EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 28. september 2005 Til delegationens medlemmer og stedfortrædere Kronologisk oversigt pr. 28. september 2005 over bilag omdelt til Europarådsdelegationen Bilagsnr.    Titel 1 Praktiske råd og vink 2 Billedoversigt over medlemmer og stedfortrædere i Europarådsdelegationen 3 Indkaldelse til delegationsmøde  - fordeling af komitépladser mv. 4 Nyt fra Europarådet, 3/05, 1. marts 2005 5 Plans to set up a Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union, Doc. 10449 6 The situation of the deported Meskhetian population, Doc. 10451 7 Migration and integration: a challenge and an opportunity for Europe, Doc. 10453 8 The Rights of children in institutions: follow - up to Recomendation 1601 (2003) of the Parliamentary Assembly, Doc. 10452 9 Candidates for the European Court of Human Rights, Doc. 10454 10 Assistance to patients at end of life, Doc. 10455 11 Industrial hazards, Doc. 10457 12 Europe's growing energy vulnerability, Doc. 10458 13 2005 Session. First Part. 24-28 January 2005. Texts adopted by the Assembly 14 Dagsorden for delegationsmøde den 10. marts 2005 15 Development challenges in Europe's island, Doc. 10465 16 Kopi af brev af 28. februar 2005 til Hr. Rene van der Linden vedrørende resolution nr. 1410 (2004) vedtaget den 23. november 2004 af den Parlamentariske Forsamling 17 Udkast til dagsorden for 2. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 25.  - 29. april 2005 18 European Federation of Research and Information Centres on Secretarism (FECRIS): request for consultative status with the Council of Europe, Doc. 10470, 7 March 2005 19 Examination of Credentials of Representatives and substitutes, Supplementary report. Doc. 10467 20 Nyt fra Europarådet, 4/05, 1. april 2005. Opdatering marts og kalender april. 21 Discrimination against women and girls in sport, Doc. 10483 22 Observation of the parliamentary elections in Moldova (6 March 2005), Doc. 10480 23 Protection and assistance for separated children seeking asylum, Doc. 10477 24 Sea Pollution, Doc. 10485, 30 March 2005 25 Energy systems and the environment, Doc. 10486, 30 March 2005 26 Discrimination against women in the workforce and the workplace, Doc. 10484, 30
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 28. september 2005 Bilagsnr.    Titel March 2005 27 Pressemeddelelse vedrørende forårs  -sessionen i Europarådets parlamentariske forsamling (Strasbourg, 25.-29.4 2005) 28 Praktiske oplysninger i forbindelse med Europarådets 2. session i Strasbourg den 25.  - 29. april 2005 29 Requests for current affairs and urgent debates (Rules 50.2 and 52.2 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure), Doc. 10490, 7 April 2005 30 Deadline for tabling amendments, Doc. 10491, 7 April 2005 31 Increase of the number of seats of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men to 83, Doc. 10493, 7 April 2005 32 Challenge of credentials of individual members of a national delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly on substantive grounds, Doc. 10494, 8 April 2005 33 Iran's nuclear programme: need for international response, Doc. 10496, 8 April 2005 34 Lawfulness of detentions by the United States in Guantánamo Bay, Doc. 10497, 8 April 2005 35 Referendums: towards good practices in Europe, Doc. 10498, 8 April 2005 36 Henvendelse af 18. april 2005 fra Standing Committee of Nurses of the EU vedrørende rapport om aktiv dødshjælp 37 Oversigt over komité-og gruppemøder under 2. session i Strasb ourg, udkast. 38 Draft report fra Europarådets menneskerettighedskommissær Alvaro Gil   -Robles vedr. hans besøg i Den Russiske Føderation 15.  -30. juli 2004 og 19.-29. september 2004 39 Invitation til konference den 10. maj 2005 om journalisters arbejdsvilkår i Rusland og Hviderusland 40 Nyt fra Europarådet, 6/05, 4. maj 2005 og pressemeddelelser 41 Kronologisk oversigt pr.  9/5-05 over bilag omdelt til Europarådsdelegationen 42 Resolutioner fra IPU's 112. Assembly 43 Agenda og udkast til dagsorden for 3. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 20. 24. juni 2005 44 Pressemeddelelse med nyheder om Europarådets topmøde i Warszawa den 16.  -17. maj 2005 og ungdoms-topmødet. 45 Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes, Doc. 10504, 23 April 2005 46 Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee, Doc. 10515, 28 January - 25 April 2005) 47 Freedom of the press and the working conditions of journalists in conflict zones, Doc. 10521, 26 April 2005 48 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Ninth Sitting, Monday 25 April at 3 p.m.
