2nd Company Law Direc- tive)
10650/05 12 Interinstitutional File: 2004/0256 (COD) = General approach/Political agreement
10650/05 13 Services Proposal for a  Directive of the European Parliament and of  the Council on Services in the Internal Market (LA) Interinstitutional File: 2004/0001 (COD) = (poss.) Political agreement Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Pro- gramme (2007-2013) Interinstitutional File: 2005/0050 (COD) Policy debate/(poss.) General approach (poss.) Amended proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States concerning credit for consumers repealing Directive 87/102/EC and modifying Directive 93/13/EC (LA) Interinstitutional File: 2002/0222 (COD) Progress report Contract Law Project / Review of the Consumer Acquis Council conclusions RESEARCH (poss.) ITER Proposal for Council decision(s) for conclusion of an international agreement on ITER and for the setting up of a joint undertaking to manage the Euro- pean participation in ITER Council Decision Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commu- nity for research, technological development and demonstration (2007-2013) Interinstitutional File: 2005/0043 (COD) Framework Proposal = (poss.) General approach (poss.) Rules of Participation and Specific Programmes = Policy debate Commission Communication on the Implementation of the Action Plan “Investing in Research: An Action Plan for Europe Council Conclusions
10650/05 14 Other business (a) Health and Consumer Protection Strategy Commission Communication "Healthier, safer, more confident citizens: a Health and Consumer Protection Strategy" Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Programme of Community action in the field of Health and Consumer Protection 2007-2013 Interinstitutional File: 2005/0042 (COD) =Progress report o o o SPACE COUNCIL 3. Orientations of the joint Space Council Other business __________
10650/05 15 TRANSPORT, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ENERGY COUNCIL 6 OCTOBER 2005 LAND TRANSPORT 4. Revised proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on action by Member States concerning public service re- quirements and the award of public service contracts in passenger transport by rail and by road Interinstitutional File: 2000/0212 (COD) Policy debate 5. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Coun- cil on driving licences (Recasting) Interinstitutional File: 2003/0252 (COD) Political agreement INTERMODAL QUESTIONS Galileo State of play of negotiations with third countries = Information and exchange of views/(poss.) Progress report AVIATION External relations EU-US relations: Open Aviation Area Progress on external relations policy = Progress reports (poss.) Aviation security Commission Communication on the effectiveness of the aviation security Regulation 2320/02 Proposal for the revision of Regulation 2320/02 = General approach Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Coun- cil concerning the rights of persons with reduced mobility when trav- elling by air Interinstitutional File: 2005/0007 (COD) = Policy debate/General approach
10650/05 16 Other business (a) (poss.) Future initiatives in aviation policy Revision of the regulation on the allocation of airport slots in the Community Revision of the Ground Handling Directive Extension of the role of the European Aviation Safety Agen- cy Communication on SESAME (Single Sky) =Information from the Commission __________
10650/05 17 TRANSPORT, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ENERGY COUNCIL 1 DECEMBER 2005 ENERGY 6. Better Regulation: implementation and outcomes of the internal mar- ket for electricity and natural gas Commission Communication on the implementation of the In- ternal Market for electricity and natural gas Progress report on the sectoral enquiry into the European elec- tricity and gas markets = Policy debate Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Energy efficiency: Green Paper on a European plan for energy efficiency Renewable Energy Biomass Action Plan Financing of sustainable energy: "mid-term report on renew- able support schemes" = Policy debate and (poss.) Council conclusions Energy: relations with Russia Energy Charter Treaty Permanent Partnership Council (Russia) Report from EU/Russia energy dialogue = Information from the Presidency and Commission (poss.) Energy Community for SE Europe Final adoption of Energy Community Agreement = Council Decision TELECOMMUNICATIONS Better Regulation: telecommunications markets Implementation, application and outcome of legislation: Com- munication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Com- mittee of the Regions: Regulation and the electronic communica- tions market in 2005 = Information from the Commission, policy debate and (poss.) conclusions
