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Phone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - E-mail [email protected]
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Members of the Standing Committee of Heads of
Delegation, Secretaries of Delegation,
Bureau Members
Secretary General Spencer Oliver
Date: 16 December 2004
Re: Theme for Washington Session
After extensive conversations and discussions with Members of the
Assembly and Bureau, the President has decided that the Theme for the
Annual OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will be:
30 Years since Helsinki: Challenges Ahead
Many suggestions were received, some narrow and some broad,
including virtually every aspect of OSCE activity. The most common
suggestion related to the 30th Anniversary of the assigning of the Helsinki Final
Act which, as you know falls on 1 August 2005. Some suggestions would have
fit very nicely with the mandates of one or two of the Committees but
not all three. With this theme, the rapporteurs will have flexibility to adjust
their reports and resolutions to fit the general mandate of their Committee.
Since there are likely to be many commemorative activities looking back
over the last thirty years, it was felt that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
should look to the future rather than the past, thus the reason for Challenges
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Spencer Oliver
Secretary General