Nyt fra E u r o p a r å d e t
Opdatering december
og kalender 2005
Pressemeddelelse DK 15/04, 22.dec ember 2004
Council of Europe promotes the right to reply for online media
Strasbourg, 17.12.2004 The Council of Europes Committee of Ministers has a dopted a Recommendation
on the right to reply in the new media environment.
The Recommendation urges member states to extend the right to reply which until now applied to the
written press, radio and television to online communication services providi ng information edited in a
journalistic manner.
The right to reply is a particularly appropriate remedy in the online environment, as contested information
can be instantly corrected and replies from those concerned can easily be attached.
The Recommendation specifically states that if contested information remains available to the public, and if
a right to reply has been granted, a link should be established between the two items in order to draw users
attention to the fact that the information has triggered a response.
The drafting of the Recommendation by the Steering Committee on the Mass Media was the subject of a
widespread public consultation process, which took place via the Council of Europe website. A large number
of observations were duly taken into account.
The full text of the Recommendation can be found at the following address:
Adoption of the Council of Europes budget for 2005
Strasbourg, 15.12.2004 The Council of Europe Ministers Deputies have today adopted the Organisations
budget for 2005. The member states contribution to the Ordinary Budget will amount to €186 million (as
opposed to €180.5 mill ion in 2004).
The Organisation now has a realistic budget in the current circumstances. Generally speaking, it reflects a
desire for zero budgetary growth in real terms, said Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis.
The Secretary General noted that the main thrust of the Organisations priorities for 2005 had been fixed by
the Committee of Ministers before he took up office. He also pointed out that 2005 would see the Summit of
Heads of State and Government in Warsaw on 16 and 17 May, which would determine the strategic
objectives of the Council of Europe in the medium term. The 2005 programme of activities reflected what
member states wanted from the Organisation and placed particular emphasis on combating threats to
democratic stability, including terrorism, and to reinforcing democratic values through education, Mr Davis
For the third time, the resources of the European Court of Human Rights will be increased in the framework
of the three-year programme to reinforce its finances. The Courts budget for 2005 will rise to € 41.7 million,
representing a growth of 4.8% compared to 2004, and 64% since the creation of the single Court on 1
November 1998, he concluded.