Europaudvalget 2004-05 (1. samling), Finansudvalget 2004-05 (1. samling)
2612 - økofin Bilag 2, FIU Alm.del Bilag 20
Medlemmerne af Folketingets Europaudvalg
og deres stedfortrædere
1. november 2004
Til underretning for Folketingets Europaudvalg vedlægges Finansministeriets
redegørelse for rådsmøde (økonomi- og finansministre) den 21. oktober
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12 CHM
Referat fra Rådsmødet (ECOFIN) den 21. oktober 2004
D agsordenspunkt:
Stabilitets- og vækstpagten: Proceduren for
uforholdsmæssigt store underskud. Opfølgning på henstilling til
N ederlandene jf. Traktatens artikel 104(7)
Rådet vurderede på grundlag af en orientering fra Kommissionen, at den neder-
landske regering i overensstemmelse med henstillingen af 2. juni 2004 har iværksat
de anbefalede tiltag inden for tidsfristen den 2. oktober 2004 med henblik på sikre,
at budgetunderskuddet i 2005 bliver mindre end 3 pct. af BNP.
D agsordenspunkt:
Stabilitets- og Vækstpagten: Proceduren
for uforholdsmæssigt store underskud. EU-landenes notifikatio-
ner vedr. offentlige budgetsaldi og offentlig gæld.
Kommissionen redegjorde for medlemslandenes offentlig gælds- og budgetsituati-
on. I flere af medlemslandene havde de offentlige finanser udviklet sig mindre gun-
stigt end forudset i stabilitets- og konvergensprogrammerne trods en mere gunstig
konjunkturudvikling end forudset.
Kommissionen redegjorde desuden for problemerne vedrørende de betydelige æn-
dringer i opgørelsen af de græske offentlige finanser, og Rådet vedtog på baggrund
heraf konklusioner (vedlagt). Kommissionen forventer et underskud på 5,3 pct. af
BNP i år. Kommissionen og Eurostat er i færd med at udrede årsagerne til den
mangelfulde statistik som blandt andet skyldes en generel undervurdering af mili-
tærudgifter. Kommissionen forventer at fremlægge en rapport herom inden ECO-
FIN den 16. november.
Kommissionen understregede behovet for at sikre integritet og uafhængighed i den
nationale statistik. Som led i dette arbejde forventer Kommissionen inden udgangen
af 2004 at offentliggøre en meddelelse om et kommende forslag til forbedring af
D agsordenspunkt:
Reform initiativ for bedre
- Metode til måling af
administrative byrder
Rådet vedtog konklusioner (vedlagt) om metode til måling af administrative byrder.
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Rådskonklusionerne hilser et oplæg fra Den Økonomisk-Politiske Komité (EPC)
om en fælles metode til måling af administrative byrder og gennemførelse af pilot-
projekter velkommen. Der er tale om en del af et bredere initiativ, som tager sigte
på at reducere de administrative byrder, der pålægges erhvervslivet i forbindelse
med national- og EU-lovgivning. Endvidere blev kommissionen og medlemslande-
ne opfordret til at overveje udvikling af kvantitative mål for reduktion af de admini-
strative byrder.
Beskyttelse af Fællesskabets finansielle interesser
og bekæmpelse af svig
Kommissionen præsenterede sin årsrapport for beskyttelse af Fællesskabets finan-
sielle interesser og bekæmpelse af svig samt sin handlingsplan for 2004-2005 om
svigbekæmpelse. Kommissionen fremhævede ligeledes behovet for vedtagelse af
forordningen om gensidig administrativ bistand. Rådet blev desuden orienteret om
samarbejdsaftalen med Schweiz om bekæmpelse af svig.
Rådet tog præsentationen til efterretning.
De finansielle perspektiver for 2007-2013
Kommissionen præsenterede uden efterfølgende drøftelse sit forslag vedrørende
rådsafgørelse om egne indtægter. Sagen ventes at blive behandlet på ECOFIN-
mødet i november. Rådet drøftede herefter en række af Kommissionens fleksibili-
tetsforslag. Der var bred enighed om behovet for budgetdisciplin, og at de nuvæ-
rende fleksibilitetsinstrumenter var tilfredsstillende. Rådet drøftede desuden forslag
til en vækstfond. Der var en bred afvisning af at give mulighed for at anvende ufor-
brugte midler til strukturfonde på andre EU-initiativer.
Rådet vedtog uden drøftelse rådskonklusioner (vedlagt) om opfølgning på hand-
lingsplanen for risikokapital.
Formandskabet redegjorde under frokosten for status vedr. de finansielle perspek-
tiver 2007-2013.
Endvidere gjorde Præsidenten for Verdensbanken James Wolfensohn status i for-
hold til opfyldelsen af ”Millennium Development Goals” herunder EU’s Barcalon-
amålsætning for 2006.