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 28. september 2005 Bilagsnr.    Titel 49 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Tenth sitting, Monday 26 April at 10 a.m. 50 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Eleventh sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 3 p.m. 51 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Eleventh sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 3 p.m. ADDENDUM 1, Energy 52 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Eleventh sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 3 p.m. ADDENDUM 2, Energy 53 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Twelfth sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 10 a.m. 54 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Twelfth sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 10 a.m. ADDENDUM 1, Assistance to patients at the end of life 55 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Thirteenth sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 3 p.m. 56 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Fourteenth sitting, Thursday 28 April at 10 a.m. 57 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Fifteenth sitting, Thursday 28 April at 3 p.m. 58 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Fiftheenth sitting, Thursday 28 April at 3 p.m. ADDENDUM 1, Parliamentary Questions for Oral Answers 59 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Sixteenth sitting, Friday 29 April at 10 a.m. 60 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Ninth Sitting, Monday 25 April at 3 p.m. 61 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Tenth Sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 10 a.m. 62 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Eleventh Sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 3 p.m. 63 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Twelfth Sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 10 a.m. 64 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Thirteenth Sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 3 p.m. 65 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Fourteenth Sitting, Thursday 28 April at 10 p.m. 66 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Fiftteenth, Thursday 28 April at 3 p.m. 67 2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Sixteenth Sitting, Friday 29 April at 10 a.m.
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 28. september 2005 Bilagsnr.    Titel 68 Progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure, (May 2004 - may 2005), Doc. 10541, (4 May 2005) 69 Protection of European deltas, Doc. 10542, 4 May 2005 70 Improving the response to mental health needs in Europe, Doc. 10544, 10 May 2005 71 The right to strike in essential services: economic implications, doc. 10546, 11 May 2005 72 Skriftlig afrapportering af Europarådets tredje to pmøde i Warszawa den 16. -17. maj 2005 73 Recent political developments in the "former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" in the context of regional stability, Doc. 10547, 11 May 2005 74 Disappearance and murder of a great number of women and girls in Mexico, Doc. 10551, 12 May 2005 75 Abolition of restrictions on the right to vote, Doc. 10553, 18 May 2005 76 Pressemeddelelse om kongressen af lokale og regionale myndigheders session, Strasbourg 31. maj - 2. juni 2005 77 REVISED. Budgets of the Council of Europe for the financial year 2006, Doc. 10558, 26 May 2005 78 Budgets of the Council of Europe for the financial year 2006, Doc. 10558, 24 May 2005 79 Action Plan. Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe, (Warsaw, 16-17 May 2005), Doc 10556 80 Warsaw declaration. Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (Warsaw, 16-17 May 2005), Doc. 10555 81 Expenditure of the Assembly for the financial year 2006, Doc. 10559, 24 May 2005 82 Nyt fra Europarå det, 7/05, 2. juni 2005 og Europarådet i tekst og tal 83 Media and terrorism, Doc. 10557, 20 May 2005 84 Activities of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Doc. 10560, 26 May 2005 85 Co-operation and sustainable development in the Adriatic basin, Doc. 10563, 30 May 2005 86 Follow-up to Resolution 1359 (2004) on political prisoners in Azerbaijan, Doc. 10564, 31 May 2005 87 Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes, Doc. 10554, 30. May 2005. Supplementary report 88 Revideret Dagsorden for 3. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 20. - 24. juni 2005 89 Praktiske oplysninger i forbindelse med Europarådets 3. session i Strasbourg den 20. - 24. juni 2005
