PE EN EN EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS Wednesday, 16 February 2005, 09H30 –  13H00 60, rue Wiertz – Brussels Paul-Henri Spaak Building Room PHS ? Public Seminar TERRORISM: A CRIME WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT? Draft programme 09h30 - 09h45 Opening of the seminar Mr Franco FRATTINI , (to be confirmed) Vicepresident of the European Commission 09H45 Break 09h50 - 10h20     I. COMMON FEATURES OF THE CRIMES WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Mr Luis MORENO-OCAMPO, (to be confirmed) Prosecutor of the International Criminal Cour (ICC) 10h20 - 10h40 Debate 10h40 Break
2/3 EN 10h45 - 11h15 II.    MAIN FEATURES OF THE CRIME OF TERRORISM Mr Jijs DE VRIES, (to be confirmed) European Union Counter-Terrorism Coordinator 11h.15 - 11h35 Debate 11h35 Break 11h40 - 12h10      III. GROUNDS FOR INCLUDING TERRORISM AMONG THE LIST OF CRIMES WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Mr Baltasar GARZON, (to be confirmed) Magistrate of the Central Criminal Court of the Kingdom of Spain. 12h10 -12h35 Debate 12h35 Break 12h40 -  12h55 IV. CONCLUSIONS Mr Alvaro GIL ROBLES (to be confirmed) Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (to be confirmed) 12h55 - 13h00 CLOSING OF THE SEMINAR. Mr. Jean-Louis BOURLANGES (to be confirmed) President of the commitee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs
OJ\506741ES.doc 3/3 PE 329.906 EN ANNEXE Secrétariat du séminaire Telephone Address electronic address Ramón MARTINEZ (person responsible) European Parliament 89,  rue Belliard Remard, 1J16 1047 Bruxelles [email protected] Eva PICKMANN (Secrétariat) European Parliament 89, rue Belliard Remard, 1J 02 1047 Bruxelles [email protected]