Ministry of Employment
Ved Stranden 8
DK 1061 Copenhagen K
Tel. +45 33 92 59 00
Fax +45 33 12 13 78
[email protected]
Director of the International
Mrs. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry
Labour Standard Department
4, route des Morillons
CH-1211 Genève
Dear Madam,
With reference to your letter dated March 3, 2005, please find enclosed the Danish
answer to the Observation - concerning Denmark and Convention no. 29 (Forced
Labour) - made by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions
and Recommendations at its meeting held November/December 2004.
Copies are forwarded the social partners in the Danish permanent ILO-Committee.
Yours sincerely
Klaus Pedersen
Danish Ministry of Employment
International Division
tlf. +45 33925829
mob. +45 20135876
fax +45 33132683
May 26, 2005
Our ref.
Your ref.
Nos. ACD 8-1-18/8-2-18-