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Til: Redaktionen
Dato: 20. september 2005. Antal sider (inkl. denne): 1
The Committee of Ministers chooses 3 candidates for the post of Council of
Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
Strasbourg, 08.09.2005
dates for the post
of Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, to be submitted to the organisations Parliamentary
In alphabetical order :
- Thomas Hammarberg (Sweden)
- Marek Antoni Nowicki (Poland)
- Marc Verwilghen (Belgium)
The Assembly will elect the new Commissioner for Human Rights during its October session (Strasbourg, 3-
7 October 2005). He will replace Alvaro Gil Robles at the end of his term of office.
Prior to the election, the Assemblys sub-committee on Human Rights will interview the three candidates in
Paris on 15 September.
Press Contact
Council of Europe Press Division
Tel. +33 3 88 41 25 60 - Fax. +33 3 88 41 39 11
E-mail: [email protected]
Candidates for the post of Commissioner for Human Rights interviewed
[15/09/05] The three candidates for the post of Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Thomas
Hammarberg (Sweden), Marek Antoni Nowicki (Poland) and Marc Verwilghen (Belgium) were interviewed by a
panel of European parliamentarians on 15 September 2005 in Paris. The panel the Human Rights Sub-
committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assemblys Legal Affairs Committee will then make
confidential recommendations to members of the Assembly, which is due to elect a new Commissioner on 4 and
5 October 2005 during its plenary session.
Curriculum Vitae Thomas Hammarberg
Curriculum Vitae Marek Antoni Nowicki
Curriculum Vitae Marc Verwilghen