DRAFT AGENDA OF THE MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE OSCE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY 24 February 2005, Vienna Thursday 24 February     08:30 – 1.    Call to order by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Alcee Hastings 2.    Adoption of the Agenda 3.    Welcoming address by the President of the Austrian Nationalrat, Mr. Andreas Khol 4.    Remarks by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Mr.   Alcee Hastings 5.    Report on the meeting of the OSCE PA Bureau held on 5 December 2004 in Sofia 6.    Discussion of the results of the Ministerial Council Meeting held on 6-7 December 2004 in Sofia 7.    Report of the Treasurer, Mr. Jerry Grafstein 8.    Report of the Secretary General, Mr. R. Spencer Oliver 9.    Changes in the Rules of Procedure 10. Reports on election monitoring 11. Reports on the work of the Ad Hoc Committees 12. Reports on preparations for future OSCE PA meetings in 2005: Expanded Bureau on 18-19 April in Copenhagen; Sub-Regional Conference from 12- 14 May in Tromsø; Fourteenth Annual Session from 1 -5 July in Washington; Fall Meetings – Committee and Mediterranean Forum) 13. Other business