10650/05 18 i2010 Initiative –  ICT for growth and employment Commission communication on initiative Commission Action Plan for 2006 = Policy debate and conclusions (poss.) e-Accessibility Commission Communication = Information from the Commission/exchange of views Communication on Member States' plans for their transition from ana- logue broadcasting to digital broadcasting ("Digital Switchover") Commission Communication = Exchange of views/(poss.) Conclusions World Summit on the Information Society, 16-18 Nov 2005: follow-up = Information from the Presidency and the Commission __________
10650/05 19 TRANSPORT, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ENERGY COUNCIL 5 DECEMBER 2005 TRANSPORT MARITIME TRANSPORT 7. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Coun- cil on market access to port services Interinstitutional File: 2004/0240 (COD) = (poss.) Political agreement Maritime safety Revision of the Port State Control Directive = (poss.) General approach Revision of the Vessel Traffic Monitoring Directive = (poss.) General approach Maritime employment Commission Communication: Enhancing the attractiveness of seafaring as a career = (poss.) Council conclusions (poss.) Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a multi-annual funding for the action of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in the field of response to pollution caused by ships Interinstitutional File: 2005/0098 (COD) = (poss.) General approach INTERMODAL QUESTIONS Galileo Status of negotiations on selection of concessionaires State of play of negotiations with third countries = Information and exchange of views/(poss.) Progress report
10650/05 20 LAND TRANSPORT Third Railway Package Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the opening up of the international rail pas- senger transport markets Interinstitutional File: 2004/0047 (COD) = (poss.) General approach/Political agreement Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on International Rail Passengers' Rights and Obliga- tions Interinstitutional File: 2004/0049 (COD) = (poss.) General approach/Political agreement Revised proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on action by Member States concerning public service re- quirements and the award of public service contracts in passenger transport by rail and by road Interinstitutional File: 2000/0212 (COD) General approach/Political agreement AVIATION External relations EU-US relations: Open Aviation Area Progress on external relations policy = Information from the Commission and exchange of views Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Coun- cil concerning the rights of persons with reduced mobility when trav- elling by air Interinstitutional File: 2005/0007 (COD) = Political agreement (poss.) SESAME Communication and proposal for a regulation on the project management group for SESAME (Single Sky) = General approach (poss.) EASA Proposal on the extension of the competence of the European Aviation Safety Agency = General approach/(poss.) Political agreement (poss.) Airport slots Commission  Communication:  Revision  of  the  regulation  on  the allocation of airport slots in the Community = Exchange of views/Council conclusions
10650/05 21 Other business (a) Mid-term review of road safety European   Road   Safety   Charter:   Information   from   the Commission on the mid-term review of the target to reduce road deaths by half by 2010 Follow-up to Verona III informal ministerial discussion __________
10650/05 22 AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES COUNCIL 18–19 JULY 2005 8. Programme of work of the Presidency AGRICULTURE SCA POINTS Proposal for the reform of the Common Market Organisation in sugar Policy debate EU Strategic Guidelines for Rural Development Presentation by the Commission COREPER POINTS 9. Directive on the welfare of chickens kept for meat Presentation FISHERIES 10. EU/Morocco Fisheries Agreement Adoption of negotiating directives (likely to become an A point) 11. (poss.) Commission emergency measures for anchovy __________
10650/05 23 AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES COUNCIL 19–20 SEPTEMBER 2005 AGRICULTURE SCA POINTS 12. (poss.) Proposal for the reform of the Common Market Organisation in sugar Exchange of views (poss.) US/EU and Australia/EU wine agreements Exchange of views COREPER POINTS (poss.) Council Decision authorising the placing on the market of foods and food ingredients produced from genetically modified maize line GA21 Adoption (poss.) Council Decision authorising the placing on the market of foods and food ingredients produced from genetically modified maize line MON 863 Adoption FISHERIES Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterra- nean Sea and amending Regulations (EEC) No 2847/93 and (EC) No 973/2001 Political agreement Options and principles for enhancing stock recovery measures Exchange of views (poss.) Council Regulation banning bottom trawls in the Azorean, Ca- naries and Madeiran waters Adoption AOB POINTS
10650/05 24 Establishment of Regional Advisory Councils Written information from the Commission