Uddannelsesudvalget 2004-05 (1. samling)
UDU Alm.del Bilag 109
UDU alm. del - Bilag 109
1240 København K
Vedr. det ændringsforeslag som vil blive fremsat den 3. dec.04 omkring friskoler.
København, 30. november 2004
It would please me, to see that you vote the proposal on changes on free schools on
December the 3rd down.
I was a student in a private school from the age of 4. I went to school there until I was 15. I
am now 18 and I have a job where I have worked for 2 years and it is going great.
The school has a way of teaching which cannot be found in any other school. I have
achieved very much from their system of teaching. The school has not only taught me subjects but
they have also taught me how to study. I use that in everything I study. I am capable of applying
everything I was taught. This is because, with the school's help, I have understood all that they have
taught me.
While I was in school I had gone on a holiday with my family to Los Angeles, United Sates
of America. We were there for 3 weeks. I had a fantastic time. One of the reasons for the great time
I had is that I was able to understand everything. When people were talking, all the signs. There was
nothing I coudn't understand. I would not have been able to do this if the school had not taught me
Som I kan se kan jeg skrive og tale flydende engelsk og dansk. Jeg er dansker og det er mine
forældre også. Som der kan ses på starten af brevet har jeg taget hele folkeskolen på privat skolen
og det har været til min fordel, da jeg nu kan tale og skrive flydende dansk og engelsk.
Med venlig hilsen,
Tidligere elev på privat skole