Nyt fra E u r o p a r å d e t Opdatering juli/august og kalender september Pressemeddelelse DK 10/05, 29.a  ugust 2005 Joint Declaration by Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis and European Commission Vice-President Franco Frattini: EU Fundamental Rights Agency is a topic for discussions between the European Commission and the Council of Europe Strasbourg, 06.07.2005 – Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis and European Commission Vice-President Franco Frattini (Justice, Freedom and Security) met yesterday to continue discussions on the proposed European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and its cooperation with the Council of Europe, as well as on joint action to organise a European Day against Death Penalty. Vice-President of the Commission Franco Frattini and Secretary General Terry Davis said: “Ensuring respect and promotion of fundamental rights in Europe are common goals of our organisations. Human rights institutions, such as the proposed Agency are important tools to achieve these goals. Within its sphere of competence, the Agency should bring added value to the work already undertaken by the Council of Europe.” They also noted that the Council of Europe will study the detailed proposals for the Agency which the Commission published on 30 June. The Fundamental Rights Agency will be a centre of expertise on fundamental rights issues in the context of the European Union through data collection and analysis as well as networking. As such, it complements the work of the Council of Europe, in particular of its human rights mechanisms, which remains the major point of reference as regards human rights and the monitoring of human rights performance. Indeed, the Agency will build close institutional relationships with the Council of Europe. Competitive Albanian elections weakened by insufficient political will and system open to abuse TIRANA, 4 July 2005 - The parliamentary elections in Albania on 3 July complied only partially with international commitments and standards for democratic elections. The elections were competitive and voters were provided with a diversity of information. While the Central Election Commission has so far administered the elections professionally, state and local authorities and major political parties have yet to demonstrate political will that corresponds with their responsibilities for the electoral process. These are the preliminary conclusions of the International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) for the parliamentary elections in Albania on 3 July. Some 410 observers from 36 countries observed the elections for the four organizations represented in the mission. “Overcrowding, delays and uncertainty regarding identification of voters gave an impression of disorganization, but so far few allegations of serious irregularities have been substantiated,” said Jørgen Grunnet, Head of the Election Observation Mission of the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR).
2 Doris Pack, MP, who headed the delegation from the European Parliament, said: “The election system remains open to abuse. Intentionally inaccurate voter lists have left voters disillusioned.” Senator Jerzy Smoravinski, Head of Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, added: “The delay i n launching the electoral reforms to address the shortcomings from previous elections affected negatively the preparation and conduct of these elections. The authorities and political parties should continue the reforms without delay, in order to redress the remaining shortcomings noted by the IEOM.” Ambassador Andreas Nothelle, who co-ordinated the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Delegation, said: “The Albanian voters and the local voting com missions were obviously dedicated to making use of their rights and having free and fair elections. With that they showed more democratic maturity than some of their political leaders, who should understand that reciprocal allegations aimed at influencing international observers create distrust, detrimental to the development of a democratic society.” Election day was generally peaceful but a few violent incidents, one fatal, cast a shadow over the process. The conduct of the poll showed only limited progress over previous elections. In many cases observers noted incorrect procedures, particularly with regard to the use of ink to prevent multiple voting, the secrecy of the vote and the checking of voters’ identities. While some voters were turned away from polling stations because their names did not appear on voter lists, this affected relatively few voters. A few polling stations could not open on time since they did not receive voter lists. Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedsdomstol: Domme   i sager mod de nordiske lande 31.5 T.K. and S.E. v. Finland (no. 38581/97): Violation of Article 6 §1 (right to a fair trial within a reasonable time). 5.7 Ivanoff v. Finland (no. 48999/99): Friendly settlement (Article 6 §1 and Article 6 §3(d)). 5.7 Lomaseita Oy and Others v. Finland (no. 45029/98): Violation of Article 6 §1 (right to a fair hearing). 12.7 Jonasson v. Sweden (no. 59403/00): Friendly settlement (Article 6 §1, Article 8 and Article 13). 21.7 Rohde v. Denmark (no. 69332/01): No violation of Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment). 26.7 N. v. Finland (no. 38885/02): Expulsion to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the present time would amount to a violation of Article 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment). 26.7 Mild and Virtanen v. Finland (no. 39481/98 and no. 40227/98): Violation of Article 6 §1 (right to a fair trial) and Article 6 §3(d) (right to obtain attendance and examination of witnesses). 28.7 Alatulkkila and Others v. Finland (no. 33538/96): No violation of Article 6 §1 (access to a court, Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 (protection of property) and Article 14 (prohibition of discrimination).
