To: Members of the OSCE PA Secretaries of Delegations Copenhagen, 9 December 2004 WINTER MEETING In  accordance  with  Rule  13  of  the  Rules  of  Procedure,  the  Winter  Meeting  of  the  OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will be held on Thursday, 24 February and Friday, 25 February 2005 in the Congress Center Hofburg in Vienna. The Rules  of Procedure prescribe that “The Winter Meeting shall consist of meetings of the Standing Committee and the General Committees of the Assembly” (Rule 13.3). Please find attached the Draft Programme for the Fourth Winter Meeting. It is suggested that as before, the Winter Meeting start and end with a joint session of the three General Committees, where  the  OSCE  Chair-in-Office  and  the  OSCE  Secretary  General  will  be  invited  to  brief  the Assembly’s  members  on  the  latest  developments  and  activities  of  the  OSCE,  followed  by   a question/answer  session.  Senior  OSCE  Officials  will  do  the  same  in  the  General  Committees, according to their areas of responsibility. In addition, it is expected that the Rapporteurs of the three General  Committees  will  share  with  other  members  of  the  Committees  their  ideas  about  Reports and Draft Resolutions to be presented to the Annual Session in Washington. The OSCE PA Special Representative will also present a report on the gender issue. The OSCE Headquarters in Vienna will be able to provide the OSCE PA with two meeting rooms. Interpretation in all six official OSCE languages will be provided, but no written translation facilities will be available. The International Secretariat has blocked rooms in the Hotels Intercontinental, Marriott, de France, Europa and Astoria. The participants will be directly responsible for their hotel reservations, using  the  Hotel  Reservation  Forms  sent  out  in  November.  A  copy  of  the  Hotel  Reservation  Form should be also sent to the  International Secretariat in Copenhagen  for information. A Registration Form  should  be  filled  out  and  sent  to  the  International  Secretariat  in  Copenhagen,  as  soon  as possible. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Connie Mathiesen from the International Secretariat or Mr. Vitaly Evseyev, Deputy Secretary General. I look forward to seeing you in Vienna. Faithfully yours, R. Spencer Oliver     Secretary General