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 28. september 2005 Bilagsnr.    Titel 90 Nyt fra Europarådet, 8/05, 13. juni 2005 91 Oversigt over komité-og gruppemøder under 3. session i Strasbourg, udkast 92 Democratic oversigth of the security sector in member states, Doc. 10567, 2 June 2005 93 The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the realisation of the Millennium Development Goals, Doc. 10565, 2 June 2005 94 The environment and the Millennium Development Goals, Doc. 10566, 2 June 2005 95 Honouring of obligations and commitments by the Russian Federation, Doc. 10568, 3 June 2005 96 Contribution of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to economic development in central and eastern Europe, Doc. 10571, 3 June 2005 97 Situation in the Middle East, Doc. 10570, 3 June 2005 98 Current situation in Kosovo, Doc. 10572, 3 June 2005 99 Functioning of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan, Doc. 10569, 3 June 2005 100 Social Programme, Third part of the 2005 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly 101 Nyt fra Europarådet 102 The Curonian Spit, oil and the environment, Doc. 10638, 5 July 2005 103 Abolishing the last piece of Iron Curtain in Central Europe, Doc. 10642, 6 July 2005 104 Promoting a United Nations 5th World Conference on Women, Doc. 10643, 6 July 2005 105 Membership of past Presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Political Affairs Committe, Doc. 10644, 7 July 2005 106 Examinations of credentials of representatives and substitutes, Doc. 10579, 17 June 2005 107 Forced marriages and child marriages, Doc. 10590, 20 June 2005 108 Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and of the Standing Committee (29 April - 20 June 2005), doc. 10589, 20 June 2005 109 Follow-up to the Third Summit, Doc. 10602, 21 June 2005 110 Constitutional reform process in Armenia, Doc. 10601, 21 June 2005 111 Addendum. Disappereance and murder of a great number of women and girls in Mexico, Doc. 10551, 21 June 2005 112 Education for leisure activities, Doc. 10647, 7 July 2005 113 Language problems in access to public health care in the Brussels-Capital region in Belgium, Doc. 10648, 8 July 2005 114 The cost of the Common Agricultural Policy, Doc. 10649, 12 July 2005 115 Henvendelse af 6. juli 2005 fra formanden for den tyske Europarådsdelegation om indstilling til Menneskerettighedskommisær 116 Accelerated asylum procedures in Council of Europe member states, Doc. 10655, 2
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 28. september 2005 Bilagsnr.    Titel August 2005 117 Co-development policy as a positive measure to regulate migratory flows, Doc. 10654, 2 August 2005 118 Nyt fra Europarådet 119 Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes, Doc. 10657, 23 August 2005 120 Invitation fra Generalsekretæren i Nordisk Ministerråd til arrangementet "Modernisation of the Nordic governmental cooperation - Challenges for a region at the top of Europe" 121 Udkast til dagsorden for 4. session i Europarådets Parlame ntariske Forsamling den 3. - 7. oktober 2005 122 Agenda for 4. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling den 3.  - 7. oktober 2005 123 Oversigt over komité-og gruppemøder under 4. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling 124 Appointment to the post of Secretary General of the Parliamentary Assembly, Doc. 10656, 10 August 2005 125 Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes, Doc. 10657 rev., 23 August 2005 126 Application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, Doc. 10659, 3 September 2005 127 Election of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Doc. 10661, 9 September 2005 128 Observation of the parliamentary elections in Albania (2 July 2005), Doc. 10664 129 Observation of the Parliamentary Elections in Bulgaria (25 June 2005), Doc. 10663 130 Paktiske oplysninger i forbindelse med Europarådets 4. session i Strasbourg fra den 3. - 7. oktober 2005 131 Pressemeddelelse vedrørende 4. session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling, (3.-7. oktober 2005) 132 Functioning of democratic institutions in Moldova, doc. 10671, 16 September 2005 133 Women and religion in Europe, Doc. 10670, 16 September 2005 134 Honouring of obligations and commitments by Ukraine, Doc. 10676, 19 September 2005 135 Serious human rights violations in Libya - inhuman treatment of Bulgarian medical staff, Doc. 10677, 19 September 2005 136 Enforced disappearences, Doc. 10679, 19 September 2005 137 Education and religion, Doc. 10673, 19 September 2005
EUROPARÅDET Christiansborg, den 28. september 2005