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Pressemeddelelse DK 14/04, 29. november 2004
Council of Europe statement on the presidential elections in Ukraine
Warsaw, 23.11.2004 The Chairman of the Council of Europes Commit tee of Ministers Wodzimierz
Cimoszewicz, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly Peter Schieder and the Secretary General Terry
Davis express their deep concern about the irregularities observed during the presidential elections in
Ukraine. These irregularities have increased significantly in the second round as confirmed by numerous
independent observers and increased considerably the risk of a serious political crisis in Ukraine because
many Ukrainians do not accept the results announced by the Ukrainian Central Electoral Commission.
The Council of Europe also expresses its appreciation of the maturity which Ukrainians have demonstrated
during the first and second rounds of the presidential elections - a maturity confirmed by the high turnout.
Ukrainian society has clearly proved its attachment to the principles of democracy.
The Council of Europe appeals to all political forces in Ukraine to refrain from using force in this crisis
The Council of Europe also stresses that there is a need to observe the constitutional norms, to make,
together with the OSCE, a common review of the elections and to announce the honest result of the elections.
A failure to observe the principles of democracy will be met by clear opposition of the international public
opinion and the majority of the Ukrainian society. This will engulf the country in a political and social crisis
and will also distance Ukraine from the path towards European values and principles.
Second round of Ukrainian election failed to address election irregularities and
lacked transparency
KYIV, 22 November 2004 - The second round of the presidential election in Ukraine on 21 November did
not meet a considerable number of OSCE commitments, Council of Europe and other European standards for
democratic elections. As in the first round, state executive authorities and the Central Election Commission
displayed a lack of will to conduct a genuine democratic election process, concluded the International
Election Observation Mission in a preliminary statement released today.
Between the two rounds, the Mission reported cases of public sector employees and students being pressured
to support the current Prime Minister, Mr. Viktor Yanukovyich. Nevertheless, a vibrant civil society
demonstrated once again a high level of interest and engagement. Despite serious shortcomings in the
process the second round of the election offered voters a choice, although campaign conditions were not
With a even heavier heart than three weeks ago, I have to r epeat the message from the first round; this
election did not meet a considerable number of international standards for democratic elections, said Mr.
Bruce George, President emeritus of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the Special Co-ordinator for the
short-term observers. The deficiencies have not been addressed. The abuse of state resources in favor of the
Prime Minister continued as well as an overwhelming media bias in his favor.
The Head of the delegation from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Mr. Doros
Christodoulides, said: There were some encouraging aspects which we did not see in the first round, such as
a televised debate of the main candidates on state TV and redress, even if only partial, to the imbalanced