Rådskonklusioner vedrørende græsk budgetstatistik
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“The Council conducted a thorough discussion on the revisions of Greek fiscal
data. It recalled the concerns expressed by Ministers during their informal meet-
ing on 10/11 September. The Ecofin Council took note of the Commission’s
information note on the fiscal notification data of Greece.
The Council welcomed the Commission’s initiative for and looked forward to a
detailed report on Greece’s deficit and debt data back to 1997 to be presented
after examination by the EFC as soon as possible. The Council acknowledged
the willingness and efforts of the Greek authorities to work with the Commission
to clarify issues and urged them to supply all necessary data to finalise the re-
port before the next meeting of the Ecofin Council. On this basis, it will be pos-
sible for the Council and the Commission as well as the Greek government to
draw the necessary consequences each in its domain, to improve the quality of
budgetary data as a matter of priority in order to avoid future problems. Revi-
sions of budgetary data, similar to those that have now been detected in the
case of Greece, must not occur again in the Community.”
Rådskonklusioner vedrørende metode til måling af administrative byrder
“The Council supports the development of a common European methodology to
measure the administrative burden of EU legislation and regulation, as one of
the elements for use in microeconomic assessment of specific new initiatives or
for simplification of existing legislation and in order to improve the evaluation of
policy decisions and results. Ministers agreed that a common European meth-
odology should be based, inter alia, on the recommendations by the EPC and
that the method could be similar, but not necessarily identical, to the Standard
Cost Model (SCM), depending on the results of future pilot projects.
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The Council (Ecofin) welcomes the intention of the Commission to present
shortly a communication on this issue. It invites the Commission to continue the
development of a common methodology, among others by setting up pilot pro-
jects to determine the technical characteristics of the methodology and its appli-
cation both in ex ante and ex post cases. The pilot phase and the successful
application of a method in the EU will require active collaboration by the Mem-
ber States. Ministers agreed to assist the Commission by providing, on request,
the necessary information to carry out assessments. The Council invites the
Commission to present and implement a common European methodology for
the measurement of Administrative Burdens as soon as possible in 2005, after
completion of the pilot phase. It also invites the Commission and the member
states to consider developing quantitative objectives for the reduction of the
administrative burden on business in selected areas at a later stage.
The Council (Ecofin) will return to the topic of regulation, in particular the
issue of competitiveness testing, later in the year. The Council considers it
important that the 2005 Spring European Council should return to this topic
in the context of the Lisbon Mid-Term Review.”
Rådskonklusioner vedrørende opfølgning af handlingsplan for risikokapital
"The Council welcomes the report of the FSC and emphasises the vital role of
risk capital markets for providing equity financing to high-growth small and me-
dium-sized companies, and thus for job creation and the development of a vi-
brant entrepreneurial culture in the EU. Efficient risk capital markets are a key
contribution to a competitive, innovative, dynamic EU economy in accordance
with the Lisbon strategy.
The Council recognises that further work is needed, by the Commission and
Member States as appropriate, to address the complex and multidisciplinary
nature of risk capital markets. Their interaction with a diverse array of policies
(regarding e.g. R&D and innovation, encouragement of entrepreneurship, fos-
tering an SME-friendly environment, social and regional policy, competition is-
sues, taxation, employment, Community financial instruments) should be
properly taken into account.
In particular, the Council:
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welcomes the Commission’s plans of continuing to closely follow devel-
opments in the European risk capital market, identifying discrepancies
and carrying out further analysis of aspects of the market where ineffi-
ciencies remain; this should cover the whole financial chain, from seed
investment to exit mechanisms. Opportunities for exit are greatly en-
hanced if there are wellfunctioning and liquid European-wide capital
markets. In this respect, the full implementation of the FSAP and its con-
tinuation in the future are crucial.
encourages enhanced co-operation between all services and institutions
concerned at Community/National/Regional levels; therefore, recom-
mends that further efforts are made, inter alia by means of a consistent
approach at Member States level, to address existing failures and barri-
ers to the development of risk capital markets, on both the supply and
demand sides, including by the sharing of best practices.
finds that the impact of European legislation on risk capital markets
should be properly taken into account when improving and simplifying
the regulatory framework. Noting differences between various Directives
currently in force as to the restrictions posed on investments by institu-
tional investors, the Council invites the Commission to evaluate the ef-
fects of the current rules for investing in private equity/venture capital in
the Life Assurance Directive and to take into account the possibilities for
investing in venture capital in the review of the UCITS Directive, which is
foreseen in the Directive for 2005.
welcomes the intention of the Commission to review state-aid policy for
risk capital.
finds that the new EU framework of capital adequacy rules implementing
the Basel II accord should appropriately take into account the EU lower
risk-profile specificity of risk-capital investments via sufficiently diversi-
fied portfolios and stresses that it shall give special consideration to this
factor in the legislative process leading to the new Capital Adequacy