3 Europarådskonventioner: Nordiske ratifikationer Danmark: No. 185 Convention on Cybercrime: Ratificeret 21. juni 2005, træder i kraft   i Danmark den 1. oktober 2005. No. 189 Additional Protocol to the Convention on cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems: Ratificeret 21. juni 2005, ikrafttrædelse afventer flere ratifikationer. Finland: No. 190 Protocol amending the European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism: Ratificeret den 27. maj 2005, ikrafttrædelse afventer flere ratifikationer. Island: No. 194 Protocol No. 14 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, amending the control system of the Convention: Ratificeret den 16. maj 2005, ikrafttrædelse afventer flere ratifikationer   (se nedenfor). Norge: No. 187 Protocol no. 13 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, concerning the abolition of the death penalty in all circumstances: Ratificeret den 16. august 2005, træder i kraft   i Norge den 1. december 2005. Herefter har de nordiske lande ratificeret følgende antal Europarådskonventioner: Danmark: 126 konventioner Finland: 92 konventioner Island: 78 konventioner Norge: 126 konventioner Sverige: 126 konventioner Ikrafttrædelse af Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions 12. tillægsprotokol Menneskerettighedskonventionens 12. tillæ  gsprotokol om et generelt forbud mod diskriminering trådte i kraft den 1. april 2005. Af de nordiske lande er det kun Finland, der har ratificeret tillægsprotokollen. Europarådet afholder et seminar om den 12. tillægsprotokol den 11. oktober 2005 i Strasbourg. Status for ratifikationen af Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions 14. tillægsprotokol Menneskerettighedsprotokollens 14. tillægsprotokol, som skal effektivisere kontrolsystemet, er nu ratificeret af 15 medlemsstater, herunder Danmark, Island og Norge. Yderligere 30 medlemsstater, herunder Finland og Sverige, skal ratificere før protokollen træder i kraft. På topmødet i maj i Warszawa   enedes alle medlemsstater om, at det er vigtigt, at protokollen hurtigt træder i kraft af hensyn til menneskerettigheds  - domstolens store arbejdsbyrde. Efterårs -sessionen i Den Parlamentariske Forsamling Efterårs -sessionen i Europarådets parlamentariske forsamling afholdes den 3. -7. oktober 2005 i Strasbourg. Den foreløbige dagsorden offentliggøres på assembly.coe.int i begyndelsen af se   ptember efter mødet i Forsamlingens stående komité den 1. september i Monaco.
4 Møder i  september 2005 (hvor intet andet er nævnt  , holdes møde t i Strasbourg) 1. Møde  i Den Parlamentariske Forsamlings stående komité (Monaco) 2.-4. Officiel åbning: Europ ean Heritage Days (Prag)* 7. Ministerkomitéen 12.-13 . Pan-europæisk   forum: Human rights in the information society: Responsible behaviour by key actors 14. Ministerkomitéen 15. -   16. Kollokvium: Culture and cultural policies for development (Kiev) 21. Ministerkomitéen 23.-24. Ministerkonference (ungdomsspørgsmål). Tema: Human dignity and social cohesion: youth policy responses to violence (Budapest) 28. Ministerkomitéen 28.-30 Konference: Combating economic crime (Lissabon) ------------------ *) I de nordiske lande afholdes European Heritage Days følgende dage: Danmark (Bygningskulturens Dag): 10.-11 Tema: Modernismens Huse, 1915 - 1970 (se: www.kulturarv.dk) Kontaktperson: Elisabeth von Buchwald, e-mail: [email protected] Finland: 9.-11. Tema: Gardens and Parks (se: www.ymparisto.fi/erp) Kontaktperson: Hanna Hämälä   inen, e-mail: [email protected] Island: 10. Tema: Old cemeteries Konyaktperson: Kristin Huld Siguroardottir, e-mail: [email protected] Norge (Kulturminnedagen): 11. Tema:  Fra slegge til mus - Forandringens hundreår 1905 -2005 ( se: www. kulturminnedagen.net) Kontaktperson: Unni Blegen Walhovd, e-mail: [email protected] Sverige (Kulturhusens dag): 11. Tema: Sjöfartens milj öer (se: www.raa.se/khusdag/index.asp) Kontaktperson: Pia Hedenstedt, e-mail: [email protected] _______________________________________________________________ ”Nyt fra Europarådet” udgives 11 gange om året af Europarådets pressekorrespondent i de nordiske lande Bremerholm 6, DK-1069 København K,  Tlf. +45 33 14 15 84, Fax +45 33 15 54 84, E-mail: [email protected], Internet: www.coe.int