Employment and Social Policy Presidency Events
1. Ministerial Informal (EPSCO) - 7/8 July 2005, Waterfront Hall, Belfast
The Informal will be an opportunity for Ministers to explore how employment
can increased and inclusion improved for:
the economically inactive
young people
older people
Ministers will be invited to visit employment projects based in Belfast that
have been successful in targeting help at groups of people who have
previously been excluded from the labour market.
Ministerial discussions will be organised around workshops which will identify
effective policy responses.
EU Employment ministers, social partners, NGOs
Frances Thompson
0207 340 4482
[email protected]
2. High Performance Workplace Conference 15 September 2005,
A major conference, building on the work of the Irish Presidency. The
objective of the event is to raise the profile of the concept of high performance
workplaces, agree a common understanding of its key elements and
demonstrate how it can contribute to productivity growth and the Lisbon goals.
Officials, business representatives and social partners
Melissa Perry
0207 215 6645
[email protected]
3. Hazardous Installations Directorate (HID) CCA meeting 12/13
October 2005, Buxton
One day conference looking at Seveso (control of major-accident hazards)
implementation and future strategies to enhance consistent compliance,
followed by a site visit to the new Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) site in
Buxton, Derbyshire.
Senior Health and Safety officers
Anton Wilson
0151 951 5772
[email protected]