Udenrigsudvalget 2004-05 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 21
PMGlobal Facility for Repatriation & Durable Solutions
BackgroundUNHCR has identified nine African nations where repatriation is already under way,about to start, or where there are good prospects for return in the near future. Thesenine countries account for at least 2 million refugees and millions more internallydisplaced. Repatriation is also taking place outside Africa – in Afghanistan more than 3million have returned since 2001. Many instruments have been developed to facilitatethis repatriation process, i.a. UNHCR’s Convention+ and UNDP’s Disarmament,Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration. It has also been acknowledged thatinternational burden sharing is needed to cover the costs of proper repatriation.However, there seems to be a need for a mechanism that can both attract funding andensure cooperation amongst the international operational actors. The Facility forRepatriation & Durable Solutions is intended to provide a framework for programmaticcohesiveness, integration and funding. Consequently, it is the hope that this Facility willemerge both as a funding mechanism and as a facilitator for integrating repatriationconcerns and durable solutions into the development process.MandateThe Global Facility for Repatriation & Durable Solutions is a mechanism forinternational cooperation for the purpose of providing new and additional funding tofacilitate repatriation and reintegration of refugees and internally displaced. Activitiesfunded under the Facility will relate to four areas of focus: Repatriation, Rehabilitation,Reintegration and Reconstruction (also known as 4R). In order to retrieve funds fromthe Facility at least two international organisations must apply jointly and presentactivities within the four areas of focus.Set-upThe Facility is set up as a trust fund where partners (donor countries, internationalorganisations, private donors etc.) can contribute. To be eligible as partner, each partnermust commit to the mandate and pay initial contribution of at least X mio. USD to thetrust fund. Replenishment of the trust fund will take place every second year.The administration of the trust fund (Denmark will second a trust fund manager) will beentrusted to one of the funding organisations. There should be a slim governance andadministrative structure.