Danish comments to the CESR report: "Which Supervisory Tools
for the EU securities Markets?"
We would like to thank CESR for its consultative report which gives a
good basis for an important discussion on how to ensure full and
consistent implementation as well as effective enforcement of the FSAP
(and the follow-up to the FSAP).
In the Nordic countries we have experienced a major integration in the
securities, banking and insurance markets. The consumer's use of cross
border financial services are however still quite limited. This might
change for securities in the near future mainly due to the easy use of
internet based services.
In order to prepare this Danish answer we organised a conference with
participants from all interested parties in Denmark. This included not
only the securities industry but also the banking and insurance industry as
well as consumer organisations and other organisations, which in the
long or short run could be affected by the ideas in the report from CESR.
On this background we can fully support those ideas which are necessary
to ensure full and consistent implementation and enforcement of EU-
regulation and common supervisory practices.
A number of Danish financial companies have experienced how
differences in supervisory practices can be very time consuming and
costly. Different supervisory practises add to the costs of the companies
and at the same time have negative consequences for the consumers and
competition. Therefore we think that we are only going to fulfil the goal
of the Lisbon Strategy if we find good solutions in these areas. We need
to have focused and ambitious EU cooperation and work with areas like
this where it is possible to make the financial markets in EU more cost-
efficient and to underpin a level playing field in the regulatory and
supervisory frameworks.
31 March 2005
Gl. Kongevej 74 A
DK-1850 Frederiksberg C
+45 33 55 82 82
+45 33 55 82 00
[email protected]